
Although my life could be much worse, it’s hard to think about that when already so much is going on. It’s unexplainable, and I hate it. So when I say life sucks I don’t mean life itself. I mean the bad events that happen in it. The bad times last longer than the good times. I just wish the good times would last longer. It’s so hard being a teenager with the world today. All the other...
October 20th, 2011 at 10:10am


i can honestly say that i am a proud christian! and this journal entry is in no affence to other religons! for i DO respect all religons including my own. but i think all should know the truth. life is to be appreciated and death is NOT to be feared. jesus did rome this earth at one point and there is evadence that proves it everywhere we go. in the bible it says that jesus died for us. if he...
September 2nd, 2011 at 11:01am