Senioritis - Dream Drama Away

Long time Yeah. let's just go with that. So, in my everychanging life I want to make a few changes, as Lucy has moved (once again). This time she's in Nebraska - she and her boyfriend are such city people though, it is so funny!Valerie and Hayden finally met, Valerie was with her boyfriend, Eric, at the time so we all started talking Star Wars, she and I adore the little ewoks!...
May 9th, 2010 at 06:56am

Senioritis - Oh The Drama of My Life

(okay - so this is my first attempt: i don't want to call this a story (although it will be written as one just because that is my strongest form of writing) because this is based on semi-actual events. Names have been changed. All of this does not necessarily involve me; but a lot of people I know.) {Just like to pont out that it said "worthwhile"...not "factual"}It's my senior year in high...
January 21st, 2010 at 01:32am