xxMidnightMadnessxx / Comments

  • Momma Danger.

    Momma Danger. (150)

    United States
    Hey, Kim! You basically just echoed my feelings for Bill. I have a new story that you might like- it's called Totgeliebt- and and and... it's Bill! Haha, see ya!

    Oh- and I'm Jess. ^_^
    March 11th, 2009 at 07:30am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Ughh, I'm so sorry this is so late. School got pretty hectic and my friends have been over a whole lot and I've been mega busy and I'm really sorry. x..x

    I was tired, yeah, but that's because sleep is practically against my religion, and I get about five and a half hours of sleep a night because I sit up and write. But, thank you. It's just been insane trying to make all the transitions from summer to school mode, because my body's still used to staying up all night and being a potato all day long. But yay, I'm so happy for you! I saw the pictures, and your friends seem wicked cool! I can't really talk, because I haven't been on Mibba, but I know it's not always posible to get on, and some things take precident over everything else. Hehehe, still, again, thank you. I have to do some crazy updating on here. It's all done on Quizilla but not here. I've been taking the hiatus I took on Quizilla seriously to get everything done and ready for the year over here. But really, nothing's new. Just normal dramas starting all over again after ten weeks of nothing. Ew.
    September 11th, 2008 at 07:38pm
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    I'm doing pretty okay. Already beaten from school after the first day, but still. It's totally fine, though. I so understand, and I'm glad to see you're back. :D
    September 4th, 2008 at 04:02am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Aww, how nice of you to help. :D I understand totally. All the times I've kept you waiting I feel like you owe it to me. Hopefully your aunt gets better soon. :)
    June 30th, 2008 at 12:32am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Well, still. Thank you. People who understand rule. And being off topic is really good. I need to take my mind away from this. It keeps getting worse and worse. I just wish I had more time to get on here and talk because that would do the trick.

    My birthday would be July 8th, and I'm really excited. My friends know what my parents got me and they said I'll love it, so I'm excited. Plus my party is German themed, which will be fun. The only cute kid around here is named Alex, and he hates me because I hate one of his friends. PLus he has this really ugly girlfriend nobody likes. But he's cute. He's in my story, as Courtney's boyfriend. I just wanted to write about him. He's ridiculously adorable. Haha, she chaperoned your date? That would be absolutely terrible. That just SOUNDS awkward. Like it's her boyfriend too. I mean I understand she's being careful but jeez. When I liked one of my friends (and he liked me), my mom was always around because she said she would always see these prime opportunities for him to kiss me (we wrestled a lot and he always sat on me because he was a dipstick). But I still feel worse for you. Whoa! What a jerk! I'd have kicked him. Yeah, they are jerks. It's just something I guess girls have to fight through. And she glares at me all the time, though, like either of us will ever actually date him. If Bill went to our school (I would absolutely die) I could understand, but he's a celebrity. That's just dumb. Hehe, yeah, I got bored one day home alone and it linked "Through The Monsoon" from "Liebe Ist" on YouTube, and I just watched it and like, fell in love. That's why the story's called that, because that's how I discovered them.

    Oh I know! Everyone thinks everything was just handed to them but it wasn't. And isn't it so annoying when people do that? They control what gets let out about them, so no, they don't know everything. Having fans who know things about you is cool, yeah, but so is some things being private. Everyone fawns over them now. And then they're old news. I just hope they'll still come to America and Canada when that happens, which is will, becausr this generation is unbearably stupid. Alright! Do you have an email address I can send them to?

    They broke up for good this weekend. I faked the sympathy, but laughed. And now his MySpace status is "gay" because he was bi, and my friend was the only girl he liked. And I'm amused by it. I understand perfectly half the things that happen, because I'm really imaginitive and can picture how sucky it would be, but it doesn't make the same drama any less tiring! so many people I know have on-again-off-again relationships it's almost like they're a trend. One of which I so don't intend on following. When my friends have boyfriends and we see a cute kid, they always say, "Just because I'm taken doesn't mean I'm blind." But I can't imagine doing that. Oh, god. This one kid I was talking to last year was unbelievable. After I knew him for like five minutes, he was like, "So. You have a crush on me now, don't you?" And it was like "Uh... no?" And he got mad and stopped talking to me because I said no. Ohh I hate the "I'm an easy guy to get a,long with"! I got it all the time when I was still friends with my one friend. He just liked the attention my friends and I gave him, and he would ALWAYS tell us that. I always wanted to tell him, "No you're not. The only reason I'm still talking to you is to avoid the awkwardness that's going to come when I ditch your sorry arsch." And now we're not friends anymore, and I'm happy for that. I know, me too! Everyone will tell me I'm weird, and I take it as a compliment. Who wants to be normal?

