
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
February 10th, 2007


Well, my names Mary and i like stuff...lots of stuff. And also things. Things are good too.

Well it's been an age since I updated this and I thought I might as well. I've been off mibba for a while but yeah... I don't know, it's starting to appeal to me more again...

I'm an actress, a bassist and a writer: I love them all but don't think I'm outstanding at any of them... oddly that doesn't make me sad it just makes me want to get better.

I like to think I'm pretty optimistic, I'm pretty content, and I'm pretty damn lucky. I've got wonderful friendsand I get on well with my family. Seeing as you don't find that a lot these days, particularly the latter, yeah... I feel special...

I like to talk but I'm pretty shy around others I don't know. That's sort of why I like the Internet, it's much easier to express your opinion here and to share ideas even before you get to know someone properly.

I find it increasingly harder to write lately and I'm beginning to blame text based RP Forums for taking all me ideas before i can use'em. "Nerd" I hear you cry. Yeah you're right. I am. But I recommend it! It's like writing a story from only one characters point of view and everyone else responds as their character. Currently I'm running a dark knight one;


Oh... no... wait... check out my band! or

Okay Now


So anyways, long story short, Hi I'm Mary, come talk to me I'm oftentimes really bored. You can tell. I never usually put this much frikking effort into my profile...