CrimsadoGeek / Comments

  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Bahahaha. Unless you wanna be my Royal consort as well?
    I don't mind having two. I like being shared fairly anyways. Hah
    February 18th, 2010 at 12:00pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    And this is why I rule MY kingdom. For srs, for the past few weeks, I was referred to as "Master" in our group. Now all of a sudden, they made me KING, yeah, King, not Queen. I got my 4 advisors, 1 royal consort, 2 royal dogs, 1 jester. And you... you're my PRINCE. Not princess. It's legit. Welcome to my kingdom, babe.
    February 17th, 2010 at 10:22am
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    'Kay, let's make it legit then. I'll be a doctor by day and mobster by night. And you can be my wingman. So it's like, you're a nurse by day and mobster wingman by night.
    It's a good plan. No, it's AWESOME.
    February 16th, 2010 at 03:16pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    I'll be a doctor then. Or a mobster. That'll be kickass.
    February 16th, 2010 at 02:01pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    What - cmon, that's legit.
    Okay, marrying a pornstar is my LAST resort.
    I should be one instead.
    February 16th, 2010 at 01:56pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    In my case, it's more like -

    You go to school, you finish school. You get rich AND marry a pornstar.
    Hahahaha. XD
    February 15th, 2010 at 01:50pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Hahahahaha. Now you're being my mum, stop it! XD

    I believe it's alright to be silly every now and then. Where's the fun in life when you're always so serious right?
    [i]"Why so serious?"[/i] -> the Joker.

    That was funny as it was harsh about your cousins though. And please, sixteen is old ENOUGH yet, they're one to talk. Psh.
    Give some people an inch and they'll think they're rulers.
    Kick their ass sometime, it'll make you feel better! :D

    What's he eating these days? Straws?!
    Dammit, that man's probably avoiding mirrors.

    I don't really hate Kame, I hate this gay-hair. lmao.

    [i]"Shhhh... be quiet you might piss somebody off!"[/i]
    November 28th, 2009 at 05:02am
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Yeah, you're so right on that, babe. And even back in the days where I'd deprive myself of sleep, and you ALWAYS remind me that something unusual will happen - sleep getting revenge on me. It's happening. Now I'm being a sleep monster. I went to this assembly in school and I ended up falling asleep. XD

    Hahahaha. True. You and I don't need to pretend, it comes off easy, and people will tend to forgive us even more, or just be pissed off. Either way, it's cool.

    I had that going in my head. If ratings are generalised - then tons of corrupt kids will be roaming the planet, which is BAD, it should just be YOU and ME.

    And not just fangirls. Moms and grandmas will come in too, the moms would mother him, and the grandmas will feed him! XD

    I've no update on KATTUN, aside from seeing Kame in one tv ad and I HATE his hair.

    [i]"I think about you... deep inside I love you best..."[/i]
    November 27th, 2009 at 12:39pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    I'm doing a bit better now though still heavily medicated, it helps me with sleeping though, I sleep DEEPER now, you're gonna have to slap me a few times to wake me up, my alarm doesn't work on me anymore. XD
    Oh wow, good thing you're alright now. :)
    That can be a good reason, or it's a possibility that I've tripped on some many things that being heavily medicated doesn't affect me much, or that I'm good at pretending like I'm not high onto something. ehehehe.

    Rating sucks, why can't it be a universal rating, huh? Saves us all the pain in the ass~
    I'm not too keen with HIM lately, Valo scares me, he needs to EAT!

    Oh Jin, we HATE you NOW, sorry. XD
    And WTF-desu ka... is Junno really married?! That is just so weird.

