About Me
you're building me up just to break me down
||Name: Kathryn F. || Age: 15 || Birthday: Febuary 9th, 1996 ||

I'm Kathryn - call me Kat, or Kitty, or maybe even KitKat; feel free to even create your own. I'm fifteen living in a broken world. The internet is the getaway, so you'll usually find me online. I wanna get a puppy but me being so lazy, that probably not gonna happen. Feel free to hit me up. -.- That made me feel like I was thirteen again c:

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you're being loud without a sound
Title Of Story
Description: boy meets girl. Girls falls in love with boy. Boy turns out to be vampire. Girl doesn't care. Boy eats girl. The End?
Characters: Krusty The Clown, Stan Marsh, Lizzie McGuire.
Chapters Completed: ## / ##
Status: Complete/incomplete/Hiatus

Title Of Story
Description: boy meets girl. Girls falls in love with boy. Boy turns out to be vampire. Girl doesn't care. Boy eats girl. The End?
Characters: Krusty The Clown, Stan Marsh, Lizzie McGuire.
Chapters Completed: ## / ##
Status: Complete/incomplete/Hiatus

you paste me in just to cut me out
You are beautiful. Yes, you. I like your face, its so beautiful and original. Not plastic and fake. Smile, it makes you look even better - with your beautiful face, I don't even know how that's possible.

hello, fascination
Content by Your name here
Layout created by Britty from

Lyrics by: Breathe Carolina
"Hello Fascination"

© Britty of Letterbomblove.webs.com