OMG its Friday!!!!!!

3/30/2012I cant believe its Friday!!!! I love Fridays. Im meeting up with my friend Dakota in a half in hour and we r going 2 get ready 4 Circle D tonight and then she is going 2 spend the night at my house and in the morning we r walking 2 her house 2 hang and then we r meeting up with my friends Brianna,Mallorie,Makayla,and Siera and we r going back 2 my house 2 get ready 4 Teen Zone.Then sunday...
March 30th, 2012 at 11:48pm

Another Random Journal Day =)

3/29/2012This journal will be short....just dont have anything 2 life is so sucks :(I have tons of hw and i got 2 study 4 my social studies test yea. Im staying the night at my bffs house tonight so thats 1 happy thing but it dosent balance out with all the bad things :( If i get 5 comments on this i will make a poem so start commenting! I want 2 start doing...
March 29th, 2012 at 11:16pm

Random journal day =)

3/28/2012Okay this is going 2 be a short journal. So i have good news.....i got a C+ on my science test so im not grounded but i stil have a test 2 take on Friday so..wish me luck? lol i dont have anything 2 write about today so..yea i say so a lot. Um i need u guys 2 comment on my journals and poems. I havent made a poem in forever it seems bc no1 is commenting so yea plz comment :) this is...
March 29th, 2012 at 01:13am

Teacher from HELL?!?!?

3/28/2012Today in class we watched To Late To Apoligize, Declaration of Independence and it was so funny but our teacher turned it off bc we wouldnt stop laughing. My teacher is a bitch. I hope she burns in hell. I know thats mean 2 say but who cares. She shouldnt of turned off the fucking video,bitch. I have a dirty mouth lmfao.Trennton,this boy in my class,omg he is so gay. He stands up in class...
March 28th, 2012 at 12:48am


3/27/2012Today was boring but there was 1 thing that was really funnyyou guys probably dont want to hear it...but im telling u anywaysokay so....i was sitting in class not paying attention and then i hear the teacher talking....she said i wish i had so more toys to play was so funny. We all started laughing and she looks at us and asks while we r laughing and we just sit there like we...
March 26th, 2012 at 11:32pm


Its Sunday...GREATthat means its the last day before i go back to schoolim always bored on Sundaysthere is nothing to doright now im sitting on my laptop typing and listening to my fav band blood on the dance floor but there is nothing special about that bc i listen to music every daymusic is my favorite drugmusic is my only loveSundays make me think of sundays u know the ice cream treat...i...
March 25th, 2012 at 05:29pm