Recent times

Bonjour, other mibberrs! I've been distracted lately, and I plan to make it up to you, but I dont remember whether or not I've made any recent poems. I think I did, but my memory is kind of hazy. lol I look forward to sharing more work and receiving more comments.I've recently tried to come up with some story ideas but none have sparked my interest as of yet. I have a 12-page story so far and I'm...
September 8th, 2011 at 04:45am

Ranting of the mind

I debated whether or not to do this, but then, my thoughts gave in to the rising need to type. I deftly clicked my mouse as the cursor covered the "submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. And now, here I sit, typing all this, just to do something. To keep my mind busy, to try not to think about it. I realize that many people will probably start to read this just to go, "Oh,...
July 28th, 2011 at 09:56am

God this hurts....

I am not always the person I seem to be. I love talking with my friends and will do just about anything for them. However, I haven't been the best friend that I could be, as of late. I'll get texts from certain people that I may pretend to have interest in talking to, but sooner or later I'll just ignore them until they stop trying to talk to me. I know I'm not the best person that I can be. I...
July 28th, 2011 at 09:25am

The Country

Where has all the reason gone? Has it been soaked up by the media? Are we now slaves to the "man" as we used to call it? Vuz from here it looks like the "man" has become a huge **ssy and isnt fit to rule the nation. Doesnt it say somewhere in the Declaration of independence that if we find the current government unfitting to the needs and will of the people that we have the right, nay, the...
July 28th, 2011 at 09:22am

Randomness comes in the early morning

I debated whether or not to do this, but then, my thoughts gave in to the rising need to type. I deftly clicked my mouse as the cursor covered the "submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. And now, here I sit, typing all this, just to do something. To keep my mind busy, to try not to think about it. I realize that many people will probably start to read this just to go, "Oh,...
July 28th, 2011 at 06:11am