PurplexCupcakes / Comments

  • Vic is a Turtle.

    Vic is a Turtle. (100)

    El Salvador
    mmmmm... gabe...

    i go to college in like ... nine months, i think.

    dude i cant believe i completely forgot that part. and of course her dad is an alcoholic and her mom left her and her only hope is ryan ross, who understands her and takes her on tour. then she cant start her car and john ohh from the maine is like oh, just live with us on our bus!

    hahahaha. i actually laughed at that. i can picture it too.
    September 3rd, 2008 at 08:25am
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    Aww, thanks Katee, you are the coolest ! :D

    I was in Target today, and Shake It was playing on one of those TV things by the CD's, and I was like singing and dancing, I think people were looking at me, haha. I'm a weirdo, but I love it.

    Hmm, I think Phil and Lil were my favorites, then Tommy. I used to think it was odd how he always carried a screw driver in the dront of his diaper though, you know isn't that sorta by his... y'know.

    I don't need luck, I need anti-depressants, haha. Seriously I am so dreading going back to school it's not even funny. I hate school so much, I rarely even talk to anyone, I just switch from class to class with a bitchy mood cause I have to deal with all the pains in the asses they call teachers.

    Haha, I know. I LOVE creating the houses, it's so much fun. Especially with the money cheat so you can just get whatever you want no matter how expensive it is.

    My favorite song as of now is probably Writing On the walls by underoath, I could listen to that song for hours in a row. It's so good.

    What's yours?
    September 3rd, 2008 at 02:15am
  • Vic is a Turtle.

    Vic is a Turtle. (100)

    El Salvador
    dude i would so pay that. i bet they'd sell like fucking hot cakes.

    NOTE: randiness not included.

    ahh those. i love those kinda tests, you knwo the o nes where you just have to fill out stuff like 'how old are you?' 'have you ever taken drugs?' and shit like that. or those questions you do and then they tell you what you should be when you're older. i remember i got like, 'model', 'vet' and some really wierd doctor thing that went for ages and i can't pronounce. i was like uh, no, and went and read all the thick files on photography. haha.

    i was like sitting in the hallway reading an arts career book when everyone else was still taking their career test.

    I KNOW! dude, and the sad thing is that it's totally true.

    if alex got someone pregnant, i think he'd run. if i was him i'd run too. i'd be like 'uh, look over there, the thing - it fell!' and when she looks it'd be like whooosssh! gone out the door like that - *snaps fingers*
    September 2nd, 2008 at 06:08am
  • starbucksandjobros

    starbucksandjobros (100)

    United States

    Sign the Kevin Jonas Love Train :D
    September 2nd, 2008 at 06:03am
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    Haha, true that. At age ten you were awesome, and now at sixteen you are amazinglysupertasticwithapinchofextremecoolness! lmao, :D

    Hopefully it will get better, or else these pieces of hell called braces would've been for nothing !

    Well, guess what ? ! Someone else commented it ! yay yay yay ! Now three people like it, woo hoo!

    OMG Rugrats ! ! ! ! I LOVE that show. With Tommy and Lil and Phil and Chuckie and Angelica and Stew, ahhh good times good times. I always used to think the grandpa was funny when I was little, like when he'd always fall asleep, haha.

    Actually, that's probably what it is. Thanks for the help Dr. Kate. ;]

    I'll try, but school is starting soon and shit, so I'm not sure if they're gonna come so quick, but I promise to update ! <3

    Random Question:
    Do you like the game The Sims?
    September 1st, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • Vic is a Turtle.

    Vic is a Turtle. (100)

    El Salvador
    fuck yes. mmmm. and he can dance and speak spanish. god. he needs to clone himself or something and start sending them out to girls (and boys) who wants some gabe.

    and thank you! and i also have no idea what PSAT SAT and such is. haha. sometimes i have full conversations about it but usually it never comes up. most of the people i've talked to have no idea what they want to do but i know people who've known since they were, like, ten.

    oh it's fully making fun. like 'i live nex door to ryanh ross with an arranged marraige to brendon urie and gerard way is my best friend but he loves me even though he's married and he's having sex with frank iero who is also married and alex gaskarth is the father of my baby'. just all that stuff that you and hates it but the guy lives nets to some city and hates it but the guy lives next door and shit. and the whole best friends become lovers. bleck.

    and yes. penis for the win.
    September 1st, 2008 at 12:43pm
  • if you're a trout

    if you're a trout (100)

    United States
    Hii :D
    August 31st, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • Vic is a Turtle.

    Vic is a Turtle. (100)

    El Salvador
    hahaha, that's okay, and yeeeee : ]

    gabe saporta is so sexy. i saw cobra a few nights ago and holy shit that boy was fine. aijfowiehfiuwbngoinrig mmm.

    i am in high school but i gotta start looking at photography scholarships for colleges in america. ugh. my schools been on for a while though.

    i've never done a joint story before.me and my friend talked about writing a parody making fun of all the cliche stories together but we never did. haha.

    and i'm into penis. no, i'm kidding.

    ... only not really.
    August 31st, 2008 at 02:04pm
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    Haha, for example...MASON FUCKIN MUSSO! hahaha, I'm a tad bit odd (:

    Haha, I could picture little ten year old Kate smackin down her first pianata!
    Ahh, that's a funny mental picture, ahaha. ;]

    No, believe me, I had a hideous smile before, and will after. I just those kinda people that don't smile with their teeth, y'know?

    Aww, thank you ! At least one person likes it (:

    Oh my goddd! I was just talking about Hey Arnold the other day with my dad! That was THE best show ever. If that started playing again, I would totally watch it, I miss that show sooooo much.

