2 Months Later...

I am officially the worst uploaded on the planet! I've had several chapters written out in my drafts for two month but I've just been too busy to upload them. School, Christmas, the New Year, family plans and exams - my life has just been too hectic for a change.I also appear to be suffering from the worst case of writer's block which sucks so bad. I'm not really happy with how my You Are Not A...
January 18th, 2013 at 10:40pm

Over-thinking Everything.

Do you ever have the problem of over-thinking everything? Like, over-analysing every single part of a situation? I seem to suffer from this problem a lot. But yesterday, I kind of reached breaking point.I'm the kind of person that keeps things bottled up; for days, weeks, months, even years. Yesterday, everything I had kept bottled up over the past two years just came spilling out in the form of...
November 23rd, 2012 at 06:35pm