When In Rome....Yeah, That's Right. It's A Lyrics Game.

You guys know the drill....and NO CHEATING!!1)Shoulda been different, but it wasn't different was it? Same old story, and "Dear John...and so long." - There's Your Trouble, Dixie Chicks.2)I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard, handful of complaints, but I can't help the fact everyone can see these scars. - Faint, Linkin Park.3)I was blown away. What can I say? It all seemed to...
April 29th, 2009 at 06:35am

What Ever Happened To...?---Part One.

Ya know, I've come to realize that the toys and stuff we had when I was little don't even compare to the ones that kids these days have.I mean, when I was little, all we had to get from place to place was a wagon, Big Wheel, bicycle, tricycle, or our own feet. Kids nowadays, however, have those things, and then some. They've got the Power Wheels Jeeps, motorcycles, cars, etc., those red and yellow...
July 18th, 2008 at 06:04am

WOO!! *Does happy dance*

Okay, kidzies. I'm back!! I'm no longer M.I.A., haha. My computer *knock on wood, cross fingers, pray...and all that other stuff that keeps it working without me jinxing it* is fixed, and I'm officially back. Sorry for my long absence. =]So, with that being said, I am currently working on the next chapter for my story, and another one shot. I've got some other things I'm kind of tossing around,...
July 10th, 2008 at 04:31am

To All My Readers, And Mibba Friends--

Hiya guys! I just wanted to let you all know that my computer is currently being fixed, so I probably won't be on much. That also explains my lengthy absence up to now. This absence, however, has got me in gear, and I've written another chapter to my story! :D I haven't updated it on here, yet, but I will soon, I promise!! I've also written another Avenged Sevenfold One Shot. :) It's not updated...
June 21st, 2008 at 04:59am

First time for everything, I guess.

One of my best friends, Taylor (guy), graduated this year, and his graduation party was today. I, of course, went. My friend Brenda went with me, and while we were there, this guy who is going to be a sophomore this year (I graduated in '07, by the way) started hitting on us. It was kind of awkward.Usually, I would have no problems getting hit on, however, with this guy, it was not welcomed. Not...
June 1st, 2008 at 06:40am

"This Band Saved My Life."

Really? Yeah, I don't think so.I hate when people say that -insert given band name here- saved their lives. No they didn't. Sure, they may have helped you turn your life around and realize the good things in life, but no, they didn't SAVE your life. How can someone you don't even know, have never met, and probably will never meet save your life? Only you can do that.Was that particular band...
May 22nd, 2008 at 09:50am

Get The Full Story Next Time.

"...But all of this did teach me a little something. It taught me to get the full story. Before I start making plans, passing judgment, or talking about someone, I need to make sure I get the full scoop. Don't just jump on the judgmental express to slanderville. Otherwise, ths may be the one that doubles back and bites."-------Excerpt from 97: Random Thougts About Life, Love & Relationships by...
May 22nd, 2008 at 05:36am

I Promise I've Not Forgotten

This is more for my readers, but...Sorry I haven't updated yet. One, I don't really have a whole lot written for my third chapter of Jealousy's An Ugly Word, But You Don't Seem To Care, and I'm currently out of ideas for A7X one shots; and two, I've been informed that 'at least one of my stories is not following the writing guidelines', so I'm not going to update until this is all cleared up. I...
May 14th, 2008 at 04:43am

My Avenged Sevenfold Rants

Okay, before you start thinking I’m going to dish on A7X, you’re wrong. I’m defending them wholeheartedly. So, here goes:Rant Number One:I love Avenged, period. I love all of their albums. Yes, all four of them are different, but if I remember correctly, that was a7x's goal. Quoting from their DVD "All Excess", I distinctly remember them saying, "We wanted each album to be different than the...
May 12th, 2008 at 12:06pm

New Story! :D

Okay, guys! I've posted a new story, and this time, it's going to be a series instead of a one-shot.Yes, I'm going to continue my one-shots, but this one just seemed differen than my one-shots, and I decided to make it a series.If you like Avenged Sevenfold, check it out. It's a realistic fanfiction. Click on the link below if you want to read it. :) Also, I'll include a link of my one-shots if...
May 7th, 2008 at 09:50am

Avenged Sevenfold One Shots

Alrighty...I've officially posted my fifth story/chapter/whatever. Look out for more soon!If you like realistic A7X stories, maybe you should check mine out. :) The ONLY character I've used so far that is made up, is Dr. Monroe. The other characters are the members of A7X and their actual girlfriends.Don't get me wrong, I love reading completely off-the-wall fictional stories, but for me, it's...
May 1st, 2008 at 07:46am

Ban Band Tees??

