Dannie Blaze!! / Comments

  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Haha, yay! But the biggest thing I think will be us actually being on at the same time haha, with the time difference and all ^-^
    But yes, our comments are rather tiring at times haha ^-^
    Yay! Then I can gush over them for no reason at all haha ^-^
    Wow... I do smiley faces a lot hehe

    Yeah, it bloats me to the max if I drink too much (which is like a glass) and that aqnooys me so I just drink fruit juice instead ^-^
    Haha, wine is alright... if you get the good stuff... or the really shitty, ceap stuff hehe... but you don't like the liquor? Wow... that's actually pretty cool haha ^-^ wish I thought that way 'bout it hehe
    Haha, and Monster... one day I [i]will[/i] try that stuff... but untill then, I shall just feed my Red Bull addiction hehe ^-^

    Haha, I saw! And, yeah, I only managed to get my jewelary like, a couple of weeks before the ball actually happened haha, as well as my shoes o.0
    Yay! Haha'

    Awww, really? Well, there ya go then haha, if anything to do with bands ever work out bad and we somehow meet up and create one, we're sorted with Rhythm and Lead guitarists! ^-^
    Haha, yeah, I guess they [i]are[/i] pretty cool, but yeah, for me, it's just solos man... they're like... the [b]God[/b] of a song, you just can't have a song completely right without one, y'know?
    Hehe... rambled a bit about 'em there ^-^ but oh well, typical me thing to do haha

    Haha, it does get a bit like that with kit... but if you're really cool and play Timpani like me, then the only leg excercise you have to do is standing up haha ^-^

    Apparently... not sure what we will, but we will ^-^

    Ohhh, likey the idea of heat stroke, but you could always make yourself get dehydration like I do... that happens a lot actually... o.0 probably should work on that haha
    But yeah, I wouldn't wanna be stepped on! Then it would ruin my pretty face!! ^-^

    Haha, until you realize that us New Zealanders are really complete mongrels and yeah ^-^ we're just awesome haha, no idea where that came from seeing as we're one of the most violent races in the world... damn... sucks for us ^-^

    Nice haha ^-^ and in like, 6 months and 6 days I will have been able to get it for like 2 whole years! Haha

    Haha, yeah, I tried doing that, but I jsut couldn't get into it y'know? But oh well, I did in fact see the movie... and actually understood the point of it even though there isn't one ^-^

    Same... \=
    August 5th, 2009 at 10:08am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Yay! last bit of our stupidly long comments ^-^

    Haha, this is true ^-^

    And it really does... well mostly because it's like piles of it haha ^-^


    Nice! Haha, and I totally realized that I've mentioned going to Green Day more than once hehe ^-^

    Yup, yup

    Haha, nice! Yeah, I've got to work out how I'm actually gonna write it and stuff haha, so yeah, it'll be a while 'till I'm actually gonna have anything written on it ^-^

    Haha, you shall, you shall, I've wirtten like... 8 chapters for it... but I'm gonna have about halp of it written before I start posting and stuff ^-^

    Yay! Haha, well at least you have a computer in your room and stuff... I have to use my mothers \= haha
    August 2nd, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Hahahaha, yeah, well it [i]is[/i] kinda hard to work with my name too, which doesn't help much hehe ^-^

    I have no idea... damn we're really not good with this memory thing haha

    Hmmm, I don't blame you... but seriously it's like, *shudders from feeling too closed in* haha ^-^
    Yay! Haha, well yay if you ever manage to break me out hahaha ^-^

    Haha, we were on about if we were in a band what we would think if the fans wrote fan-fics 'bout us ^-^
    Haha, I've had one for ages, just haven't mentioned it ^-^


    Haha, surfers are thee best! After punks... 'cause apparently that's what I am ^-^

    Haha, that [i]would[/i] be awesome, but guess what! Guess what! I'm goin to Auckland to see Green Day! Going to see Green Day! Gah, I'm so excited... even though it's like 4 months away hehe ^-^

    Haha, that it would be ^-^

    Hmm, this is ture haha ^-^
    August 2nd, 2009 at 11:41pm
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Haha, yay! I still haven't watched it \= I haven't really had the time... which sucks ass \'=

    And yay! Anything by them is god-damn awesome haha! ^-^

    Haha, you did already tell me that, but I'm still confused, is that early spring/early summer in the US? Haha, 'cause yeah ^-^ we have opposite seasons

