Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

Hai! My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Kitsune-chan. I am an anime addict... Along with various other addictions... Yes, I am a yaoi fangirl... Sue me... it's just like crack. I have the weirdest sense of humor and am naturally a hyperactive person.

shut up and let me see your jazz hands

There are many things I like and many things I dislike... I have probably the worst mind ever. My friends call me weird but I take it as a compliment. I am overprotective, but I do it from the kindness of my heart... I also like to act like a pedophile... Even If I'm not one... And you might see in my stories I have a twisted mind and I LOVE being dramatic. Well... That's all! Ja ne! ^__^

Layout: Claire @ liesforaliar
Header photo by Neil Krug