
United States
Joined date
August 11th, 2011


This is Aphrodite ;) Don't you wish you knew a chick like that?
Hello there :)
I’m Destery.
Now, before I begin I’ll answer the question most of you are thinking. “Oh my bacon, is your name really Destery?!”
Why yes, yes it is.
Next question, "There's already an account like this, YOU'RE FAKE AND GAY."
C'mon, don't tell me you weren't thinking it -.-
Thats me, I got that account deleted because my brilliant self forgot the password and the email.
I should have written it down...
With that aside, I should re-introduce myself.
I'm a happy-go-lucky kid. If you ever do see me sad, just know that something big happened.
Like my Build-a-bear wolf Sinclair ripped apart. D;
If that ever does happen, I except all of you at the funeral. .___.
Moving along!
I'm nice as long as I want to be but I, under no circumstances, allow myself to be pushed around.
I won't be afraid to pimp slap a bitch if they cross the line.
I'm a Leo, so I bite back ;)
Don't talk to me just because you think I'm "adorable"
First off, I don't agree.
Second, Its a stupid excuse.
I absolutely hate it when people are upset. So if it seems as though I care, it's not an act.
I'm a horrible actor, my drama teacher was about to bury me alive ;)
I love music, I listen to it too much for my own good.
I get yelled at for reading too much.
I'm impossible ;D
I love anime and manga.
Tv bores me.
You’ll never hear the words “I want to grow up” leave my lips, If it does, I give you permission to pimpslap my face off.
I’m not childish when it comes to serious things nor will I ever be.
I’m actually the mature one in the group.
That’s about it, I hope all you stalkers are satisfied now ;D
I kid, I kid. You’re not stalkers
You’re perverts .__.


Layout By: Mandie @ WhisperWars
Background Image: Velvet Factory
Please, Do not steal!