    Yay! Haha, I don't really like wine... or water for that matter o.0

    Haha, nice, but yay! Haha, then you can look at the photos I've managed to scrounge from our school ball, man that was a good night ^-^

    Haha, that's what i usually do, but yeah, still working on the amp idea, so I'll wait till I get one to go completely crazy with guitar solos (god i love playing 'em!) ^-^

    Hahaha, nice! But that's aweome! Haha, 'cause seriously precussion is thee bast thing EVER, not 'the', 'thee' haha ^-^
    I don't actually know, I'm able to sing and play okay-ish, but I guess it all comes with practice, like most things really...
    Haha, we shall, we shall! ^-^

    Haha, that one works too ^-^ although it would be nice if the dying thing didn't happen at all, and we just replaced it with fainting... that sounds better haha ^-^

    Haha, nice, well the States are still doing better than NZ... but then again thinking about it, I realize that it's obvious because NZ is smaller than the state of California haha ^-^ so we have less people and so on and so on ^-^
    Awesome! Haha, I [i]still[/i] haven't got mine.. and I've been able to get it for over a year hehe ^-^
    Haha ^-^
    Nice!! ^-^ Grr faces are the best, especially Brian's they're extremely funny haha

    Yay! Haha, awesome movie haha, and I still haven't finished reading it hehe ^-^

    Same... but I can't help it most of the time...
    August 2nd, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • Derpina.

    Derpina. (100)

    =] I noticed violet starts with a V and so does victory. Haha I'm totally putting that in the thread. And then maybe my sig lol.
    July 17th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • Derpina.

    Derpina. (100)

    Bahahaha lmfao "our members are pretty.....special."

    I loved that. =] Hope your enjoying school!
    July 15th, 2009 at 11:16am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    And I totally forgot to reply to the stuff about my page! Gah, I'm so silly haha... then again I was half asleep hehe

    But yay! You likey my page! Haha
    Haha, yeah I've wanted to write one of those typical dating stories for fuckin ages haha, but to be honest the story I'm really, really, really looking forward to writing is 2000 Light Years Away, I'm so excited for it haha, 'cause the plot I've got goin' on for it, seriously amazing! ^-^
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:08am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    No, haha, I have no idea what you're on about haha, then again I am now exhausted from lifting fucking paperwork... seriously after 4 hours it starts to get heavy!!! ^-^ But then again, I get paid to pretty much work out hahaha


    Ummm, I can't remember actually haha

    Yup, yup ^-^

    Awesome! Haha, but yeah, they're playing in Auckland haha, but that's cool 'cause me and a couple of mates are all goin' together haha ^-^
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:04am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Oh my gosh, so just came up with an awesome gangsta name for you! It's so awesome that it'd kick Zacky Vengeance's attempted gangsta ass! (Then again, he's funny when he's tryin' ta be all gangsta ^-^)
    Wait... I really should tell you the name shouldn't I? ...hehe forgot that bit, 'cause I got a bit excited there hehe
    Anyways, it's D-Dawg... even though it's probably been thought of... \= wow, that's a depressing thought... but it's still ultimate! ^-^

    Anyways hehe ^-^

    Ahhh!!! This just get's better and better! (Although I'm not entirley sure why!?!?! ^-^)

    Wow, that sucks dude... that's like the Friday before I start... but I'd be starting when it's only like... Sunday for you... 'cause of the whole time-zone thing-y... and stuff \= god that's depressing... 'sepcially since they put up a fucking fence around our school now! It seriously makes me feel caged in like some zoo animal or something... grrr \= it annoys me...

    I know! It'd be like, dude, I'm liked enough by my fans that they actually use me in their stories! Damn that's awesome! Haha ^-^ But then again I wouldn't wanna go too far and stuff... with the whole get with your bandmates thing... but then again... I dunno...
    Yes, it is.... gonna continue this later! After work! Yay! Money! ^-^
    Back!!! Yay! I've earned roughly $120 in the last week ^-^
    Anyways! Haha ^-^

    Yup, yup ^-^


    Totally... god that's so surfer haha ^-^

    Haha, yup, and I know! It's like, haha, shame you guys are dicks, but in an awesome way! Haha ^-^

