Blog time

Soooo I don't have anywhere else that I can really say this, so I'm just going to say it here because I need to get it out of my system and I'm so fucking happy right now.If you remember that I used to like a boy, and he was being horrible to me and stuff? Well, I don't like him anymore. That's it, I've finally realised. I was thinking about it all week and I just don't, I know for definite now. I...
March 10th, 2013 at 04:22pm

ily all (unless I don't, then I don't)

I miss writing blogs. I used to write them all the time, aw. Now I have nothing to talk about hahahaha oh dear. You'll be pleased to hear that I'm not here to complain this time...maybe. Ok, I might have a bit of a moan but the whole blog isn't seeking advice or hating life. Which is always a good thing.Anyway. I've started listening to The Story So Far lately, they're really good. I'd heard and...
February 26th, 2013 at 09:56pm

I'm not over-reacting, am I?

Ok. Hi. Basically, there's this boy that I've liked for aaaaaages and he's being a prick. For the sake of this, let's call him...Tony. Right. Tony is being a complete and utter...ARGH to me for no reason, and before that we were pretty good friends so everyone, especially myself, is kinda pissed off.We went out for a meal yesterday, like all of my friends for two of my friends' birthdays, and he...
February 18th, 2013 at 10:11pm

Thanks for not hating me...unless you do

So. It's been a while since I last posted a blog, hasn't it? Whoops. I'VE JUST HAD A LOT GOING ON, OK. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL. -prepares for no one to even read this blog-Anyway.Yes, uhm, sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I WANTED to...well, I didn't, but I did think about it once or twice. The flaw is that I've fallen into a cycle of intense self-loathing, which -if you're aware of my...
February 5th, 2013 at 01:33pm

I'm leaving the internet...for now

Yes. I'm serious. I'm sorry this seems really sudden and all, I know this probably means nothing to a lot of you considering I never update anything on here anyway hahaha but yeah, I'm leaving for a bit. The problem is, I feel really, really, really shit about myself lately and I don't want to feel like that anymore, so I'm stepping away from the internet for a while, so I (hopefully) stop...
November 28th, 2012 at 11:33pm

I need to stop

So...let me just start by saying: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (for Saturday, not today, sadly)I had a birthday party, which Rachael (you should all know Rachael) attended, as well as a lot of my friends. It was really good and not at all awkward, thank god. But we did Gangnam Style like 5 times and my legs KILLED for the next two days afterwards omg it was so bad, like I could...
November 20th, 2012 at 06:56pm

I'm arrogant with low self-esteem

So, in PHSE today, I learnt that I have low self-esteem. However, I am the most arrogant person I know, I'm almost as arrogant as Ian. But yeah, like a lot of the time, people think I am just joking but I GENUINELY see myself (most of the time) as the greatest person ever. I'm in a really sort of...high on life mood lately, like the last couple of months I've just been like "wow, I really am...
November 8th, 2012 at 07:06pm

It's been a while

So, it has been quite a long time since I last posted a blog, hasn't it? Well, we can't have you all going without a pointless update on my life, can we?! Oh god, no, you poor things, how have you even survived? Jeez, you could teach Bear Grylls a thing or two.But anyway, my life has been pretty dull lately, hence the lack of pointless blogs. Saying that though, it has been busy enough for me to...
October 17th, 2012 at 09:06pm

Ugh, I'm so confused

What do you do when the person that you think you might like just a tinsy winsy bit clearly likes one of your best friends? Ugh, I'm so confused. I don't even know if I like him! I've barely spoken to him, but idk, I keep thinking about him and I'm not sure what's wrong with me.I've never had a crush on anyone, ever. Even with band members, I don't even really think "oh my god I wish we were in...
October 9th, 2012 at 01:08am

Bullying and dancing like Rihanna

Omg guys, today my friend Amy was...BULLYING ME. Like, I'm not even kidding, she has it in for me, I'm sure of it. We were in health and social, where we sit together on a table, along with Sabrina. Now, I have preeeetty messy handwriting, and I can never stay on the line, or draw a straight line with a ruler, it's a real mental problem of mine. Anyway. She started MOCKING me for that, and...
October 4th, 2012 at 12:35am

Guess who's back? (back again-gain)

