DetoxJustToRetox / Comments

  • punk ariel.

    punk ariel. (100)

    United States
    Hey girl! Looks like my cousin's account is all set and ready for you to make your own!

    Now that you have an account you can read Stories on here (as sometimes you can't read them offline), you can comment and recommend stories as well as subscribe to them so you're up to date on new posted chapters!

    You can read blogs, join forums, there's lots to do now that you have your account! If you ever wanna set up a story, post a blog, anything, drop a comment in my profile or send me a message and I'll help you out!

    Also, one more thing. To reply to comments, you have to either A. enter the person's profile, or B. roll your mouse over the comment and click "Reply." Everything may seem a bit complicated now but you'll get the hang of it!

    With all of that said, welcome to the fantabulous world of Mibba, Mari! Hope you like it here Cute

    [P.S: If you click the 'All Smilies' tab, you can see the BBCode for all the smilies like the one I used above! If you ever need help with BBCode such as changing font, color, size, text, using smilies, etc. don't be afraid to message me!]
    June 25th, 2014 at 02:50am