    Heheh, you too! Who cares how late it is? It's summer! Like we've really got much to do.

    My dad's actually trying to con my mom into letting me do a foreign exchange there next summer when my German is better. There are lots of cool places you can move to, too! And honestly, I forget what I was sorry over... O.o
    June 18th, 2008 at 12:31am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Ohhh, thank god you understand. A lot of people are getting pissed at me. During the summer, I should be on a lot. Plus now with schoolwork there's a giant family dilema going on and all of us are spending a lot of time together, which takes up the little free time I have. I'm going to put something about it in my profile so I don't offend people.

    Stuff like that is so sad! It's one of the things that makes me wish I was older. I'm not that far from fifteen, so you're luckier! There are so few cute kids in my town at all, let alone around my age. And usually the ones that are turn out to be jerks. Stupid system of the cute ones being older. Oh whoa, I didn't know they were selling them. What does that one come with? My friend got the Canadian one, and it barely has anything on it. What's getting annoying is a lot of people coming up to me and telling me that this really annoying senior is obsessed with them now, and they try and make me trash talk her. She already doesn't like me because she's a senior and I'm a freshman, plus, I'm not going to start a rivalry with someone over Tokio Hotel. Despite that she started liking them two and a half weeks ago and I started liking them in the beginning of October...

    Exactly! Like, nobody can grasp this concept. Everyone's so focused on their lives. It's so annoying how they're so obsessed with them. Just because they obsess doesn't mean they're going to wake up exactly like that some day. Ah hah! I thought I was the only person in the world who thought that! And in like, twenty years, they'll have no clue who they are when they pass. Yeah, they played a show here last March and my mom found out through a friend at a radio station that they were playing a smaller show just for the station, and she won tickets for it and a meet-and-greet. For extra tickets for the concert that night, they decided to do trivia questions. Elias was like "This is a warm-up question. What is the name of Ronnie's dog?" And the night before, I looked them up on google and read everything there was to read about them, because at the time, they were my obsession, and he said the dog's name in a PETA interview. So I was the only one to raise my hand, and they called on me. "I know two." "I only have one dog." "Erm, what?" "Well I have one and my wife has one. But you need to know mine." "Ralph?" "... Oh my god, she's right." "Oh my god, you win!" And I apologized to him for scaring him later, and then I have this picture where I'm giving him a hug, and he was playing around with me about the dog thing, and he's like "I'm going to look as scared as I feel that you know my dogs name, kay?" And I went through the pictures later and his face is freaking hilarious. I loved that day.

    I know! And I love it when they say "I love you, but I can't trust you". How do you have a relationship with someone you don't trust!? And then when I stop caring, they stop talking to me about it with the excuse "Oh, you're single, you wouldn't get it." And then pretend I care. I just love the backlash they get at the person and the anger they feel, and then they're back together and it's like nothing happened. Give me a break! Hah! Exactly! That's the part I love. When you're taken you can just look and even that feels sort of betraying (to me at least). But there's no rules when you're single. Myeh, I guess I'll take the good over the bad. People here are so stupid I would rather punch them than date them. Haha, yeah, I think it's true. Normal is weird.

    Yeah me either!!! It'll be amazing. I'll get in trouble but myeh, who cares? I don't.

    Mhm. It doesn't bother me. A lot of it is going to my fund to move to Germany when I'm done with college. Nobody thinks I'm serious about going, but I am, so the money helps. Yes, living alone will be so much better. There's nobody there to fight with each other and make things weird and boss you around. Eek. I'm sorry. x..x

    Hahaha, me too! It's fun and it freaks people out. Just what I like to do. I came up with an entire fake alias for myself as a robot spy in less than a minute once, complete with back up story, plans for the future, and current abilities. My friends were afraid. But yeah, I totally agree!

    Nope. I'm so computer-challenged it's not even funny. I'm lucky I can turn it on. Hehe, my entire favorites section is almost all dedicated to videos of them. I found a bunch of them. I can send you the links here if you'd like, seeing as Quizilla is dumb. I have so much I could put in the results now but noooo. They suck. :X
    June 8th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Blegh. Sorry this is so late. School always sucks at the end of the year what with reviewing for the finals and such. I'm sorry!

