Willow Grace

Okay. So to entertain you all today, I'm going to write a long, unnecessary blog style short story about myself, so that when you guys look at my profile, you'll know all about me. Or at least, all that I choose to reveal. What I reveal probably will only be one of the first of the many layers that make up Willow, but I'm sure you guys will be able to manage.

I am 15 years old. With me so far? Yes? Great. My name is not Willow Grace, and you probably will never figure out what my real name is. Unless I know you in real life, or I choose to stalk you, or maybe if you choose to stalk me. My name is ass long, and sometimes I really wish I could change it, but then I don't want to anymore. I am black. Enough said.

I have a very active imagination, which gets me into trouble a lot more times than you'd think. I really don't have many true friends, because honestly, I'd rather not trust most of the hypocrites I currently call friends. We all know they talk about me behind my back, and then they put on the innocent act when they want to ask for a favor, or the need some help.

When I try be myself, with my randomness and my silly behavior, persons call me annoying and immature. When I act like a normal person, they call me cold and uncaring. I'm sensitive and it kinda hurts. I'm not really sure what to do to please anyone anymore.

I like to do a lot of things to keep myself occupied, which rarely works for more than 5 or so minutes at a time. Some of the things that I'll do include reading and writing, which is why I'm here, dancing, sketching and sleeping, among other things.
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