My Dog Digs Holes. A LOT.

And if you can give me advice on how to stop him that would be just dandy.I feel bad for him, he's just bored and hot. And BELIEVE ME, he knows he's not supposed to do it. When we get home, he looks at us all weird (as if guilty). And everytime that guilty look is on his face, we find a hole. People say its impossible to break it, but I don't wanna just say"No bad boy" if he already knows he's not...
September 4th, 2011 at 02:21am

Fan-Fictions. Everywhere. Even on the ceiling!

Its not a bad thing, so I'm not aiming at a negative angle here...but fan-fictions are everywhere. I mean of course there's other things too, but the only stories I can find are fan-fictions. I do, however, tend to like original fiction better (thats only because people will be like 'Oh its this band/person fiction' and I'll be like WHO. IS. THAT). Also, fan-fictions can be creepy....Anyways, I...
September 3rd, 2011 at 01:23am


Is officially my favorite animal. Its official, you don't need to be indecisive about whether you like pandas or tigers more. Because pikachu dominates both by eighteen miles. Really, and this isn't a pointless journal about pikachu either. Like most of my other journals are, but this journal has golden purpose: praise of a furry creature that's not even real. That one furball, that you've always...
August 4th, 2011 at 08:56pm

I'm seeing double Malfoy....

Is it just me, or is there like...a lot of people joining with these kind of usernames:ohmalfoymalfoygirlmsmalfoymalfoyliciousAND ALL THIS CRAP THAT HAS MALFOY IN IT.It doesn't bother me, its just strange. Its like Draco's Army all of a sudden is joining mibba to dominate the Mibba World. All of these new users just love Harry Potter I guess, Slytherin and Draco to be specific I guess.Anyways,...
August 4th, 2011 at 04:58pm

Answer meh questions.

Okay, well I have a few. And one is sorta something I probably should post in the forum, but I figured "HEY, why not post a journal with all of them?".Anyways, here's the rundown of questions:1. Whats your favorite thing about school/fall? (pshh...what? thats not random!)2. How do I make a story a short story. (I want to make a romance story but i want it to be short, since i never wrote a romance...
August 2nd, 2011 at 12:06am

GOSH. I wanna write but can't.

If anyone who reads my stories sees this, then yes, its true. Cupcake Wizard, has had lack of well as ideas. :)Just not in the writing mood cause I'm lazy. Please tell me this happens to us all, cause last time I wrote a chapter was like a week ago. So I'm pretty disappointed in myself, and full of shame. But I don't know what to write, and I feel like I need SOMETHING NEW to...
July 31st, 2011 at 05:00am

The Best Fantasy/Adventure story you've read?

Besides Harry Potter because we all know that Harry Potter is one of the best fantasy stories of all time. But, is there anything else. I love Fantasy/Adventure a lot, and I'm just looking for books/stories here on Mibba that I could read. Because I've been reading Harry Potter, but I kinda want something else too, so if you know any comment bellow and tell me what you think :3Thank you for...
July 29th, 2011 at 08:12pm

Epic Title for an Adventure story?

Opaque VoyageAudacious JourneyDauntless AdventureEffulgent QuestAuroral Adventurevivid Voyage[or any of those followed by voyage, journey, quest, or adventure really. I just need like the adjective word.]Please help me choose a title. I need the best name for an adventure/fantasy story.Its a long voyage, its not like depressing or dark at all (lol opaque sorta irrelevant), and thats all I have to...
July 29th, 2011 at 06:47am

I wrote a story! My first one here on Mibba :D

Hello Mibba-ers who clicked on my pointless topic.I wrote my first story called: "Tale of a Delicious Ghost".It's not really about a ghost >_> its just sorta the title.But its about a ghost-like person. And you should read it, or at least check it out when you're an uber bored soul. :D Because I like comments and readers.And if not read it, leave a random comment on this journal.Or even...
July 28th, 2011 at 08:35pm

I NEED TO READ A STORY! Please do tell me about your stories!

I preferably only read PG-13 and below, and I love fantasy and adventure stories.I will not read horror stories, because I'm a marshmallow and can't handle your awesome horror stories.anyways, i've been trying to find stories to read, but its hard.So I will let the stories come to me now.So basically this is it:* looking for fantasy stories* and adventure* no horror* no R or NC-17* please pour out...
July 27th, 2011 at 10:35pm

I'd rather be to hot then to cold, but I will welcome fall.

Fall is just around the corner. Which also means school. School I'm excited about, many people hate school because of its boring-ness but the only thing I don't like about school is really the people. You always get the popular kids, and those kids that are extremely rude beyong your comprehension. But in summer there's nothing to do. And that is why I am quite fond of the fall. What do you guys...
July 27th, 2011 at 10:26pm

I wanted to write a journal xD

Its an awesome day and I changed my profile.-is proud of layout i made-:D Happiness! YAY! And anyways, today I walked my dog. And thought of a chappie idea for my next chapter on Tale of a Delicious Ghost (which you should urge people to read -smile-)I had started writing twice. but then I was like "NAAH" and deleted it. So No chappies today, and anyways I was to indecisive to write any way. Also...
July 27th, 2011 at 03:18am