    Ohh I know! It's so aggrivating! Some cute kid will talk to me, and he'll tell me he's eighteen. And then blushes and walks away when I tell him I'm fourteen. Stupid age. Hehehe, I am too, so it's fine. They have them on different editions. They released it on iTunes, Amazon, in Hot Topic, and Best Buy. Amazon has "Black", Hot Topic has "Raise Your Hands", and Best Buy has a tour DVD.

    Ughh! Those crying girls just piss me off! They're PEOPLE. Granted yeah, they're famous people, but still. Crying is just dumb. When I met The Red Jumpsuit Aparatus, I managed to freak the singer out, hug him twice, and have a "who's more awesome" fight with the guitarist without spazzing! Ugh. Stupid fangirls.

    The people who do it on purpose piss me off, too. They don't get it. But whatever. I just love the ones with on-again-off-again boyfriends who expect me to be saddened every time they break up. That's the good part about being single. They all think I'm nuts for "dating Bill", but I'll stop if they stop.

    Ohhh I do that all the time in the summer! It's fun! But yeah, some people get lazy and go to bed. But I'll be up to talk with. :D

    If I can work at Wegman's this summer, it will be amazing. I get money for house chores, and then I'd have work money, which will rule. That way I don't have to bug my parents and hear no a lot. But I'm at the age where you're training for work, but you can't work a normal part-time job yet. Which is terrible. But at least it's something. I hate it when they have all the sizes that like, nobody is. It's like they plot against me. x..x
    June 3rd, 2008 at 02:09am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Aww, I'm sorry. I hate people like that. x..x

    Oh my god, yeah! I'm fourteen, but a lot of people think I'm anywhere from seventeen to nineteen. It almost sucks. But yeah, I thought the same about it. But at least I got "Raise Your Hands". I'd originally planned to buy that one. It was the only song by them I hadn't heard. And yay! :D

    Ohh, god. The crying girls are the worst. They don't get how annoying it is when they actually cry just because the band is there. I mean yeah, it is kind of captivating to like these people so much and then they're standing right in front of you, but Jesus Christ, get a life. As obsessed with them as I am, I didn't cry either time. I guess it's just the retarded girls who think it will make a difference. The band has stated a ton that they hate the crying fans. Yet it still happens. I supposed that would be kind of lonely. But I'd rather be lonely than have fake friends who always blabber about their boyfriends. It's like they know I despise those kinds of conversations. I feel so left out. But, still, all of us internet (sane) fangirls would love to pretend Bill is our boyfriend with you. :D

    Yeah, I pretty much do. It's pretty much my sanity.

    Aww, cool. When are you going to get one? I could get one this summer, and I might. But I don't know. Working in the summer sounds kind of icky. Still. It'd get money. I hate going there and seeing stuff Allea has (she wears stuff I think is cute), and then they only have it in like, small. Excuse me, but not everybody has the model-perfect bodies. Eugh.

    I'll totally play around with it and let you know. :D
    May 27th, 2008 at 04:39am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Yeah! A lot of my friends are untrustworthy wenches. I like the internet friends better. A LOT better.

    Hahaha, yeah! This one girl had a really cute friend and introduced us. But it was only cause she thought I was like, eighteen. They know the cool bands, too, though. The one girl complained at me for buying the only Tokio Hotel CD they had there because if it wasn't gone by the end of the day, she could have bought it. But they only had it because some chick returned it thinking it was the German one and she bought it online. And then there's this one girl who was ranking the pain of her piercings. But yeah, they're all really cool.

    I kept my coat, hoodie, and two t-shirts on the entire concert because I was freezing, and it turned out that I had mild frostbite. But it was worth it! And this time, it was right by the water, and it cooled off at night, and I was in a tanktop. I got a chest cold. Again, worth it. This show was better than the last one, despite the fangirls being crazier. But it's okay. I talk like a schoolgirl about Bill all the time. So does the girl I based Cyla off. All our friends have boyfriends but us, so we pretend they're our boyfriend and make up stories so we can be in the conversation. Cause we're special.

    Nope, I still live with my parents. My grandma wanted to see me 'cause she hadn't in a while, but I got on the computer like usual. She wanted to see me so bad, and she sat outside with her neighbor for more than half the time we were there.

    Yeahh, but they have some pretty cute stuff on clearance. The sucky part is that they don't always have all the sizes, which is sad. Their stuff is insanely cute, but just as expensive.