    Haha, yeah well, I wouldn't really bother with one of them here, 'cause it's shit and the other is one just for skiing and snowboarding in the middle of the city, that one I wanna go to... but I don't think I'm gonna be able to for a while... I don't really go to Auckland all that often haha ^-^

    Damn straight! Haha ^-^

    Awesome! Haha, then we'd all get drunk of like... tons and tons of them and be like, "yer, we're freakin' awesome!" haha

    Ummm, why I always call him Brian instead of Syn or Synyster and stuff haha ^-^ At least that's what I think it was about
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:01am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Haha, it hasn't been tooo long since I commented you! ^-^
    But I'm trying to get a hold of some at the moment, god it was amazing! Haha, I had mismatched socks, with sandles overtop and I even had a wine bottle in a paper bag! ...even though it only had water in it \=
    But yay! New Mexico! Haha ^-^ Never been there hehe

    Tis, tis ^-^
    But dude, that is fucking cool... but you're also making me feel slightly bad, 'cause I've been neglecting Dodger (my sex-worthy g-tar) but I just haven't had the time or the patitence for her lately \=
    Hmmm... I think if you had the time and stuff you could get pretty alright at it haha, there really isn't a particular technique you have to use for it... well I don't use one ^-^
    But you should! Then you'll have to join the unidentified cult that is precussion!
    I don't actually know if there is one which is why it's unidentified, and yeah, it sounded epic in my head ^-^

    Haha, I think I'd stay alive for the show, pretty much pick apart the way they all play, then go to the meet-and-greet, [b]then[/b] die! With the knowledge that I had spoken to at least one of them for a moment! ^-^ haha

    Awesome! Hehe, I so just sang that word in my head when I read that you'd get the url hehe ^-^
    Haha, that too! Haha, NZ at the moment isn't doing [i]too[/i] bad, but that's 'cause we still haven't stopped with the spending to get luxuries hehe ^-^ Go us New Zealanders and our sillyness

    Haha, that I did! That I did, and it happened a couple of days go, not too long 'cause I got completely bored with seeing the same thing all the time, all the fucking time *shakes head*
    So just pulled a stupid face while writing that last bit ^-^

    ...reading... it? What was i meant to be reading? I seriously can't remember... and it's like 8 in the morning (8.41 to be exact) so I'm still like, "sleeeeeeeeeeep!"
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Gah, tis annoying! \=

    Hmmm..... maybe I dunno \=
    Haha, yeah I agree ^-^

    Haha! It's awesome as! Haha

    Yes, it's all better now! Haha ^-^

    Oh. My. Gosh. Get me a photo of them damnit! Haha, they sound awesome ^-^

    And guess what! Guess what!

    I'm going to see Green Day! In December! Oh my gosh! I'm so freakin excited! They're like the first band I even got into!!! ^-^
    July 9th, 2009 at 04:24am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    Well, that is good now isn't it? Haha

    I can't remember... ^-^

    Still can't \=

    Haha, nice! I can never sleep through the alarms I have... well my phone I can haha, but not my radio one ^-^
    And this is true... oh! I'm on holidays at the moment! Yay! But only till the end of next week \=

    Yes, I agree! Haha, I put them in but with really small font so if people say something I'll be like, it's so there dude, so fuck you!
    But yeah, it's just silly, the only thing people are doing is using them as characters, they're not taking the actualy people and putting them into the situations and stuff... so it's just silly... and yeah... debative ^-^
    Yup, yup

    Yes, yes, I know! Haha, it'll be amazing! Haha, and we could get photos then trade them ane be all like, they did this different... and I'm rambling again! ^-^

    Yay! Spin me right round - Dead or Alive! Freakin amazing song! Haha

    Anyways back to the comment ^-^

    Haha, I have no idea ^-^ and this is true haha
    Ohhh haha, fair enough haha, although that sounds like me on a normal day! ^-^

    Hahahahaha, nice! ^-^

    Well that's good then! And put them on YouTube too! So that people can laugh at us ^-^
    And so would I haha, say if it was in like, Norway or something haha ^-^

    Haha, nice... yay! Theme park! We have like... 2 here in NZ... and they're all in Auckland \=

    Same hehe

    Haha, yeah! Damn I'm looking forward to these Janga games with Skittles... and girly drinks too? I think those should be included ^-^

    Hmmm, it appears so \= It was only about Brian though haha ^-^
    July 9th, 2009 at 04:21am
  • Hero.Zero

