athenapocalypse / Comments

  • Jon Toews

    Jon Toews (105)

    United States
    hey thanks for the request :)
    July 30th, 2010 at 02:16pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    LMAO oh yeah every Greek guy in my high school was like that. And the majority of them weren't even good looking.
    Omg I was on the subway one day going to class and there was this guy there that looked EXACTLY like Jonathan Toews. I had to do a double take just to make sure it wasn't him!
    Then I went to class and there was this guy that looked just like Jordan staal but with glasses.
    And then one day at a restaurant there was a Sidney crosby twin. Ha ha! I think I'm seeing hockey players everywhere!
    July 29th, 2010 at 05:52pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    LMAO that is the best story evar!!
    Ha ha!! A strip club LOL. A Greek guy WOULD own something like that lol!!
    July 29th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • gummibears

    gummibears (100)

    United States
    LOL yeah Greek would deffinatley help haha I just think France is so romantic and if u learn the language well enough it is very pretty
    July 27th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Yea it is really bad :(
    July 26th, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    LMAO every time we talk about Greek history my dad brings that up ha ha
    July 26th, 2010 at 09:28pm
  • gummibears

    gummibears (100)

    United States
    I'm a tiny tiny bit French but no French Canadian. I took French in high-school and it was so fun. I do want to take Greek cause we get the Greek channel here. LOL I'm so proud to be Greek its crazy lol
    July 26th, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Yeah I love ancient Greek stuff. My dad is from Euboia and my mom from Argos.
    July 26th, 2010 at 07:41pm
  • gummibears

    gummibears (100)

    United States
    Your greek im greek lets be friends lol. Hey whats up?
    July 26th, 2010 at 04:41pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Ha ha! Thanks for the comment lol
    I had to add the Greek reference!! I wouldn't be a Classics major if i didn't lol
    July 26th, 2010 at 06:03am
  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    yes i did get to meet tony and his teammates :D
    its an annual skate with the gophers event and my friend and i went this year since it would be the last opportunity for me to see him. it was amazing. so worth missing my team with another conference title :p
    yes i do live in minnesota :D about 20 minutes from downtown St. Paul.. suburbs woo! not. its boring here.
    but seriously.. the middle of nowhere in texas. makes me think of hot weather and storms :p hahahaha. ohh and of course football, can't forget football
    July 18th, 2010 at 03:59pm
  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the tony comment!
    I feel like so many people can relate to brianna
    which really sucks but helps people get into the story and the characters.
    I'm glad you like it! :D
    July 17th, 2010 at 04:17pm
  • Across 5 Oceans

    Across 5 Oceans (100)

    United States
    I think the last time the news in Chicago reported about the cap, they said they had it made or under so the line up should stick now :D That's the one thing I like about having chicago news, it updates on things like that, which is always a good thing :)
    July 16th, 2010 at 01:42pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Bahah I just Facebook'd you :P
    July 16th, 2010 at 06:06am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Ahaha I must admit...when I first saw Avatar and it got to the sex scene I was like "...0.o really?" "WE ARE MATED FOR LIFE, JJJAYKE SOOLEYYY" hahahahah

    Yeah I won't have cable in my room til I move to my new place in September. Where I'll have my own bathroom. The only time anyone's gonna see me ever is when I leave my room to go to class, and that's about it =/ Good thing I really wanna go into audio post-production, cuz I'd get to sit in a room all by myself and a console and just edit all day long and MAYBE see some sort of supervisor here and there. Sadly, when it comes right down to it, I'm better off on my own =/ My life's been nothing but trouble ever since I moved to Florida, cuz I was here for two weeks, met Alan the first day of school through a mutual friend who I had been talking to for a few days. And after the first two weeks of class...well...I guess over-involvement happened >.< And from then on my life's been a big mess. Those first two weeks was about it as far as "good stuff" happening to me goes at this school. I just wish he'd pull his head outta his ass and realize how much the way he acts seriously pains me. He's the reason I want to cry into my pancakes hah =/
    But yeah, me and Jarred are kaputz. Things with Alan have progressed...much too far for me to even consider Jarred as a semi-option.