    I would, but I can't figure out MSN. I'm sorry. Do you have a MySpace or something? :D
    May 25th, 2008 at 12:09am
  • serenailith

    serenailith (200)

    United States
    i think the more
    emotion and realistic-occurrences
    in a story,
    the more it seems like
    the reader is PART of the story, not
    just a mere reader.
    May 22nd, 2008 at 08:20pm
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    (Sorry for the late reply. I sort of took a mini-leave from the internet for a little while to write and focus on bringing my science grade up again cause I had a 15%. Eek.)

    Oooh. Youch. Well, that's when you rely on all us cool internet people! Most of us are friendly. :D

    I used to have this one friend there, Chris. Every time I went in, he'd put on that Jamaican music and dance for me. It was entertaining in a scary way. I hate the people who think they're going to be like, really mean. Cause they're totally not.

    Before Friday, only one, but it was still amazing, despite it having been -21 degrees outside. x..x THAT was brutal, but so worth it. This time was a lot better, though. More people, but it was warmer AND Bill acknowledged that I said I loved him!!! I mouthed it to him on stage, and he smiled and nodded, and when he'd see my camera, he'd point at it. I'm going to post a picture on my pictures section here when I get back home (at my grandma's).

    Of course that's true! It drives my dad nuts because the clothes ARE so expensive, but I like, like, everythig in that store. It's easy to shop there. Last year I got about four hundred bucks for my birthday and blew it all there. BUT I got some ridiculously cute things. :D
    May 21st, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • serenailith

    serenailith (200)

    United States
    i love making my stories
    as realistic and emotion-evoking
    as possible.
    May 21st, 2008 at 04:35am
  • BETH bites.

    BETH bites. (100)

    United Kingdom
    im fine, surprisingly! had exams all day and im having them aaall week
    May 20th, 2008 at 08:07pm
  • serenailith

    serenailith (200)

    United States
    aw thanks.
    i appreciate it mucho.

    i'm getting ready to post yet
    ANOTHER part of [b]schrei[/b] soon.
    like, within five minutes.
    i'm on an updating roll. =D
    May 20th, 2008 at 05:55pm
  • serenailith

    serenailith (200)

    United States
    haha bill IS pretty.
    i mean, if he were a girl,
    i'd go straight lesbian for him. =D

    okay well, [b]gotten good at good-bye[/b]
    is about bill ,
    [b]these times are so uncertain[/b] is about tom,
    and my newest one [b]schrei so laut du kannst[/b] is NOT
    a love story but the twins play a major role in it.

    then i'm going to post a Gustav one soon.
    =] even shy boy needs attention

    i'm good though. how is you being?
    May 19th, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • serenailith

    serenailith (200)

    United States
    and Gabby is an amazing writer.

    i have some stories about
    TH up...
    May 18th, 2008 at 04:11am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I heard that was the part that sucked. Are there at least kids around your neighborhood you can hang out with?

    Yeah, I got it today. It was the only one they were getting until June, and I got into a five minute conversation about them with the clerks. Which was pretty cool. Heh. I'm there so much they know my name.

    Aww. I'm sorry. : (

    The concert I'm going to is in Toronto on Friday, I think it's at the Sound Academy? All I know is that I'll be in line for a really long time and that I'm freaking excited.

    My top looks kind of weird online but that's alright. It looks really adorable in person.


    (Sorry for the long URL...)

    And then for pants I have these tight black ones that aren't quite skinny pants, but they're sorta close. And then classic Converse because I love them. I like summer shopping. I was gonna wear black and red plaid capris I got, but I liked that shirt better. :D
    May 13th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • Mother Murder

    Mother Murder (100)

    United States
    Aww, mine didn't come with a book. But it came with a German computer game, which I'm supposed to play after I finish all the disks. You're homeschooled? That's really cool!

    Ahh, yeah that does sound cool! MP3 player with Tokio Hotel? Heh. I have my Tokio Hotel on there, and I listen to them so much, my player just loads onto there.

    Yeahh, today at Hot Topic I got the version with "Raise Your Hands" on it when I went there to get an outfit for the concert on Friday. I'm sending the other one to my friend in Australia. :D

    And today I would be very good. I got picked up early so I don't have to play stupid gym, and I went out for lunch, and I went shopping. Twas very fun. And how might you be?
    May 12th, 2008 at 10:33pm
  • BETH bites.

    BETH bites. (100)

    United Kingdom
    same with me! my dad admits he's gorgeous though, which is a bit better :P
    May 12th, 2008 at 05:58pm
  • BETH bites.

    BETH bites. (100)

    United Kingdom
    im good thanks :D
    i know, isn't he?! xDD
    May 11th, 2008 at 11:21am