    Hero.Zero (100)

    New Zealand
    *Sighs* Finally commenting back... even though I did go to do it a couple of weeks ago... but the internet at achool wasn't working \= so I couldn't... then I was all busy with setting up a catering thing... which I got to dress as a hobo for!!! ^-^ Was amazing! Haha... and then the internet didn't work, and I've only just gotten up from sleeping ^-^

    Haha, drums are awesome as haha ^-^ I'm actually able to play right handed slightly better and less un-co now! Gah, it's so exciting! ^-^
    Aw, dude, why not? Precussion is like, [i]the[/i] greatest thing to play! 'Cause you just get to hit stuff and, ah, it's just so amazing! ^-^

    Well that's good then ^-^ Haha

    Fair enough haha, all of their music is worth buying ^-^ And then it gives them more money to tour with and so they travel around playing shows... and I was rambling there hehe ^-^
    Well that sounds promising haha ^-^
    Yeah, that would be amazing I think haha, it would be awesome to see live I am thinking ^-^
    Hmmm.... you never know, that [b]did[/b] do Diamonds in the Rough recently, so maybe they will make a mixed album... who knows... ^-^
    Well thats-... wait early summer in the States? Haha, just to confirm my accuracy here ^-^ 'Cause that would be roughly April/June next year... I think ^-^
    Haha, good, good, and give me links if you find something decent! ^-^ Haha, I'm a tad too lazy to actually check myself hehe

    Haha, yeah, growing would be nice, but like I said, I'm happy as I am... I'm not [b]too[/b] short but I'm not a freak with height like Jimmy is ^-^ God I love calling his height freakish haha ^-^

    Hahaha, nice! My collarbone clicks... but I don't think it should be able to do that... \=

    Haha, yeah, that and Media Production ^-^ ... and Classical Studies haha ^-^ Freakin cool subjects if I do say so myself haha

    Can't remember! ^-^

    Yay! Haha, I know, I was like epically craving one the other day, and I was like, "No, Dannie wouldn't be happy!" Haha, but really their kid finally using the toilet? Now that's just a tad creepy haha ^-^

    July 9th, 2009 at 04:10am
  • Ronja

    Ronja (100)

    this is very random... But anyway, i don't know how I ended up to your page, but i did notice that you want to move to Finland? I'm interested why someone wants to move here? Finland is possibly the most boring country ever :D

    July 4th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • InsertName__

    InsertName__ (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment and I will update soon, haha very soon. Thanks for being a wicked awesome reader :] seriously
    June 28th, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • Music...and...Poetry

    Music...and...Poetry (100)

    United States
    Well I''m one of those girls who loves the happy ending, so obviously I want them all to live happily ever after together; Shelia, Jimmy, and CJ, with the others close by. Though it seems like there may be a little romance with Syn and Screamer. Thats the way I see it b/c theyre so close and hang out a lot. The guys may not be too happy at Syn when they find out he knew and didnt tell them.
    Hopefully somewhere in there you got inspiration. lol
    June 27th, 2009 at 11:53pm
  • Music...and...Poetry

    Music...and...Poetry (100)

    United States
    I loved it!
    And thanks for clarifying about the other chapters, I was sooooo confused. lol
    So what are your updating plans for the future???
    June 27th, 2009 at 07:55am
  • Music...and...Poetry

    Music...and...Poetry (100)

    United States
    I loved the update!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was spectacular and brilliant!!!
    And a lot of other amazing adjectives!
    I give it a trillion zillion stars & a trillion zillion thumbs up!!! =D
    That update just made my night!
    June 27th, 2009 at 05:14am
  • Music...and...Poetry

    Music...and...Poetry (100)

    United States
    There's only 7 chapters up?!?!
    Weren't there more?
    Didn't the last update have Shelia holding a crying CJ?
    After he ran out of the story?
    And Shelia's tattoo?
    And CJ and Jimmy fighting?
    Maybe I imagined it?!?!?!
    I couldnt have imagined all that, could I???
    I dont know I'm so confused right now.
    June 27th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Music...and...Poetry

    Music...and...Poetry (100)

    United States
    Oooh Oooh update...
    18 Days!!!!
    Yeah, I'm gonna go re-read it now.
    June 26th, 2009 at 11:25pm