caulfield / Comments

  • Right?! It's already a thousand times better. My mom's being a lot nicer, and everyone's just been in a better mood. I'm loving 2012, who cares if the world ends? It's not like the Mayans have lied to us before.../sarcasm
    January 2nd, 2012 at 05:40am
  • Happy New Year! :D

    I'm so happy 2011 is over. It was a pretty awful year.
    January 1st, 2012 at 10:39pm
  • Well, they use them enough outside of class, I don't see the issue. It's just words, you don't really have to get offended and butthurt. Yeah, it's unprofessional, but if you're teaching a class of like, 30 students with an okayish wage, then you can lack in professionalism. Speak the language of the students, and chances are, they'll be more interested.
    December 30th, 2011 at 06:05pm
  • Oh my god, if I ever become a teacher, I'd pick all the books with the swear words. I get giddy with the idea(:
    December 30th, 2011 at 07:18am
  • Oh gosh, I have a teacher like that. Sort of. My English teacher always asks us before she actually swears. We were reading The Odyssey a month or two ago, and there was a part she was trying to explain her feelings on, and she was like "Can I swear?" Naturally, everyone was like YES. except for the teacher's pet (she's legitimately a teacher's pet, not even kidding. Goodie two-shoes with the ass-kissing attitude) so the teacher told her to cover her ears, and then she was like "Well, wouldn't you think that's an 'oh shit that's a lot of water' situation? I mean, [i]really[/i]." It was pretty hysterical.
    December 29th, 2011 at 09:27pm
  • Ehh, it wasn't too awkward, but they kept swearing and I was hoping she didn't hear. I tried to be quiet, and I didn't swear as much as I normally do.

    Awwwh, poor brother! Check it out online? :3
    More often than not, the answer lays within the glorious depths of the internet. Oh sweet, sweet internet, it makes life easier.
    December 29th, 2011 at 05:30pm
  • Nothing much. I went to see War Horse last night with a few friends; fabulous movie, but my Computer Apps. teacher and her husband were in the row behind us, awkwardness ensued. But not really, 'cause she didn't see me and she's my favorite teacher this year. And I've been wasting my entire week reading Gale/Madge fanfics from The Hunger Games. I lead a dull life.

    December 29th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • Believe me, if I want to pass, all I'm counting on is luck.
    December 27th, 2011 at 09:17pm
  • I know they're trying to get us interested, but I mean...dissection? Please, no.

    I think it'll be like that, but everyone will have to do [i]something[/i] on the rat. And the writing down will probably done towards the end or something.
    December 27th, 2011 at 06:08am
  • Exactly. Save it for college courses, jeez, if you have to do it. Ugh, I do [i]not[/i] want to dissect a rat.
    December 27th, 2011 at 05:57am
  • I, for one, also hope he got rid of it for humanity's sake. That's terrifying, I know I wouldn't put it on if that were the case.
    December 27th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • Ohhh. I thought the whole liver was there, I was about to freak out, man. Yeah, I'd probably wash the sweater a few thousand times and donate it to charity once it shrinks. Goodness, I'd be mortified. I'll watch out for rat liver this semester then.
    December 27th, 2011 at 05:41am
  • It was rather fabulous, thank you(:

    December 27th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

    I'll need it(:
    It is rather expensive, isn't it? And that's true; I'll probably have to share one with my sister when she's old enough to drive.

    Oh gross. I'll beg my teacher to let me being rubber gloves; I don't want to touch a dead rat. That's pretty brave of you, though.
    December 27th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • Lmao, well, teaching kids to drive ain't cheap. I start Driver's Ed when we come back from winter break.

    Oh gross. Nasty nasty nasty nasty. I'd get sick and probably die inside or something. I wouldn't have done any work.
    December 22nd, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • Really? I'm surprised, I kinda assumed all schools had the Driver's Education part built in somehow. But that's fair.

    I just can't stand science, period. I don't like it, honestly. I'd much prefer being holed up in a room with books than a lab with cells.
    December 20th, 2011 at 07:41pm
  • Grading?!
    I wish I was in this class! Instead, I have Driver's Ed and swimming. -sigh-

    Why do people do that to pigs? Pigs are disgusting, they gross me out. Nooooo. I just don't want to dissect anything. I can handle another frog, though.

    Ah, I see. I'm passing all of my classes, so I'm in the clear, but Bio's a C and there's virtually no way I can bring it up to a B- so I've given up. Tomorrow, I take my last two and then I'm free[=
    December 20th, 2011 at 02:35am
  • PE assistant?
    My god, there's no way I'd be able to do that. I get tired just walking a mile. Goodness gracious girlie, you've got a lot of nerve. What was it like?

    Very true. We'll see her true colors soon enough if there's something to worry about after all.

    Oh gross. Gross. Gross. Gross. I have to dissect one next semester. ://
    Finals. Not much fun, have to go in and present my presentation early tomorrow morning 'cause we ran out of time. Dammit. And my worst subject, biology, is supposed to be super hard. I give uppppppp. -flails-
    December 20th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • That doesn't really sound like psychology to me...?
    That does sound kinda pointless, but I'm assuming it was an easy A?

    I'm sure Sarah was just making sure no one pounced on her man. If I were her, I'd calm down a bit; she's the one wearing the engagement ring, no? But I get it. I basically sat there like, "Hmmm, that's ironic, she was dating another band guy. Weeeiiiird." But then ultimately, I realized, if I haven't heard of her until then, she couldn't have gotten [i]that[/i] much publicity, so it was all good.
    December 19th, 2011 at 05:32am
  • I see. The psychology teacher at our school also is one of the World Studies teachers, I have him right now. I think he's the only one who teaches it, and he's a pretty easy teacher. He makes us take surveys for his psychology class, they're often kinda hard to answer since it's psychology and all. I hope it's not hard, but I can't take it until I'm at least a junior.

    I sat there cursing my life and then turned on Sarah Smiles, awwwhhhed the whole time, and then got over it. She's kinda impossible to hate. Everyone was like 'oh my god, she's such a biiiiitch, she's just using him for the fame and showing him off because he's famous' (she dated Taylor York from Paramore at some point, I believe. Well, someone from Paramore). She doesn't even get that much fame out of his career, so I doubt she's as bad as they say. They're just jelly-bellies.
    December 19th, 2011 at 01:49am