    [i]"So tell me are you gonna come... come... come get some?"[/i]
    Ah I love that song, it implies on so many things~
    November 26th, 2009 at 02:50pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry for the lack of words and errors.
    I'm brain dead. I'd redo it, but I'm too drowsy to do so...
    November 22nd, 2009 at 03:38pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    I'm sick. Alright, not really, I have a sore throat, or signs of it at least.
    Then I was given this medicine, the doctor warned me about heavy sedation. I shrugged it off I used heavier meds back home, but man, now I know what the doc means, I'm so effing sleepy! I just took the meds and after an hour or two I'm fucking drowsy already. Last time I was this when I was high off Valium which I mistook for sleeping pills. Dammit.

    Ehhhh, I just wanna go to Africa, and see all the wild pigs. Hahahaha.

    It's like an Asian craze, and now I wanna watch Rain's movie Ninja Assassin. The visual effects are just cool.
    You know, I haven't been update with a7x. How are they?
    All I know is that Shads will singing in Slash's upcoming album.

    I started disliking him after that shoot he had for An-An(?). It got a bit out of hand for me, that, or too much tongue that it's obscene. *shudders*
    I dunno how Junno is hahahaha. I think he cut his hair again.

    [i]And yeah... Your sex is on fire...[/i]
    I love Kings of Leon. :)
    November 22nd, 2009 at 03:37pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Yeap. Can you blame me if I love his name way too much?
    L - come on, my name starts with L too.
    Hahahah. XD
    That was stupid.

    Take over the world, using zoo animals?
    Then elephants will go up front. Cus they're huge.
    And then kittens in middle so that they'll ooze out cuteness and no one will be able to resist that!

    Well, you're 15. Most of the 15 yr olds around here are orgasming over kpop dudes. So yeah, it is kind of cliche. But I'm thinking that it's your age and let's it to that. hahahaha

    I think it's gotten way into his head. And that he got rid of mirrors and decided that sticking out his tongue is the newest sex trend ever since lady gaga was rumored as a hermaphrodite. Aha.
    And NO, you are not ruining his career, I think you and I probably the main reason why he became THAT. He reads off our messages and such. LOL

    I have nothing either. We're even.
    November 21st, 2009 at 02:34pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Nope, Death Note would be main title, the movie is called L Change the World. Which is not so bad cus I like L. He's badass.

    I'm not very fond of werewolves, plus my vampires would kill 'em. lmao.
    As for zombies. I don't like 'em. All they do is moan and space out - which is what zombies are s'posed to do hahaha.

    Moved on from what? You said you're still into finnish and japanese men right...? Moved on from Jin and jpoppers?
    Yeah, that'll be me. I only saw it once. It was a chill video. I like it. Killer.

    I think that's what I don't like about him. Sticking your tongue out is not sexy, it's just downright gross and disturbing. Someone better knock some sense out of him, but then again his rabid fangirls probably orgasms over it. Ew, not sure if want~

    *inserts Phantom of the Opera instrumental*
    beat that. haahha.
    an instrumental.
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:39am
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    I still have to dl it or somethin'. I ended up ripping that L-Change the World movie instead.

    Cats. Big cats are the way to go, aside from hybrid vampires. :)
    Aaaaaand, I'd like to point out that for me it's Finnish men and rockstars.
    And yes, I'm not fond of japanese men lately. Probably cus I've gone back to my rock n' roll roots. So... you'll drool all you want to all those japanese men! Wooot and they're all yours baby.
    Ew, I know. I still think Jin's cute but what's up with all the I'm-gonna-stick-out-my-tongue look? Doesn't he know he looks like a PERVERT?
    His new movie Bandage looks good though.

    [i]"it's too late to apologise... it's too late..."[/i]
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:19am
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Ah you know I don't blame you on that, I also have a love-hate relationship with mibba. It happens. :)

    Ah I would love to be a part of that! Can I get the lion, the witch and the wardrobe? WTF-desu ka... Narnia?! Kidding.
    I want the elephant, the zebra, the lion, the tiger... you know all the SEXY animals, cus sexy is baaaaaack! XD

    PDV, I like that. I learn new words everyday. Yesterday I came up with 'diluted booze' and my friends thought it was killer. Now PDV! Winnnerz.
    Well, I like people to think that I'm NORMAL. But normal is overrated in our vocab isn't it? :D

    Ah I was referring to The Way You Look Tonight.
    [i]"Love hurts, love scars. Love wounds, and marks... any heart..."[/i]
    November 19th, 2009 at 06:36am
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Smileys are awesome. Actually I went from this O_o to this -___-
    I dunno how the hell I'm s'posed to respond cus if I agree she'll whine even more, and if I disagree, she'll still whine even more!

