towriteLOVE / Comments

  • Wow, considering my last comment,w e don't actually talk tha tmuch, except once a month. I think we're still pretty good friends for once a month talking.. lol.
    Thanks for the picture comment :D
    What happend was me and Jordan (the other girl in the picture) went to the mud bog... but there was no mud, and no bog... O_O and we wanted to to the 'Dash For Cash" which is when girls in bikinis race for the money in teh middle of the mud... but the mud day was the next day,a dn we went to the truck pull day... so it kinda sucked... and so we found some mud somewhere else and went to play in it... and made our friend Erin throw money in it and we raced to it. lol.
    Sunny-Lee <3
    September 7th, 2009 at 05:34am
  • It was totally exciting and fun. lol, i have an in-tents picture on the back of my notebook... i decorate my notebooks.... lol
    Now i'm all at camp all summer,a nd i'm home every 2 weekends... so, i probably wont talk to you much.
    I hope your summer is fantastic :)
    Sunny-Lee <3
    July 5th, 2009 at 04:35am
  • It's okay... i'm kinda over it because recently we became better friends... lol, and i'm going off to camp on Sunday. lol
    Glad you and your BFF sorted things out and are happy :D
    *is a graduate*
    Yeah, i graduated today :D
    Prom's tomorrow,a nd then i have my after party at my place, which i have never been so excited for in my life. lol
    Sunny-Lee <3
    June 25th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • Awhh, that's just sad about your ex best friend. Probably because it reminds me of how one of my best friends and I are hardly friends any more.
    What happend was one day she just told me that she had a crush on me and I was liek "Okay... :)" and then we flirted, and then one day I was just liek "What exactly are we?' and then it was liek "friends with benefits" type thing,a nd then i was like all upset, and then she was liek "OKAY WE'LL DATE!" and then i felt bad because it was like she didn't actually want to, then she told me she did, and then we were dating,a dn then she was liek "Umm, actually i don't know if i like boys or girls, i'm really confused..." and then it just kinda was the end of that, and we just recently started talking a bit more than you know, the nothing we had been talking... But like, I didn't know what to say to her and stuff... you know?
    Sunny-Lee <3
    June 9th, 2009 at 10:21pm