Dannie Blaze!! / Comments

  • Thanks for the comment!! I appreciate it! I like the story too:)
    December 8th, 2010 at 08:32pm
  • your welcome(:
    October 6th, 2010 at 02:34pm
  • Hahaha no problem!
    I'm sure lots of people are reading and loving it!
    You know I've loved it since I first read Your Tears Don't Fall! :-)
    June 3rd, 2010 at 10:13pm
  • I heart you Dannie! Te amo girl. :D
    April 18th, 2010 at 12:42pm
  • caz of val's screaming and i love the part in the song, when matt stops screaming and he's pretty much talking when he says "This can't be happening.Why is this happening?Who the fuck are you?Who the fuck. Are you?"
    Haha idk why i like that part so much lol. yeah i love those two songs too :)
    March 9th, 2010 at 05:01am
  • The Art of Subconcious Illusion. what about you???
    March 5th, 2010 at 01:56am
  • alright i guess lol :)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 02:14am
  • haha your welcome. how are you?? :D
    February 26th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • Holy shit thats cold! what was it for?
    December 6th, 2009 at 09:47am
  • Woo! So just pulled an all-nighter dude! Haha, been up since 11:45 am yesterday! Woot! Gonna be so fucked this evening! Haha

    It totally would man, it totally would! But you'd have to have the money for it \= and it depends on what you wanna study and shit so yeah haha ^-^
    And it definitly will happen! Gah! If it doesn't I'm gonna go all ka-razy on whatever stopped it from happening! Hehe ^-^

    Fo sho man, fo sho! Haha
    And that's true, that's true, but letters take up so much more time when written, especially with writing cramp in your hand... ewie, I always get it haha, 'cause I press on the paper too hard \=
    And this is true! Haha, woot for the instant shizz! Makes me think of noodles... damnit, I want noodles now and we're fresh outta noddles over here man!

    Hehe ^-^ am I really that predictable?
    And I have no idea, honestly, I wrote a bucket list a while back and one of the things I wanted to do was work out what I have against the French... haven't been able to cross it off yet... so yeah \=

    Haha, nice, yeah, I'm just really used to street names and shit then reading yours I'm like, "the fuck man?" haha, but Surf Drive sounds about right haha, seeing as it is a surfing community... for the most part haha ^-^
    And maybe Dannie, maybe ^-^

    Haha, nice ^-^ and really? Haha, that kinda sounds like all the students that are flatting on each side of my house haha ^-^ they never check their mail it's funny as

    Haha, it so does though ^-^ and in all honesty I'm not into the whole beating people up idea... I'll just do it if they piss me off enough haha ^-^
    And this is true... although Atreyu 'Becoming the Bull', there is that haha ^-^ although I don't think it woiuld be all that appropriate hehe

    Hehe, yay! ^-^

    And nooooo... but I'ma get on his case once he moves back into his place haha, which is like... 20 houses down the road... literally! Haha
    Noooo haha, my brother's been staying with me 'cause my parents are away in Australia, and they don't like leaving me at home overnight without anyone else there... so yeah, he's just temporarly living with me until... today actually! Haha
    Hehe, same! It's gonna be so cool, we've got almost everything too! And I forced Ash to write you a letter also haha ^-^
    December 5th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Haha, same here man, same here ^-^
    And nice, I'd be soooo thankful haha, and I'd probably get all over excited and shit haha ^-^
    And fair enough I guess haha, maybe one day in the future! ^-^

    True, true ^-^

    Yay! Haha ^-^
    And that's true haha, you are rather special! ^-^ Haha
    Fair enough, I prefer typing personally! ^-^ That shit's quicker haha

    And this is true haha, but I'm not quite as cool with the whole French ancestor idea haha, god damn French bastards! Haha ^-^

    Sweet! And I is going to answer your message in here haha ^-^
    So here goes:

    Names are easier to remember than numbers which is good I guess, but eh, whatever, NZ is smaller than the state of California, so yeah ^-^ it's fair enough that we have words hehe
    And nice one man, our post never goes to the wrong place... unless it's got the wrong address of course! ^-^ Seeing as there is no other place with the same address haha
    Haha, my last name sucks bum dude, seriously, I get so much shit for it... well not so much now 'cause I beat some dude up for calling me names a while back haha

    And I've written the letter! Haha! I am so proud of myself! Haha, and I printed out a version just in case you can't read it ^-^
    And tomorrow... well later today I'm gonna go get the box me and Ash are sending all the shit we have for you in... although I don't think it'll have the A7X DVD's 'cause I've gotta get my brother to sort it out and he's currently living at my house without his computer haha ^-^ but yeah ^-^ getting the box and other shizz tomorrow!
    December 2nd, 2009 at 01:45pm
  • sucky, converves r great
    November 25th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • Haha, I've comepltely lost you there man ^-^
    Haha, yeah man, then you could see me get all sad and heartbroken 'cause I couldn't afford something there haha, apparently it's a funny thing to watch ^-^
    Yay! And I got's it haha, and definitly creapy stalkers man ^-^ all the way haha

    Haha, I am totally excited too man! ^-^ It's gonna be the shizz!
    Wow... you're address is so long and... numbery haha
    Typical man, typical... although it's so much cooler writing (or typing) that than New Zealand haha

    And yes, your accent would totally be radder than ours haha! Ours sucks ass... specially mine and Ash's... we got asked if we were Canadian the other day! It was so sad haha, but now we just take the piss outta it! ^-^
    So I'm suposidly Canadian haha

    And I shall send you my address, purley 'cause I'm awesome, and I [i]would[/i] send oyu Ash's, but I don't remember it off by heart haha ^-^
    November 25th, 2009 at 03:41am
  • Dannie!!!
    Hey, what's up? Long time no talk, eh? lol
    What have you been up to?
    November 23rd, 2009 at 06:23am
  • Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'll be updating as soon as i can.
    November 22nd, 2009 at 10:05am
  • Haha, probably ^-^ you'd be harrased by everyone at school 'cause of your accent though haha
    But dude, so come to one of our coleges, like, Massey in Palmerston North, or Wellington! Haha, they're both close enough to each other!
    And I know what you mean haha, it would be fucking random as haha... then again it would be easier 'cause it'd be worse when we actually meet haha ^-^
    Haha, sweet, then again I have this stupidly old school English styled linked writing most of the time haha ^-^ And I've gotta send you your DVDs and CDs! Haha... dude, gimme your address and I'll get Ash to rip everything and I'll send 'em over! ^-^ And all this NZ shit that we have, 'cause me and Ash are talking and goin' on 'bout it! Haha
    November 21st, 2009 at 04:06am
  • lol :P
    November 21st, 2009 at 03:53am
  • Haha, actually that would work out really well
    November 18th, 2009 at 03:41am
  • Yay! Haha ^-^
    Haha, fair enough dude, school is pretty damn sucky... and you have another year and a half! Haha ^-^ I feel rather sorry for you man... you should go on an exchange to NZ! ^-^
    Haha, I'd love to come visit you man! But I'm saving my money for when me and Ash make the big move to Cali! ^-^
    So you should come here instead! Once you've finished school, and you could try and get into College here! And you could live with me or Ash! And other cool shit! And you'd be able to drink when you turn 18 instead of 21! And I'm rambling haha ^-^
    But mailing each other things... that means you'd have to attempt to read my messy as fuck writing... I like it! Let's do it! Haha ^-^ or if you really wanted I could call you, seeing as my dad's work pays for all our phone calls! ^-^
    November 18th, 2009 at 03:23am
  • Haha what am I gonna do with you Dannie
    November 16th, 2009 at 03:41am