Hey guys :3So, since I'm on Winter Holiday for another 10 days and I want to do some writing, I'm opening one shots requests again. But, I'm only going to be taking 10, at most.Rules:1. Send requests to my inbox, not my comments page.2. Include the pairing (I'm particularly keen on the Fantastic Foursome lately [if you know who they are, then yay!])3. Include some description of yourself. (I...
December 29th, 2012 at 06:24pm

Days 237-258 ;; Spring Break, Royal Wedding Fever?

So, it seems unlike everybody else I know, I have just finished my Spring Break. All of my other friends had spring break about 2-4 weeks ago. I suppose that's the joy of a college schedule....maybe?Anyways, more importantly only 5 more weeks until summer vacation and I will have finished my first year of college! I can't believe that the time is almost here. It seems like the year has passed in a...
April 26th, 2011 at 01:22am

Days 201-236 ;; Laptop Dead, Britney's Back, Life Is Crazy!

So yeah. I seem to be very bad at updating anything...cause you know, I do the whole"college/work thing".And lately it's been annoying because people tell me to stop whining about how busy I am. Well, I go to college full time, work 30 hours a week, add in commute time, homework time, housework time, and and trying to get some sleep and tell me I'm not busy. Currently, I'm lucky to get an hour of...
April 5th, 2011 at 02:11am

Days 143-200;; College + Work + Friends = ?

Hiiiiii fellow mibbians!So, it's definitely been a while since I posted a journal. It's been a crazy few months that's for sure!As you may know by now, I keep track of the days in my journal to kind of...chronical my year without my best friend. I got to see my best friend for 1 day though before she left again to go back to her program! It was a great day, that's for sure! Saying goodbye again...
February 27th, 2011 at 10:39pm

Days 132-142 // 3 Year Mibba Anniversary ; Surgery

Happy 2011! I just realized that this is the first official journal of the New Year!I hope everyone is enjoying their new year and is in good health!I realized after I posted my last journal that I've recently had my 3 year Mibba anniversary! I can't believe it's been a whole 3 years already. I have to say I've made some good friends on site and I can't imagine leaving this site! We're all just...
January 10th, 2011 at 02:18am

Days 114-131 // Happy New Year; Resolutions; What's Next?

Hello my lovely Mibbans (:Happy [belated] Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope all of you have had a great break and a wonderful holiday!So, it's been a while! Honestly, I've been on break for three weeks now, and nothing too exciting has happened. For Christmas I got a new bike, some clothes, a new stereo, and Inception on Blu Ray and my family got a Blu Ray player...obviously. What did you guys...
December 31st, 2010 at 01:06am

Days 100-113 // First Semester DONE! // Winter Hols // VIDEO

Hello my lovely dear Mibbans (:It's been a while for sure!As of the 10th, I have finished my first semester of college! Yay! With a 4.5 GPA (:It was....definitely an awesome ride and I look forward to even more adventures next semester! Speaking of which, I am now also a music minor, added on to my liberal arts major. I'm so glad I did it, but I am going to have a mundo busy schedule next...
December 13th, 2010 at 04:30am

Days 87-99 // Oh, How Busy Things Have Been.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!Happy Harry Potter movie! Wait....did that make sense? In my mind it did. Anyways....It's been a while, but things have been crazy busy. It seems like things are finally looking up, though! My friend is doing very well with chemo, and he's set to start another round soon, I've got my new phone [finally!], I'm almost done with my first semester of college and...
November 29th, 2010 at 02:59am

Days 78-86 // Nothing Is The Same After Seeing Someone Die.

Yesterday, I was driving to school in the morning, I saw something I never thought I would see. I saw someone die. I saw his corpse on the highway. There was a motorcyclist, who was only 19, speeding, and not braking, and he smashed into the back of a large van. He died on impact. There are few things worse then seeing a corpse in the middle of the road.I was shocked at what I had seen. Traffic...
November 17th, 2010 at 02:30am

Days 72-77 // Finding Out One Of Your Best Friends Has Cancer.

This past week has been really hard.It all started last Sunday night when one of my best friends texted me that he might have cancer. At first I thought it was his idea of a bad joke, so being myself, I texted him back 'lol'.Then I realized: it wasn't a joke.He went back to the doctors' on Monday and he does indeed have cancer. He had surgery too days ago. I couldn't believe what he had told me;...
November 8th, 2010 at 02:51am

Days 61-71 // My World Is Crashing Down.

