I'm half asleep

Right now I am half asleep.I am listening to my favorite band.PATD!!Panic at the disco.I start school next week -.-Did nothing today.Went to the mall.Got a jacket.I'm bored.I saw a hobo and sticked it!!I am watching t.v.OOO i am going to poland!!Next year though -.-Haha I know..Im watching A.N.T farm.Some questions-What did you do today?-Are you tired?-Whatcha watching/reading/typingxD-Whats your...
August 19th, 2011 at 06:27am

I haven't been on for a long time:/

OMG! I miss my mibba friends and family!! I know I haven't been on for a long time. BUT I have a excuse XD. I hung out with friends went to places. School starts next week for me so won't be on my laptop that much. Because well yea I have to study! XD. If I fail I have to go to public highschool. -.- Bleh my parents XD. Haha well yea. So I was bored and I have nothing to do right now so I'm on....
August 18th, 2011 at 04:15am

Im a Ninja!!

Hey Ignore the title... Sorry I'm hyper anyways. Im being really quiet. Why? I don't know. But anyways I have tutor today!! >:O I dislike her!! She thinks I'm dumb!! But I so am not!! Ok so you guys really don't want to here me rant. But obviously you guys already did. Anyways I don't know why I'm making one but I will be making like 1 more today. Sorry busy because I have to get the things for...
July 27th, 2011 at 06:21pm

New story?

Gonna get off topic here..But whatever. Anyways!! I made a new story its called I'm a vampire and I never knew?!? Yup awesome title I know xD. But I might delete I don't I suck writing so yea. Anyways. Look at my profile. The colorful piano. I know no one is gonna take me seriously. But it's ok. I'm not a serious person. Nice today. Anyways So Comment If I should keep it. Or should I just stick...
July 26th, 2011 at 10:46pm

My adventure outside with my bestie!!

So like in my other journal. I said I was outside for like what 5 hours maybe? I don't anyways. I am 14!! And I am not afraid to admit that I still like riding scooters. Hehe. I do!! Ok anyways. I was outside with Andi. We didn't do anything so we got our scooters. Well because remember I'm short. Anyways. We were outside. We went to the park. And well we have a parking lot there. But its a small...
July 26th, 2011 at 07:42pm


Well today I'm gonna maybe hang out with andi. I still don't know because I think I'm busy or some stuff. Yup. And I don't have tutoring today!! *happy dance*. I dislike my tutor. She thinks I'm stupid. Well not stupid but like let's say I don't listen in class. Well I do!! In math and History and Science. But not religion or Spanish. Those two don't work for me. Nope. Last year my religion...
July 26th, 2011 at 05:55pm

Im In the dark:D

Im in the dark. In my room. hehe so I'm writing this really close to my keyboar. My face is like so close to it.xD But I am bored so I'm writing this. And I'm tired. Why? Because...I was outside til 9 with my friend Andi!! Yup my bestie. The Homie. xD lol Just kidding. I'm not gangsta. I am full white!! But I am polish. I that helps?? I don't know but if you want me to put a picture of me I...
July 26th, 2011 at 05:40am

My advneture at THE Library

So like I said I went to the library. I got 4 books. My mom got 2. And there's only one checking machine thingy. xD. So there were these girls before us. They had like 20 books. So I was like really? So we waited for like 10-20mintues They finished. BUT. Didn't get out of line. What do you think they were doing?Talking -.-. I'm like really. So we waited a little longer. They got out of line. But...
July 25th, 2011 at 10:40pm

Weird Story xD

Ok. So I was at Khol's. And Well I was trying on shoes for school. Because I go to a catholic high school. And well we didn't find any. So I had to put on my shoes. There converse. And I put my foot on a shelf with boxes of shoes. And when I was tieing my shoe. The shelf collapsed. So I was like. Um...And picked up all the boxes. Then no one came so I was like. Wasn't that loud. So I left. I came...
July 25th, 2011 at 08:32pm

Me Ranting xD About no good music on the radio

Well Ok so this a ranting journal but it will be funny because i'm guessing you guys like those. SO...Anyways. I turned on the radio thinking oh maybe some rap will be on. BUT no!! Katy perry came on!!! And I am sick of her song Last Friday night!! Why? Well because. 1. When I put on a radio! It says Last Friday Night On now!! And I'm on like Really. I mean I like Katy Perry And her songs. It just...
July 25th, 2011 at 05:56pm

What if you destroy everything you touched?

No this is not a funny journal but!!! I might have one after the library. Because you don't know what goes on at a library xD. Well Ok off topic. So the title. What if you destroy everything you touch? What do you guys that means. Because I have 1 one clue. And not that very good. But whatever. So I think it means. The devil sent you up. To destroy everything in your path. Family children....
July 25th, 2011 at 05:41pm

I am stumped D:

I am stumped. What does stumped mean? You ask. Well writers block. Have no ideas but I am still writing. Ok so maybe I do have 1 or 2 ideas but still! It will suck.. Because Its A vampire story. But I need a title. Anyways I have writers block!! D: I feel like crying. Lol Just Kidding. I don't know how I'm writing this. xDI have no life!! Yes I have no life. Well I do but at night I don't!! xD In...
July 25th, 2011 at 05:34am

So I'm bored

So I'm bored. So I'm making a new journal. Don't like I post them all the time. Whatever, I Don;t Care. I like writing. It's just that I stink at stories but good a writing my mind. Yes I am writng mind!! Lol. I kinda am but it's 9:02 pm here and i have to go to sleep soon D: Stupid Tutor!!! Yea I have a tutor gotta problem?! Ok good :D. So anyways. Im hyper and I'm hyped on pop xD. Don't ask why...
July 25th, 2011 at 04:05am

My Laptop Spazzed Out XD

My laptop just spazzed out. Don't know how but it did. So I was talking to my friend I was gonna ask her what's up. But it gave me qwasss. Don't know how. But it was dang funny XD. But I hate when it spazzes it outxD. So Yea. Just needed that out there. Because It seems funny. And That was my laugh for the day. It was so funny. You had to be here. But that would be kinda creepy. You people In my...
July 25th, 2011 at 02:04am

Don't Know What To Write About

I need an idea for a story and I have a question comment!!!! Ok so how do you put color on the background of your profile. Comment Please!! I want to do it but when I ask people they give me answers but there answers are confusing xD. So yea please comment!!! And Hey guys! Like I said my head hurts. I said I would take a nap. But nooo. My Body wont shut there eyes. -_-" XD So yea just made this...
July 25th, 2011 at 01:32am

When Nothing Goes Right Go Left.

Hi I'm new at this so don't judge!! Please. Thanks. So... I cam here to write but not today!! Nope. Maybe later but not right now. My head hurts D:. I know sucks and I had a good story to make. But no! My head starts hurting. I'm writing this half asleep so it might stink but I don't care. :D haha. I woke up at 6 am so just gonna take a nap then come back on to write read whatever I can do on...
July 25th, 2011 at 12:05am