Should I tell him? or let him find out for himself?

i've kinda been strugeling with my sexuallity for a while. for the longest time I said i was lesbian mainly because of the fact that i was straight up afraid of guys. don't get me wrong i am very atracted to girls just afraid of guys. so now i met this guy who really likes me and i really like him. so far I've been able to talk to him like he's been my friend forever. I've been really honest with...
July 18th, 2012 at 06:55am


I'm stuck in this mad spinning world. Where nothing is right. Everything is just... wrong. It's weird. I'm mad for no reason. I'm sad for no reason. Happy when there's nothing to be happy about. I'm stuck just spinning round. I have too many addictions that I shouldn't have. The drugs keep dragging me in. The razor blades keep screaming my name. Food still taunts me. My brain is fuzzy in all this...
July 5th, 2012 at 06:56am

day 1

Today marks a new day... day 1 in my trial for recovery. Today will be day 1 of many days that i begin to learn new ways of coping. Last night I gave my box with all my razor blades in it to my second mom (aka... Jacki). I've never been so frightened in my life. I gave away my one thing that helped me cope for four years. I'm ready to stop cutting and let my scars heal. I'm ready for new skin, new...
June 7th, 2012 at 08:20am

Unexpected Care

So on Wednesday during school in my 6th hour class my teacher and coach asked me if I'd be at practice. I thought it was weird that she'd ask because I'm always at practice. I thought about it and then answered that I'd be there not even thinking to ask why she'd be asking. So at practice she had all the other girls go warm up and when she was dismissing them she asked me to stay back. I instantly...
March 20th, 2012 at 06:03am

hospital? or home?

I feel like nothings going right in my life and I have nothing to be happy about. even though I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world, my niece just turned 3, and my mom and I seem to be getting along a little better. I am just so depressed, and don't know why. :( I'm starting to wonder if a hospital stay would make things better. :( I just feel so helpless. I cant get better on my own no...
November 3rd, 2011 at 03:49am

Paranoid? I'm not sure

for about four days now I've been sick to my stomach. I keep getting this feeling that something really really bad is going to happen. and everyday it gets worse and worse. today I've felt like I'm going to puke at any moment. I kinda feel like I'm just being paranoid, but this feeling in my gut tells me otherwise... I don't know what to do. I dont want anything bad to happen, but I can't stop it...
October 9th, 2011 at 06:22am

I am a Christian and bisexual...

lately I have been struggling with the fact that I go to church nearly every Sunday, rejoice in the Lord's name, and try my hardest to glorify His name. yet at the same time I have a girlfriend. I love her to death, there's no question there, but I have people ridiculing me because of the fact that I consider myself Christian and have a girlfriend. so I read the bible. Leviticus 18:22 says "you...
September 9th, 2011 at 05:39am

I miss her

I'm in love with my best friend, but I'm too afraid to tell her. :/ she's in love with her best friend who happens to be an amazingly talented girl who is absolutely out of this world gorgeous. see the thing is my friend and I got into a fight about that and now she won't talk to me :/ she won't respond my text or calls. and when I go onto Facebook she logs off. I try to justify myself but she...
July 28th, 2011 at 06:40am

Is crying good or bad?

I went through a lot as a child. and one of the ways I got through it was by telling myself I was bullet proof. and if I was gonna be bullet proof i couldn't cry anymore. so for six years I didn't cry at all until I was assaulted. and all my friends and (trusted adults) told me and still do tell me that it's good to cry. that you can just let it all out when you cry. but daddy always says "crying...
July 23rd, 2011 at 06:10am