No, it isn't Eminem, don't get your hopes up. I think he has better things to do than make pointless blogs on Mibba about a load of absolute shit that no one cares about, don't you? However, I have all the time in the world.But yes, I have my internet connection back again, I know you're all SO delighted. We moved house on Saturday, which was really long, and putting all my posters back up again...
October 2nd, 2012 at 11:35pm

This is goodbye ;_;

Heeeeeeeeeeey, guys. So, my internet gets cut off tomorrow *traumatised face*, which means I won't be on here for a while. This is goodbye then, I guess.Moving house is so stressful omg, I hate it. I don't even want to move, I have to put ALL my posters back up again which will be stupidly long. Not to mention the laCK OF YOUTUBE I WILL HAVE OH MY GOD HOW WILL I SURVIVE?! It's going to be...
September 28th, 2012 at 09:58pm

Lion fight

Lion fight?! Lion fight?! Omg, where?! I know, I know, I'm excited too. Sadly, there is no lion fight and hopefully there never will be one because using animals for entertainment is very, very wrong. Remember that, children.No, this blog isn't about lion fights, please, this is me. There is never anything that interesting in what I have to say. This is just my regular update on my life...enjoy....
September 25th, 2012 at 10:53pm

Jess ;_;

Hellooooooooooooooo.Ugh, my Mibba is so dead at the moment, it's killing my soul. Why is no one updating?! I know I haven't been, but I have serious procrastination issues, that no one else is allowed to use as an excuse. I spent most of today listening to The Blackout and dancing, which, and I spoke to Jess on the phone :') I really miss her ;_; she misses all you guys too, and her...
September 23rd, 2012 at 01:32am


Yo.Uhm, basically, I don't really have anything to say, but I'm really bored so I'm going to make this random blog anyway. Let's see where it goes. Hmm, maybe I'll discuss my fics here...So, I really can't a- be arsed and b- I don't have any ideas for May I Say I Loved You More? Like, seriously. I don't know why. I was fine at first, but now I'm just screwed, I don't know how to get out of this...
September 20th, 2012 at 11:33pm

...a cat tree

Hello.I have a big announcement to make that may shock you all, like, full-on shock. I'd make sure you are sitting down for this one...basically, I have a cat tree in my stomach. Don't write me off! That's what my mum did, but anyway, yes, it's true. 3 times now, my stomach has meowed, and I mean an ACTUAL meow. It didn't just sound a little bit like one, it WAS one.I would go into my whole...
September 19th, 2012 at 10:39pm

Is vlogging the best path for me?

lolz at the title.I just straightened my hair. *cue dramatic music*No, it isn't that much of a shock, but it was loooooong. I hate doing it :( It's like, the longest task of my life...yes, my life is that simple. But still, I didn't enjoy it. I had to do it though, because I HATE my curly hair, it pains me to even think about it. No, I'm kidding, it isn't that bad.That seems like such a boring...
September 16th, 2012 at 11:17pm

I'll apologise in advance

Okay, so, basically, I'm moving house on the 29th of September, and I obviously won't have internet for a few days, maybe even a week, so this is me, apologising in advance. Mainly because I know I'll forget otherwise and you'll all think I've died (which hopefully doesn't happen, I'll keep my fingers crossed) so yes, here.This means that my updates may be slow too, over the course of the next 2...
September 16th, 2012 at 12:04am

Will it look really arty and deep if I just name it "untitled"? Yes, okay.

My mum and dad were arguing earlier, it sucked. They argue all the time though, I wanted to scream, "I'M TRYING TO WRITE SMATKINS HERE, PEOPLE!" but I thought that'd just make matters worse, so I just sighed after everything they shouted at each other.Oh, and the other day, my dog Elvis was laying on the sofa asleep with his legs spread wide open, and I was like, "you know Elvis, if I slept with...
September 8th, 2012 at 07:31pm

I Have to Go Back to School ;_;

I have school tomorrow D: it's going to be so awful, you have no idea. I have to wake up...IN THE MORNING. Do you have any idea how hard that is for me? VERY.But I have to focus on the seeing my friends. That isn't a big enough positive for me to look forward to it though, I'll be honest. I've seen them quite a few times this holiday, and well, I don't like them THAT much. I...
September 5th, 2012 at 07:03pm