I was talking to my cousin, Megan, who's a freshman in high school earlier tonight. She informed me that Mitchell High School (the school she attends, and I attended) is planning to do random drug testing next year to everyone who is in extra-curricular activities and/or drives a car to school. Okay, random drug testing is, believe me, needed.She then went on to inform me that they are also...
May 1st, 2008 at 06:01am

Interesting day, to say the least...

So, I go to bed this morning around two-ish, right? Only to be awakened by my windows, walls, floor, and bed shaking at five thirty in the morning. I was seriously scared to death. I had no idea what was going on, until I turned on the news. Come to find out, there had been an earthquake, with the magnitude of 5.2 on the Richter scale, about 100-150 (I don't know for sure) miles west of here.Some...
April 19th, 2008 at 06:36am

Keep On The Look Out

Keep an eye out for upcoming updates on my Avenged Sevenfold One Shot stories :D I've got a really good idea of what I'm going to write next, it's just a matter of when. So, if you're a reader of my stories, I may not update as soon as I have with the past three stories, so don't give up on me, I'm just trying to come up with more ideas for stories before I post any more :) If you're not a reader...
April 12th, 2008 at 06:18am

Have you ever...

Wanted to write something, had a basic idea, but didn't know where to really begin? Yeah, that's pretty much my dillemma right now. Ugh. Sad thing is, I have a COUPLE basic ideas of one shot stories I want to write, however, knowing who to involve, and how to make the story worth reading is the part I can't figure out. lol Anyway, so that's my 'issue' for the evening. lol Last night it was me not...
April 11th, 2008 at 07:55am

Who thinks you should go read and comment my stories?

*Raises hand* I DO!! lol Okay, so perhaps I'm stooping to the lowest of lows, and nearly begging people to read my stories, but it's only because I haven't had a single comment on them since I posted the first chapter back in January. Kind of depressing, really. = /If you like Avenged Sevenfold, you should go check 'em out, and tell me what you think :) A few of my friends have read them, and they...
April 10th, 2008 at 10:42am

Any suggestions?? Any one??

Okay, so this is probably going to sound all "high school drama"-like, but all well. On to my "situation"...We've all been in online chat rooms before, have we not? Well, it seems that every time I decide to venture into one, some random guy seems to always want to talk to me, and ONLY me.Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging about this in any way, shape, or form. I'm not interested in finding...
April 8th, 2008 at 07:24am

And another one down, and another one down, and another one bites the dust...

Lol, so I just posted my second chapter to my Avenged Sevenfold One Shot story, and I hope it was a good one :D Like I've mentioned in my profile information, I'm not the best at this whole creative-writing thing, but I wanted to give it a try, and hopefully I did okay, and if any of you read it, I hope you enjoy it :D Feel free to add me if you want, and I'm not going to twist your arm and force...
April 8th, 2008 at 05:41am

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, so I thought I'd give everyone a quick update. lol I know I don't have but one "One Shot" post, but I'm in the middle of some thought processes, so hopefully one will be deservant of posting. So keep a look out for those ;) If you haven't read my first story, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? Haha just kidding! But seriously, if you haven't,...
April 4th, 2008 at 03:37am

I hope I did okay....

Well, I just added wrote my very first One-Shot story...well, my very first story EVER, and I hope I did okay with it. It came to me at an odd time, so I'm hoping that that doesn't mean I jinxed those involved. lol man, that'd suck major monkey ass. haha Well, if ya want, go check it out :) Comment if ya want :) If you want, add me too...lol I have a pitiful number of friends... ONE. haha. She's...
January 16th, 2008 at 04:50am