    Yeah, cus we only hook up with the cool people. And he's pretty hip - he plays the sax! How cool is that. And my new dentist, he plays rock music while I'm in the dentist chair!
    Ugh, shhhhhh! Be quiet about it! No one's s'posed to know, aside from you and my family, and some friends.. lol

    That song was sung during my cousin's wedding! It was so romantic, I think it's become a tradition in weddings...
    [i]"I'm a slave and... I am a master..."[/i]
    November 15th, 2009 at 01:36pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Ah yeah. And as long as it's not a garbage bag then I'll forgive you.

    Yeah. Exactly. I used to tear my hair out whenever she complains but then, you get redundant huh? SSDD. Same shit, different day. Bleh. She's recently complaining how fat her legs were. And I remember looking blankly at her.

    Hybrid. Yeah. Like I'm a vampire spawn. Mehehehe. Dad's a vampire and mum's human.
    We did go to the doctor's I jokingly said - "Well, I have this theory that I just may be a hybrid -"
    And the doctor cut me off by adding - "a hybrid vampire." I immediately asked for a high five and we did. But afterwards he said that it's probably just my tastebuds. He gave me a few days and if it's still the same he'll give me some meds to take.

    Dude, my bro and I dueted(?) that song when we were kids!
    [i]"I will feel glow just thinking of you..."[/i]
    November 14th, 2009 at 02:29pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    You shouldn't wear that much of a loose shirt then... but then again, why listen to me. Just wear whatever feels comfortable! :D

    I tried to be immune, but I've learned to let it all go though. And she did taught me patience after all. Dealing with drama and redundant much rants. Gyah.

    I am, but now I'm probably becoming a Hybrid Vampire. My friends assumed it was diabetes, I checked the symptons and ONLY thirst matches. So most likely cus it's so fucking hot these days.
    Ewww Edward Cullen... no thanks. lol

    Uhhhhh -
    [i]"Would I be out of line... If I said... I miss you..."[/i]
    November 13th, 2009 at 12:35pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    Did you gain weight...?

    I have this friend and whenever I see flames in her eyes, I tell her that I got things to do... spare me from the rant and angst please. I'm tired of rant about how fucked her family is and all that crap. I think she got anger issues. Why is she even my friend? Oh yeah, she started talking me randomly. Meh.

    Guess what - I think I MAY BE a vampire. lmao.
    For shiz, babe, I haven't eaten anything in the past four days, just 2 pieces of sushi, 3 cookies, leftover chips. But I'm always fucking thirsty! What's up with that, huh?
    My friends started joking how I'm gonna start sniffing for their blood instead of just asking for water.

    I'm currently blank myself save for -
    [i]If I gotta sin to see her again, then I wanna lie, lie, lie...[/i]
    and my friends would change that to 'lei, lei, lei'
    November 12th, 2009 at 01:36pm
  • kazama_ren

    kazama_ren (100)

    United States
    People that bitch about how sucky their lives. Those make me go all -'wtf-desu ka' go see a shrink and waste your money and breath on 'em.

    There are those that are definitely scary as hell. Specially the ones who couldn't even control themselves and their fantasies. Those are freaky.
    And I often wonder how they were even born like that - maybe their parents deprived them of cookies or something.

    HAHAHAHHA. lol.
    Man, don't say that!
    I have cool friends offline, and I have cool friends online! *winner!*

    We have to go back to that... lyrics are romantic.
    November 9th, 2009 at 02:40pm