
United States
Joined date
December 31st, 2007


--I am Strange--
--I'm Random--
--'80s Movies are Gold--
--Music is Everything--
--Often I Say Random Lyrics From Asorts of Bands--
--Art Amuses Me--
--Drawing Distracts me From Reality--
--Reading Entertains me--
--Writing Entertains me Just the Same--
--I'm a Movie Buff--
--I Adore Kevin Smith Movies--
--British Accents Amaze Me--
--I Like to Pretend I'm a Pirate--
--Scratch that I AM a Pirate--
--I Love Rainy Nights--
--Storms Make Me all Fuzzy inside--
--Dancing Is Good For the Soul--
--Fuse Kicks MTV's ASS--
--I Often Make Perverted Jokes--
--I Like To Make Funny Noises--
--I Randomly Speak in a Br'ish Accent--
--I Could Live On Bread--
--Breezy's House is My Excape--
-Her Mommy Makes Me Yummy Food--
--She Also Mocks Me When I Sob At Sappy Movies--
--Me and Her Have Quotes and Inside Jokes only WE know--
--My Kitten*Lizzie*is Why I Breath Every Day--
--She Says What I'm Thinking When I'm To Afraid to Say it--
--She is Amazing--
--All Of my Friends Are Amazing--
--My Family IS Insane--
--There is Never a Dull Moment at the Holiday Table--
--Chocolate is 1 of my Weaknesses--
--I'm a Sucker For a Sweet Talker--
--Steven From SURS is my IDLE--
--Adam Lazzara is My True Love--
--Vampires and Mystical Creatures are Love--
--Musicals Make me Giddy--
--I Often Burst into Song and Dance--
--My lil Brothers are my LIFE--
--I Know all the Themes to their Kid Shows--
--I Often Dwell in the Past--
--I'm Open Minded--
--I'm Accepting--
--I'm a Nerd--
--I'm a Dweeb--
--I'm a Great listener--
--I'm just as Great at Talking--
--I Know Tons of Useless Information--
--Classical Music Calms Me--
--I'm a Camera Whore--
--Photoshop is AWESOME--
--Photography Makes Me Smile--
--I'm Honest--
--Many Times I'm Mother Hen--
--Other Times I Act Like the Kid--
--I'm Annoying--
--I Tend to be Bitchy at Times--
--I'm Unbareble--
--I'm Unique--
--I'm Amazing--
--I'm Idiotic--
--I'm Loving--
--I'm Empathetic--
--I'm Hyper yet Calm--
--I'm a Sinner--
--I'm a Saint--
--I do Not Regret--
--I'm Everything all Rolled into One--
--I Wouldn't Have it any Other way--
--I'm Completely and Utterly Insane--
--As You Can See I am Me--
--I Am Sarah--