The one

Alright theres this girl her name is Melia. I met her 2006 the Sunday before Christmas and loved her from pretty well that point on. The twist of this story is that we go to the same school shared one or two classes but we can never be alone while we talk and we can never say normal things, instead we talked on MSN and we met because I sent a poem to another girl who sent it to all her other...
March 14th, 2008 at 04:18am


I write on my hands to remember things cause I forget alot. I always did it in pen but I didn't have any on me yesterday so I tried a pencil I mildly succeeded by making nice welts on my hands with the information I wanted to remember. So today I was feeling really bad so I took the lead part and ran it against the side of my wrist for along time eventually making blisters and I had alot of pencil...
February 28th, 2007 at 02:27am


I have never cut, I actaully have two very sharp razor blades in my closet there have been many of times I've wanted to do it but I dont know if I can do the physical pain, but one of these times something bad will happen and there will be something that emotionally scars me then I will cut. Ive gotten so close before once I held the razor to my wrist and accidentally slipped and gave my self a...
February 20th, 2007 at 01:08am