Rosalia / Articles

  • Building a Fan Base and The Meaning of Selling Out

    Building a Fan Base and The Meaning of Selling Out

    The Indie Tip is coming to it's end, but fear not for it will continue in TV form on This final article is about building a fan base and hopefully becoming the next My Chemical Romance or Panic At The Disco.

    January 12th, 2009 at 05:19am

  • Wanna Start A Band? Here's How

    Wanna Start A Band? Here's How

    After being requested to discuss HOW to start a band, I decided to look back into my past bands to remember how I did it and also how many people do it today.

    September 25th, 2008 at 09:15pm

  • So You Got The Gig? What Now?

    So You Got The Gig? What Now?

    So the announcer just called five minutes before you go on stage. In your head, you're thinking, what should I play? The Indie Tip discusses day of arrangements like your set list and preparation like choosing bands to play with.

    August 29th, 2008 at 04:23pm

  • The Results Of A Press Package; The Offers

    The Results Of A Press Package; The Offers

    The Indie Tip has already discussed how to create the perfect press package, now here's what you do when your hard work pays off.

    August 20th, 2008 at 06:35am

  • Advertising; Before the Internet Was Born

    Advertising; Before the Internet Was Born

    Today, it's obvious how you can advertise your band, it lies in two words; the internet. But how did bands like The Ramones, Rolling Stones, The Beatles get their fame if internet wasn't how we imagine it now? The Indie Tip discusses ways to advertise your band without the use of the internet.

    July 31st, 2008 at 09:25pm

  • A Band's Worst Nightmare; The Press Package

    A Band's Worst Nightmare; The Press Package

    A Press Pack can make or break a band in the eyes of a potential label or sponsor. The Indie Tip reveals a guide for the perfect press package.

    July 26th, 2008 at 07:16am

  • Touring Essentials

    Touring Essentials

    For Bands, the summer time is the best time to tour, but if you find yourself not knowing what to bring, or have trouble coping on the road, having these touring essentials is beneficial.

    July 25th, 2008 at 11:29pm

  • Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps; Peer Pressure Deflecter

    Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps; Peer Pressure Deflecter

    JROTC is merely a program sponsored by the US Military, but the methods of teaching are exceptional, especially those who find themselves pressured by peers.

    May 29th, 2008 at 03:42pm

  • Jared Leto; Youth Mentor

    Jared Leto; Youth Mentor

    Jared Leto may have many attributes but his philosophic, recognized in his music, has influenced others around the world.

    May 24th, 2008 at 08:26am

  • Project Runway Change of Heart?

    Project Runway Change of Heart?

    Project Runway has been the start for many and now it will be the start for 3 possible finalists, but will one not show?

    March 4th, 2008 at 08:43pm