childhoodsxhour / Comments

  • Hahaha well seeing as I'm not a big fan of sequels, this is going to be it, one and done.
    As for Garrett overhearing her conversation with Dryden... it never even crossed my mind, weirdly enough.
    September 1st, 2010 at 02:16am
  • oooohhh hahaha wow I felt so foolish! I was like serious bro, this needs to work! Thanks for the help though lol! and no biggie, if I didn't do it right away I'd be rushing later.
    September 1st, 2010 at 01:31am
  • dumb i know. but I've legit tried it a million times and it just isn't working lol.
    [url=]Saving Grace.[/url]

    and it just stays at the address.
    August 31st, 2010 at 07:41pm
  • Nine months? Seriously? That feels like forever! I don't think I could stick with a story for nine months. I think the longest for me would have to be three months! But wow, nine months.
    I reaaaaaad it :) I don't think I'll be that amazing when I'm older, I feel like I'm going to write the same and there won't be any changes, but since I'm taking college courses next year for writing/reading it might change a lot.

    I read the lyrics ._. I just don't get the song. I'm sorry, I feel so retarded. I never really know anything about the song meaning because it takes forever for me to figure out. I even googled and it wasn't there. I'll think of something.
    but, since I need to ask, can I have an extension?
    August 31st, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • i know this is probably a really dumb question - but I finished my one-shot and I just don't know how to send the link to you? I haven't done this before lol so I'm a little lost. Thanks so much.
    August 31st, 2010 at 05:24am
  • I just started doing that while writing Nettle, like after reading a couple of good stories, it completely made me realize that I was missing stuff, so I worked on it for a while and then I started doing that, now it's how I write :)
    If you're losing touch with Amber's character, then you need to just either put it on hiatus or just end it :l like that's how I mostly do it. I almost quit on Nettle because it started to not make sense and I was losing touch with Oliver's character.
    I read it! It was amazing :) It made you think a lot really, like I thought it was really neat how Amber gets all rude with Nora and Denise, it's just priceless. Some people are probably reading, and like I said just not commenting. It did very much so, because after I update Medicine and Dose, I have to do 50 problems of algebra -.-. Ugh, speaking of your contest I'm having such a hard time thinking of a plotline for it D: but it willl be turned in! Well, right now I'm stealing internet, shhh. But it'll get updated today since it's almost done :D so maybe in the next hour or so it'll be up.
    August 30th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • Well, thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. It is pretty hard to read in one sitting now that it has so many chapters.
    I think I'll give the contest shot.
    August 29th, 2010 at 05:59pm
  • I'm almost done with that, by the way! But the internet people shut off my internet, so I'm going to have a very hard time trying to get it to update. Writing as a boy is something that I love doing, I can never write in a girl's point of view, it mostly pisses me off because I'm not the biggest fan of girls, so boys are easy to write.
    Hmm, what I mostly do, is I find something to rant about. Like, I'm going to rant about basketball (which is actually something I'm using for my John story)
    "I hate basketball. I'm tall and lanky, but that does not mean I'm fit for basketball. I can never get the ball in the hoop, I end up tripping when I run." it's kind of sucky, but those aren't the exact words xD But just find something that would go with Amberlyn's thoughts. Like, did she ever like to sing or something? Does she hate a certain sport that one of her friends tried to get her in? What you could do is how you could explain how Amberlyn feels about her father being upset over John (unless you already did that, can't really remember) but those ideas are just me, that's how I mostly start off my stories.
    Yeah, but in my sixth period I don't have any friends. I don't know anyone but this kid named Kyle who I used to be best friends with and now he hates me because I "ruined" the friendship >.>.
    August 29th, 2010 at 12:00pm
  • yes, by pre-written i meant something I've written before
    August 28th, 2010 at 06:02am
  • Most people did that to see what I was talking about and then they completely realized that they ruined the plotline for themselves xD. Aidyn, you don't have to read it, it's really bad anyway, and hell, I didn't even like that story myself. It's too confusing and I was mostly writing that when I was half asleep so nothing makes any sense.
    I know! I'm like "Bro, I have seven hundred more readers, I don't care about you." as rude as that sounds, I really don't. I mean, don't get me wrong I love having people comment my stories, but it's just her that bugs me.
    School sucks, I have no friends, hah xD. It'll be updated by either tomorrow or Sunday, so be patient ;D
    August 27th, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • Oh, I must have missed it! Thanks! I'll put it up now! Sorry 'bout that. XD
    August 27th, 2010 at 05:00pm
  • thanks =)
    i just wanted to know, are pre-writes allowed?
    August 27th, 2010 at 03:04pm
  • I already started school two days ago xD But I'm actually having a good time in high school, I made three friends! :D Their names are Chloey and Emily and Hunter! :D I'm really sorry I haven't been saying anything, I've been falling right asleep after I come home from school, I'm not used to being out at 3:45. My story will get out during the weekend though, and this time I actually mean it because I know where's the second chapter is going, I got inspired at gym, hah. Nah, I'm pretty sure other people are reading Mama, they just aren't commenting, which normally happens. It's what I thought during Nettle, I thought only this chick who pissed me off was reading it.
    I hate the girl that commented on Nettle, I mean, I'm thankful and shit, but she just gets so irritating. Like, if you read the comments and read like both 16 and 17, you'll start getting that I'm actually doing some stuff to make her happy and to make her stop complaining. And then when I ASK for comments, she thinks I'm demanding comments.
    No. She's just stupid -.-' and I don't even care if she tends to read this >.> I just had to get that out, ahem. I just don't want another commenter/reader like that xD
    August 26th, 2010 at 05:18pm
  • okay, cool! Haha thanks! (: Yay, I think I'll start right now. Hahah :P
    August 23rd, 2010 at 06:18pm
  • no problem! haha yay! So, you said it doesn't have to reflect the lyrics, but can it?
    August 23rd, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • Well, see, you're older than me, so you have a LOT more experience with writing while I'm just a few years younger who barely passed her English class. You're welcome :) I thought it needed some India loving, since I love it very much. The plotline seems interesting, like really.
    Yeah, I know what you mean about the slow part, everyone loves my Oliver Sykes one, I mean over 700 readers and stuff, and yet I only have like 19 readers, but I mean I just started it. I just don't want it to be one of those John O'Callaghan stories that end up sucking so no one wants to read it.
    I'm hoping it will get out after Orientation, if not, then maybe after the first day of school, but it will be out somewhere around this week. Update Mama soon! I want to read before school starts, it'll give me a good week :)