Have you ever gotten one piece of information and everything changed? That's what happened to me this past week. I found out that my best friend's parents are moving to LA over New Years. How is this changing everything? Because when my friend gets back for good, she's most likely going to be living with. LA is about eight hours from San Fransisco [which I live right outside of]. It sucks, ya...
November 1st, 2010 at 02:52am

Days 51-60 ;; Life Is Crazy + BTR + Facebook

So much for an everyday journal...I would, honestly I would, update everyday if I had the time. I didn't think I'd have such limited free time with my college schedule, but I do. So, I apologize, but I'm sure you understand (:Currently my brother is in the hospital...he's got staff infection in his arm and for some reason it's a weird form of it, and the doctors are still trying to figure out how...
October 21st, 2010 at 01:52am

Days 47-50: SF MoMA//Zoo

Busy as usual. Gahh, I wish I had more time to update you guys!So on Friday my class and I went to the San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art. I've been there several times in the past and this time it wasn't as interesting. Plus, our docent seemed to be rushing us through everything and hardly gave us any time to look at any of the art he wasn't talking about. So that was a downer. My friends and I...
October 11th, 2010 at 04:52am

Days 39-46 - First College Test/FINALLY! My Awesome Headphones/Easy A

So...yeah...I've been gone for a week. Why? Cause like I said before...I like to pretend to have a life. Haha. No, I actually do. Yes, it maybe mainly college, but you know.I had my first college test last Tuesday and I got an A!! Almost an A+, but you know, I'll take a high A. The day of the test was miserable, might I add. It was about 105 degrees that day and the AC wasn't working in my...
October 7th, 2010 at 03:59am

Days 35, 36, 37, 38 - Selly G, 18 To Life, HEAT!

Sooo, it's definitely been a busy couple of days.First of all, I have to complain about the heat. Where I live, which is right outside of San Fransisco, it's been so flipping hot. Today it was 98 degrees and yesterday it was 106 degrees. How fun is that, right? You walk right outside and you almost break into a sweat. Not so fun.Anyways. I had my first college test yesterday! It was so nerve...
September 30th, 2010 at 07:34am

Day 34 - Yeah, It's A Boring Saturday / Get To Know Me.

It was a typical Saturday here in my neck of the woods. I slept in, had the house to myself, ate, watching stuff off my dvr, and practiced. Not an exciting day by any means. But when you get the runaround everyday of the week, it's always nice to have a calm, quiet, do nothing at all, day. (:Since I've got nothing to report since yesterday, I thought I'd let you guys get to know me. Not that you...
September 26th, 2010 at 04:10am

Days 32, 33 - Life with Derek, DVR Catch Up, Fire Drills

Sometimes all I can say is oy. Like that seriously seems to describe my life very well.So yesterday, my awesome 'sleep-in Thursday' was pretty good. Until I went to school. I needed to get some gas before I went to school, so, you know, I went to the gas station and filled up my car. And then some guy comes up and talks to me about being his car wax. And it was so creepy cause it was like he was...
September 25th, 2010 at 04:40am

Days 28, 29, 30, 31 - Whitest Kids U' Know, Nick Jay, College!

Hola everyone (:Where in the world have I been? Well, let me explain it to you in the simplest possible way: college life.This week and last week have felt like the first "real" weeks of college because work has picked up a lot. So, the little free time I have had has been dedicated to essays and reading and assignments, so bear with me.I got to talk to my bestie again on Sunday, like she has...
September 23rd, 2010 at 07:35am

Days 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - Bloody Island/GA/Rules.

Days 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - College = Crazy.I've obviously been pretty busy this past. I wish I could also claim to have accomplished a lot, but I have not. But I got some stuff done, that I've been wanting to finish for a while, so it's all good.Early this past week was unremarkable. It was the typical college day: go to school, hang with the buddies, go home, eat, chores, homework, sleep. The good...
September 19th, 2010 at 06:50am

Day 22 - Yay! But Wait, There's A Catch.

So, on Mondays I don't start school until 10. Which is pretty nice and I get to sleep in a bit. I got to school early, had breakfast with some buddies and then went to class. Where I seriously almost fell asleep! Either it was that boring, or I was that tired! Maybe I should stop going to bed at 2 AM. Maybe...although not likely.Then I went to meet my friend for lunch and got to see a bunch of my...
September 14th, 2010 at 04:58am