All Americans need to watch these videos... wonder about government conspiracies?I've been looking into this crap for years, and honestlythese videos are near the top of most believable evidence.The last video is the most important.I kinda think the government shutdown might be thebeginning of new world order.I'm not paranoid, I'm just open minded.For the believers, read the Book of...
October 4th, 2013 at 12:31am

So it's 2013 and...

..Shit has changed. Alot. Still live in that apartment, married to an awesomely stupid man. Hes smart, but cant seem to get his priorities in order. Its okay though, no body is perfect. What's not okay is my grandma. She died in January. She was literally my rock. Like the rock in the sand that the house is built on. It sucks ass, cause shes all i ever think about. Literally. I've had a hard time...
August 1st, 2013 at 06:14am

August 29, 2012

Yeah, I know. It's been almost 9 months since I've posted. Dont worry. I've brainstormed. Alot. I have two stories I've been going back and forth on. One is called "Wont you tell me who I am?" Its about a girl, 26, named Savihal, (YES I USE THE SAME CHARACTERS FOR EVERYTHING) who is engaged to, yup, you guessed it, Jimmy Sullivan, 29. Feet become cold. Someone goes head first into rocks. Someone...
August 30th, 2012 at 07:02am

December 3, 2011

So I wake up today around 6:30 this morning. Why? I dont know. Theres nothing to do. At all. I get on the computer and check my email, then I go watch tv. I was flipping through the channels, when I came across the ABC Family channel. A Harry Potter Marathon is on today and tomorrow. I got way excited. I love harry potter. And Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia series is cool as hell. Anyway,...
December 3rd, 2011 at 07:19pm

December 2, 2011

History repeats itself. My life is in a constant cycle. It never stays good, it never stays bad. It's constantly changing. Life would be so simple for everyone if it could stay the same. Wouldn't have to deal with changes. Chang is a hard thing to cope with. For me atleast. Small change is nothing. Like rearranging the furniture. But a new place to live. In eight days. I have to move. I don't want...
December 2nd, 2011 at 06:22pm

November 29, 2011

Today, I woke up, and thought it was still early am hours. I was wrong. I dragged myself out of bed, and started the day. I tried to eat breakfast, but over processed french toast and super sugar suryp wasnt going to cut it. So I just drank a cup of coffee, and was somewhat satisfied. All day, I've been thinking of the future, and what it holds. I write on the story called "Niven", and the whole...
November 29th, 2011 at 07:47pm

November 28

Drank vodka last night. Got piss drunk. Saw a man who makes a difference, and barely remember any of it. I knew I was going to regret drinking that day before I even started. Why would I do something so stupid? Im going to beat myself up for a long time over this. Why make such stupid decision. Before I got drunk, I knew I was going to go overboard with drinking lastnight. So why didn't I stop...
November 29th, 2011 at 04:39am

November 27, 2011

Woke up around 7 this morning. Feeling the same. Waking from a dream, wishing it was a reality. For the passed couple of months, I've spent homeless, living from shelter, to motel, to shelter. I hate it. I just need my own. Soon enough, I will have my own. It takes a little bit of patience and will power. I have both, they just don't know how to work together. It'll take some effort to make them...
November 27th, 2011 at 04:25pm