    I've heard about that Harry Potter musical on YouTube, I just haven't seen it yet haha I'll have to do that so I can see the sequel when it comes out. But yeah I been into Harry Potter ever since I was ten and we got the Sorcerer's Stone read to us in the 5th grade, cuz our teacher had a set time every day where he'd read to us..stuff like Moby Dick and Harry Potter...crazy stuff for ten year olds hahaha. I just remember that NO ONE knew how to say Hermione! I didn't know how to say it til the fourth book when she was teaching Viktor Krum how to say it haha. We kept saying it like "her-my-own" or "her-mee-own" haha It was terrible.

    Yeahh I can't even put myself through anymore pain to read past the first Twilight book. It was that bad for me >.< I mean...I'm not an AMAZING writer or anything, but I coulda written that shit SO much better, and I know loads of other people on this site that could out-shine Meyer like nobody's business.
    But I DID see that book The Host...just didn't read it or anything cuz it was another Meyer concoction haha. I'll have to look into it. Maybe take it on loan from the county library or something.

    Actually, I've been to Disney loads of times, even when I was a kid and didn't live here. The last I was there was the week I moved in, cuz my parents and grandma took me for my 20th birthday haha I love it there though. I looove Rock'n'Rollercoaster and Space Mountain and Tower of Terror... and the shows they put on are great. LIke the Indiana Jones one?!? I've seen it so many times and it doesn't get old haha

    Yeahhh the kids are that bad. Just got into a fight with my 'friend' Dan who I will be seeing much less of, if at all outside of school... because one of his friends from back home is SO territorial of him it's unreal. To the point where it creeps me out. I mean... I was on his laptop reading an article about a cap that was put on the oil spill that was helping out real good in the Gulf and stuff like that... and his Facebook was signed in so I was like "ooooo, I'm gonna change your status Dannn!!!" And it wasn't even something like "I'm a fag and take it in the ass." Cuz I'm not like that. All's I put was "My name is Dan." and she saw it, signed into his page a few minutes later once she found out that it was posted by someone other than him, and changed it to something else. And it was just SO RETARDED that it was such a problem for her control-freak-self that god forbid someone post a status on Dan's page other than her. It was so fucking retarded and he was fighting with me over it cuz I started fighting with her on the status, which started out as a joke til she started being a fucking bitch about everything, and basically come to find out he talks shit about me to her all the time about how I'm such a drama queen and I'm soooooo annoying. And then plays it off like this isn't supposed to hurt my feelings. And then when I tell him she's a fucking freaky-ass control-freak who has to have her way with everything pertaining to his life like she's his mother... and he was like "Well if you had friends that were territorial like her, you'd understand what it was like." and I said "uhm actually no, if any of my friends ever remotely tried to control my life to the extent that she seems to, I'd look them dead in the eyes and tell them to get the fuck over themselves and stop trying to control everything I do because it's not their life to control." And he just got all pissed and I ended up leaving. And he'll probably not talk to me for ... god knows how long. And I'm basically done. I have Julie, and that's it. The whole Alan thing is pending... but other than Julie I really don't have anyone other than the guy I babysit for in class, and a few other friendly acquaintances. I can't wait til I get out of here and away from these people. if it was an easy thing and I hadn't just signed up for another lease across town, I'd look into a school that is affiliated with Full Sail out in Los Angeles.
    July 16th, 2010 at 06:02am
  • viva la roy;

    viva la roy; (100)

    United States
    Your Greek!? I'm so jealous of your right now. Lmao. Party!? Hell yes. Haha. I'm on communication studies right now but I'm thinking about changing it to something else but I don't know yet...I'm kinda indecisive...haha. What are you majoring in?
    July 16th, 2010 at 05:52am
  • viva la roy;

    viva la roy; (100)

    United States
    Okay, so I am totally in love with you right now. UT Austin, am amazing campus and atmosphere like for real, you are going to have so much fun. I'm going back for my sophomore year at Texas State thou. Also, read your 'about me' section. Spain, love them right now:) Haha.
    July 16th, 2010 at 05:33am
  • viva la roy;

    viva la roy; (100)

    United States
    Omg yay! I'm from the Houston Area, on the out skirts but my father lives in Dallas so for summer break I go in between Sugarland and Dallas.
    July 16th, 2010 at 02:57am
  • Across 5 Oceans

    Across 5 Oceans (100)

