xXWickedLovelyXx / Comments

  • hey im off to bed now since its almost 1am here in london! I was just wonderin if maybe u could find the time to read my new poem: Silly and Solemn. :)
    September 11th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • oh im sorry u had to go through that, my cousin had a miscarraige last year, shes already had one kid so no one saw it coming, i personally wish no woman had to go through that because its such a terrible thing to go through. I really truly hope you get everything you wish for in life because u seem like such a genuinely kind person. This song im listening to is such a gd mood-setter if u know what i mean, especially due to the topic we're discussing, its called wayfaring stranger by Ed Sheeran. Im listening to him singing it all in one take, hes a great musician. I used to only listen to music my fam and friends listened to or of those artists whom i had crushes on or thought were hot, then i got into rock and started seeing life in a different light, a better one. I'm not trying to say my little struggles in life have anything to do with your struggles and am in no way compensating for the pain u must be going through but i just wanna say that everyone has a path in life that they take. I never in a billion years wouldve pictured myself in the place that i am in, at 18, but its alright because thats life and i know things will get better later on in life.
    September 11th, 2011 at 01:48am
  • oh okay that explains it well, im sure it would hit home and i have to tell u that it just so happens that doctors told my mum she couldnt have kids but she tried for 9 years and ended up with me and my sis so u never know what could happen, miracles do happen no matter what ur situation is and i have the exact same ''ilness''/condition as my mother but im takin my meds and hopefully will be able to have kids cause i want them too in a coupla years (: i was way off, i was thinking more along the lines of u lost a baby or something :/ lol my mind works in srange ways... i think u should keep having faith and someday u might get what uve always wanted...thats what im doin right now and my life's kind of fallen apart over the last few months..
    September 11th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • Thanks for the comment on My Angel's Demons! I just noticed the comment.
    September 10th, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • glad we have that in common, i dont think i would appreciate my life if i had things handed to me on a silver platter yknow what i mean? oh im sorry about that! ouch that must hurt! i had the same issue last year, didnt eat properly for a few weeks, hope it gets better for ya cause i kno its a pain now :/
    September 10th, 2011 at 08:41pm
  • ive been doing alright it just seems that i have 2 work twice as hard to get something everyone else gets in a heartbeat thats all. What pain r u referring to, if u dont mind me askin??
    September 10th, 2011 at 04:28pm
  • heyy howve u been? hope ur doin okay (:
    September 9th, 2011 at 11:50pm
  • thats kind of u but i can be easily forgotten..ofcourse ill comment on ur new work!! feel free to comment on mine.. :D and theres this one poem called:whisper what i mean, and it got shortlisted in a poetry competition and itll be featured in a national poetry anthology! just thought u might like to read it, its under my poems (:
    August 31st, 2011 at 01:30pm
  • yeah i passed everything except one teeny tiny thing but it was a retake which means it hopefully will not affect my entrance in College (: i havent found out if i got accepted though... still crossing my fingers! thanx for asking(and remembering) how are things with u??? :D
    August 30th, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • I really would like some advice on my new journal entry so pls read it (: p.s its about if i should go out with a guy i barely know but really like (hes leaving in 6 days) i might go out with him on friday but i have no idea if i should.... :/ help!
    August 24th, 2011 at 11:11pm
  • Thanks for the poem comment! XD
    Didn't see it 'till now, I'm clearing out some stuff :P
    Means a ton! <3
    August 21st, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • Ahaha, thank you for the comment c: it means a lot.
    August 18th, 2011 at 06:46pm
  • Hey, thanks for the poem comment. :] I'll definitely check out yours.
    August 18th, 2011 at 11:33am
  • Thanks for the poem comment! :)
    August 17th, 2011 at 03:40pm
  • its okay, i know your busy everyone has a life to live yknow? read it if u can, it is a lot to ask its 100 freakin pages! and i wrote a new story which is line 1 or 2 pages and its just an idea - it is a dystopian futuristic world where love is an absurd notion and there are holographic posters and slave labour from the age of ten and electro shocking the evil thoughts out of rebels. and wanting to kill the chancellor in the name of love! if that all sounds interesting pls read the idea cuz i might not continue it if it isnt good and would love to hear your opinion cuz i value it and will listen to it (:
    August 17th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • I think having your head in the clouds is great because then reality cant get to you and destroy your imagination like i have seen happen ever so many times. I was going to ask you if you could read my book, Sophia Livewood And The Legend Of The Sphere. I'm goint to update it in a sec and would love for you to read it. Fair warning,its over 100 pages long but i do believe you'll love the story because the main character feels exactly the way we do and is a wonderful person, just strange and shy and wanting to get on with her ife and find meaning to it. In a bid to sell the book to u so u'll read it, theres magic involved and witches, wizards, fairies, ogres, a love triangle and a war between good and evil. but in the begining everythings less chaotic but the build up is the best part. You really get to know Sophia. <3
    August 14th, 2011 at 10:03pm
  • I think if you put save me and dont want to wait together and control your punctuation, read a book with great discriptions like the hunger games or shiver and dont try to mimick the authors'sstyle, just try to incorporate the ways to write a book such as dialogue and sentence structure and character development and a gripping first chapter. Both Artemis Fowl and Percy Jackson series stated off their first chapter by introducing themselves then they hurled the reader into the story with action and suspence. I think your capable of that so I think you should find the time and write a summary of what you want the story to be. Read other book summaries such as Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and write a book summary and if you have time a chapter-by-chapter summary and then create some lively characters. I know if you sat down and put your mind to it you could really do it. I think Save me is lovely poem but it would be an amazing start for an even more wonderful story. Hope I helped xo
    August 14th, 2011 at 09:59pm
  • It's not sad at all! i think love is a beautiful thing and once youre in love its hard to let go but if you 2 are broken up, there must have been a good reason behind it and whether you believe it or not you deserve much better than someone who didnt love you enough to keep from breaking your heart. a raise? thats cool atleast youre doing something with youre life. im stuck at around the first 100 pages of a novel ive been working on since i was 15 and i am afraid if i finish it, it wont be good enough and ill have to give up writing...
    August 14th, 2011 at 09:54pm
  • my weekend has been, in one word, restless. I'm holding on, im ok, i get em on thursday and hopefully they are redeemable as opposed to the catastrophic images erupting in my head. .. . mea culpa for the tmi's, ive been gushing too much about life lol so how are you? what has been going on in your life? promotion at work? Heartbreak or romance blooming? there's no better way to tmi than to a perfect stranger... (:
    August 14th, 2011 at 07:08pm
  • thank you and you are an amazingly talented person too, i hope things work out in both of our lives cause you seem like the kind of persn who deserves to have life go her way (:
    August 13th, 2011 at 03:51am