Hippocratic Oath

hello! it's been a while. well, i'm just talking to myself now so that's a bit pointless. (lol)but then again, i'm glad i have something to say.earlier today, i was at a lecture about health care systems, this one was about hati. it struck me as odd. hati has been independent since the early 1800's yet, it is still one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world. you would think they got...
March 14th, 2013 at 02:09am

stream line consciousness process of a lonely thoughtless fox

There are definitely times when I feel the burden of winter. The cold weather seeps into your bones, makes you lazy and uninspired, i somehow equate this to death.For some reason whenever winter rolls around I just never see anyone, and I just never get around to talking to them. Not to say I do not like silence, no, but too much silence is just overbearing.I want to see the beautiful blue sky...
February 6th, 2013 at 05:27am

Oh no She Didn't!!

I'm back. And apparently stronger than ever... -_-The other day while I was talking to my friend, more like getting all the updates of the people who may not like me so much, she commented and said to me "You know, I don't think I have ever seen your weaker side. Maybe if you show it more often people will like you more. You're just to strong, don't you get tired of it?"... ... ... ... ... i was...
January 31st, 2013 at 03:00am

obligitory end of the year blog

2012 is just hours away from ending with all of it's apocalyptic, political and social scares. ( for me they all seem the same) however, we still can't end the spread of stupidity which is very sad, seeing as we live in the age of technology and all of the advances we have made so far. oh, and thank gosh that i do not have to suffer through any more sparkly vampire flicks i thought it would never...
January 1st, 2013 at 02:16am

~you're all i ever wanted!!~

it's official guys.i am just downright out of my mind. i get this a lot, but i think it's time i came clean about some of my secret indulgences. namely, why i an such a picky eater. well, before all that i want it to be clear that this all started out when my friends made the comment of "oh, so you're too good for a burger and a coke?" to which i proudly respond "yes". ( the kicker is, i'm not...
December 8th, 2012 at 05:29am

forget the days and just live in endless summers ~

School is officially in full swing, after having all my classes cancelled the first week (which was a nice surprise if I may add).After my first full week of being a grad student I can safely say I was tons more busy in undergrad, or at least more unorganized. At any rate, I guess I'm lucky enough to be accepted back to further study trends of diseases in populations of people to help further...
August 31st, 2012 at 05:27am

Day 9: FOG HORN!!!!

so as a nice break for me i decided to escape the southern heat by taking a small break in san francisco, ca! where the weather is like in the 50-60 in the morning, and the fog settles in around 5 o'clock. it's pretty crazy for me .but any who, it's pretty great out here, and yes as the title states there is a fog horn out here. in all honesty i think it's a necessity because the fog is getting...
July 12th, 2012 at 05:19am

Day 8. happy 236th bday america, but you suck at science- love europe

it's july 4 over here in the states, and boy can i tell you there are so many warnings out there it sounds like cars at a traffic intersection. there is always of course the weather, being the 5th straight day in the row being in the 100's (we should get a prize for that), as well as warnings for fireworks. it's amazing how desperate we can be to keep each other safe, there is now a 2,000.00...
July 5th, 2012 at 03:06am

Day 7. a day with weather.

normally people just mention the weather to start of conversations just to say something like, "the weather has been great today!" or even "i want this rain to stop before my house gets flooded."however as of late in the southeastern states, weather is all we talk about.i'll give you a great case.i was planning on hanging out with some of my buddies from college since we haven't seen each other in...
June 30th, 2012 at 09:34pm

Day 6- first rant/complaint...here

how come technology has to be so temperamental with me?i really don't think i have done anything to deserve this treatment.in fact, i do my very best to keep it all working. just recently i fixed up my old computer and installed a new software on it after it had a tremendous crash as i was writing up my final exam for my professor, and i also fixed my mother's computer fairly well by putting on...
June 28th, 2012 at 04:46am

Day 5...days are just arbitary terms, mother nature does not really know that today is tuesday

LIFE LESSON DAY!Never thought that this day would come myself when just talking would help me out.I don't know about many other people out there, but after I graduated high school there was only one person I talked to afterwards. The rest of the people who I was around blatantly ignored me, and I did the a favor and paid no attention to them either. Then college came around, however I fell into...
June 27th, 2012 at 04:56am

Day 4..... it came like 4 days after day 3, so it totally counts!

didn't forget this, just lately there have been many things that need to be completed. grad school stuff. pretty sticky businessbut to make up for it, i now have 3 official projects going on! yeah -_-so 1) i need to fix the printer. i have no idea where to start. this is great! i can tear this thing up so fast!2) attempt to fix a hard drive that fell.... i'm almost about to give up on it though....
June 20th, 2012 at 08:57pm

Day 3

At the very least, i will remember to do this one while it is still fresh in my mind.I was out in the yard watering some of the flowers that were growing in this southern heat, and much to my surprise i found a new comer! tomato plants, say hello to your new neighbors, eggplants!!!!at first i thought it was a weed and would pull it out later, however these sprung up pretty quickly and within a few...
June 14th, 2012 at 07:07am

AHHHHH! day 2 i'm late :3

this is a little late coming, but i did do something!!today was definitely not a baking day, but more of a sweat your heart out day, and so i did what any sensible person would do. go out to the store in search for delicious popsicles.sometimes, ice cream just doesn't cut it when it comes too cool treats, especially if you are like me and are lactose intolerant. much to my delight i found...
June 14th, 2012 at 07:03am

Day 1

totally tedious, and i do not know why i do this to myself.however, i found the strength to bake some cupcakes! they turned out pretty well!i'll have the pictures of this proof uploaded after this.since today was rainy in my area, the weather was perfect for baking, and i could not let this opportunity pass by since it is summer. normally the hot weather discourages me from baking because the heat...
June 11th, 2012 at 10:13pm

Hello world.

I'm really bad at keeping up with a blog in general, in fact I'd much rather just do things on my own, however that would be too easy.So, as a personal challenge to myself, and maybe entertainment to others, I'm going to try to post to this thing for 30 days straight. The contents of this blog will be only limited to my imagination and laziness at that time. Hopefully, this will give me something...
June 11th, 2012 at 01:29am