    United States
    She lived in Chicago and I think it holds true since he seems to be there still. I think he's still got a year contract with the Hawks though too, so that's a good thing.
    Haha, that'd be awesome! Then it could give you something to hang out with him about too :)
    I'm not French Canadian, I don't think. I don't know, I think one of my great grandparents might've been but I've heard that it's just French. I kinda hope not since I think French Canadian would be cooler :)
    July 15th, 2010 at 01:50pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Haha how ironic that I was just watching It's Complicated today!! I think that movie is so cute; I LOVE Meryl haha And Leap Year really was so cute! and I love that you call it a rom com haha

    DUDE OMG. In the least-creepiest way possible...I love you. NO ONE AGREES WITH ME THAT SIGOURNEY WEAVER IS GOOD IN AVATAR! I loved her in it haha

    Yeahh, I only really keep up with the shows Glee and Greek. Other than that... not really. I did start watching True Blood on dvd cuz my friend has it, and it's pretty interesting...but I don't get cable in my bedroom which is where I spend most of my time even though I live in a full apartment...

    Ahah yeah I guess you could put it in a white-picket-fence sort of way haha I mean... I'm only ALMOST 21, and already there are people I graduated high school with who are married and having kids and all this other stuff. I mean I'm not saying I want to do that RIGHT now, but I definitely feel like I'm starting to run out of time, which is a scary thought. Cuz I'm barely 21. So that's weird haha.
    I'd die for a guy to show me a real sense of commitment. But apparently anymore, if you tell a guy you want to be his girlfriend, he thinks that right off the bat it's gotta be a serious relationship? Um...last I checked it takes time and work and many other things from BOTH parties to get it to that level. It's like being in a high-school esque boyfriend-girlfriend situation once you're in your early 20's means "OMG I NEED TO MOVE IN WITH YOU AND MEET YOUR MOM SO WE CAN GET MARRIED ASAP." No. That's not what I'm friggen asking for. I just wish that guys cared a little bit more about girls as people instead of girls as objects, if you know what I mean. It just gets really old, and makes me lose faith in them as well =/ And all of that is part of why my life is such a huge goddamn soap opera. It's terrible. But it may or may not be getting better. ,,,And it doesn't help that that Alan guy I talked about before is someone who I could actually picture myself 'settling down' with somewhere down the line. Which is kinda a big deal for me since...I find it hard to find guys that I'm interested enough to even hang out with a lot in a more-than-friendly sort of way... Soon as I feel like I might start liking the guy, I subconsciously pick them apart... like everything... personality, looks, little things they do here and there...habits and such... and LOOK for things that I won't like just as a reason to not be with them, so as soon as I find someone who doesn't set that trigger off, I look into it. And I've never had that trigger NOT go off so hard as it has with Alan. I didn't talk to the kid for 5 months...and I'm still entirely gaga over it to the point where I think it kinda makes me a little bit sick.

    Winter Park is like RIGHT outside of Orlando. I can drive five minutes down the road and be in the outer limits of Orlando. Miami is like... SO far away haha I've never been lol Fun is kinda... difficult. I don't get along with 99.5% of all the people I go to school with, which limits who I really hang out with.
    Most of the time when I'm not in school I sit in my room on Facebook and watch movies by myself. Sometimes I'll go hang out with my friend Julie, and even less frequently my friend Dan. And now...sometimes Alan comes over and I get to see him. Most of my social life is spent in a park on the swings with Julie talking about ours lives and why they're so retarded and thinking of ways to try and fix it.
    I depress Sometimes Julie and I go on late-night IHOP runs and I sit there and try not to cry into my pancakes.
    The saddest part is that it's all entirely true. I don't make this shit up =/

    OH...MY GOD. HARRY POTTER. ALL THE WAY. Like you don't even know how much it pains me when people freak out about the Twilight Books. The movies, okay fine. They're entertaining. Jacob Black has killer abs. Rob Pattinson is gross though. But to sit there and really think that Twilight is like...the best book you've ever read? Really? Come on now! Stephanie Meyer either needs to teach herself some grammar or fire her editor and get a new one... cuz the grammar in that book was terrible. And I'm not even a Grammar Nazi. I just think it's really sad when it takes me up until the last four chapters to even be remotely interested. That's how long it took me to give a damn about Twilight... the part where Bella almost dies. annoying hah. And I really wish that the mothers of these freak-girls knew what went on in Breaking Dawn... 12 year old girls reading that? No. So wrong. I've not read it but I hear it's like straight up porn haha
    July 15th, 2010 at 10:19am