    Ehh, I don't know, maybe. I think it's mainly just because her life is well, not so PG rated, not like XXX rated stuff, but she's definatly not like flowers and butterflies, and she just doesn't want me to know, so I don't think badly of her or something.

    But, I'm sorta over it. I just vent stuff, and then I'm over it, so thank you! You're like my own personal little psychologist, haha. :D
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:19am
  • Vic is a Turtle.

    Vic is a Turtle. (100)

    El Salvador


    or, yknow, something a little less selfish ...
    August 30th, 2008 at 09:11am
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    AHHHH, Don't make me pass out, literally just reading that, I smiled. Mmmm, he's almost TOO adorable for the human eye ;D

    OMG, I KNOW! If I don't hit it hard the first time, I feel disappointed and like HAVE to knock that thing down the second time, ahaha.

    Nahh, I still have a mouth full of metal ):
    And my orthodntist is crazy and like man-handles my teeth, and I think he knocked one of my teeth loose.

    Really? Mines Wednesday. HA! I get an extra day =P
    Yeah, I just started my book today, but I only got up to page 30, so I have around, hmm... 150 something pages left, yipee! [note my sarcasm]

    Aww, thank you so much. You know your the only one that has commented it, I'm starting to think that people just don't like it.

    BUT OMG! You watched that show toooooo ? ! I friggen LOVED that show, I miss it so much. I still remember the theme song and stuff. Ahhh, I miss 90's television...

    Haha, well I'm just bored and a little pissed at my sister at the moment. So nothing going on great here.

    See me and my sister, were either bestfriends or enemies. And she ALWAYS has to know everything going on in my life, everything thats bothering me, every little secret I have, but then I'll be chilling with her and her friends and she'll be like "Oh, I have to tell them something, get out." And I'm like I tell you everything, why can't I know and her answer everytime, every friggen time is, "Well, this is different." OH how I HATE that phrase!

    But anyways, I'm done unloading my problems, sorry to be annoying, ahah.
    August 30th, 2008 at 06:32am
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    HAHA, exactly! Like, I'll tell you when I get accepted for the job, okay? ;]

    OMG, picture that! I'd like die if Metro Station played at my coffee house.

    I know, but sometimes, they are just plain out annoying, and I want to kill them, haha. Yeah, if I get a bratty kid, SHE'S being the pinata :D

    Well, actually I just got back from Cape May with my familia, so I'm just chillin. I have to go to the orthodontist in a little bit and be tortured, that should be fun, ahaha.

    What are YOU doing today?
    August 28th, 2008 at 07:28pm
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    OMG, I hate when people do that, especially to me, I'm like I DON'T KNOW I ONLY THIRTEEN FRIGGEN YEARS OLD, LEAVE ME ALONE! hahaha.

    But if I HAD to pick a job right now, I'd go to college for business and open up my own coffee house. (:

    I never thought of that, but I guess so, lmao. He was totaaaaally weird, and like kept on squirting me and my friend with water "on accident" so we were shooting him some mighty nasty death glares, hahaha.

    Oh my gosh, that's so cool. I might be doing that soon, if I move into this one house my parents were looking at, it had a huge basement, so if we buy it, were gonna paint the basement and do little girls birthday parties down there, I really hope we get that house, cause I would love to do that.
    August 25th, 2008 at 06:46pm
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    Ugh, doesn't it suckkk ?! I'm going into eighth, what grade are you going into?

    NO! It was not interesting WHATsoever. Thank god my friend was with me cause we did was sit in a corner and make fun of everyone, haha. We named one kid armpit because he kept on lifting up his arms, and he had EXTREMELY hairy pits, lmao.

    OMG, I hate those stupid fights that I get in with my mom, which is pretty much like everyday. Resume? Are you getting a job or something? I wish I could get a job, I am so broke it is not even funny. I have a penny, literally. That's the only money I have.
    August 25th, 2008 at 05:36am
  • ash stymest

    ash stymest (100)

    United States
    Aww, thankss ;]
    Hahaha, that's so funny. I usually don't hang anything up in my locker, cause I'm like too lazy to remember to bring tape, hahaa. I start school September 3, I am SO dreading it!

    Not much, not much. I just got back from some LAME-O family reunion on my dad's side, and it was the most boring thing ever! And omg, I forgot about those, I haven't really been watching it lately. I did watch some shear genius, though. I love that show too.

    What about youu?
    August 24th, 2008 at 02:51am
  • Dogmom92

    Dogmom92 (100)

    United States
    Not yet.
    August 23rd, 2008 at 11:23pm
  • Dogmom92

    Dogmom92 (100)

    United States
    *high fives back*

    August 23rd, 2008 at 10:54pm
  • Dogmom92

    Dogmom92 (100)

    United States


    I really appreciate you writing this with me.
    August 23rd, 2008 at 10:41pm
  • Dogmom92

    Dogmom92 (100)

    United States

    So he's going to be a player that ass.

    I think I want me and Rob to have some problems, but not like cheat on each other. Like we fight about stupid things and then when we find out we're having a baby, we come together.

    Um second day of school... we can talk about our dates I guess.
    I'm not really sure what we could do for the second day.
    August 23rd, 2008 at 10:17pm
  • Dogmom92

    Dogmom92 (100)

    United States

    Yeah, I'll take it unless you want it.
    I don't want to bring it in until like later in the story though.
    I want it to be Robert's as well. lol.
    August 23rd, 2008 at 10:01pm