    The answer to that question is what I normally do is just go to page editor, go to story area, and it should say "align", and just click center, and there you go, the picture should be in the center :) I haven't had any problems with it, I mean, sometimes I forget, but never had any problems.

    Hmm, a contest..that sounds so tempting! I haven't done one in nine months...sure, why not? I'll give it a go! But if it's a song that I don't understand, oh my goodness D: it always happens!
    August 23rd, 2010 at 06:07pm
  • I normally do, but right now I'm just trying to work on getting Home out. Thanks though!
    August 23rd, 2010 at 04:24pm
  • Thank you supppeeer much for the comments! It means a ton! and I will do so about the font :D Thanks.
    August 23rd, 2010 at 12:43am
  • Hah, I do that sometimes too, I understand! I'm really hoping that this story turns out really well, I'm thinking of doing something with it once it's done :) Okay, and I'll try to have my story out by tonight, also, it's almost done, just need like a couple more paragraphs and it'll be done.
    I mess around almost all the time, to be honest, I don't even pay attention to school work, all I do is just goof off with my friends or something. But, this year, it kind of has to change if I want to get in a good college, so it's kind of a good thing for you for not goofing off.
    I'm working on itt!
    August 22nd, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • hahah thanks(: and you're right! Haha, yeah I almost cursed this girl out, which I NEVER do. It was bad. But all the pushing got me up to the second row, so there was a plus. Hahah.
    August 22nd, 2010 at 03:58pm