athenapocalypse / Comments

  • Across 5 Oceans

    Across 5 Oceans (100)

    United States
    Yeah I talked to a customer at work and she said something that Sharp got a raise so he's still there :) Plus they started prospect camp and he's still been there.
    That's cool :) I know Jonathan Toews can speak French and I can too. I don't why I just get stoked about finding people who can speak French. Like Simple Plan...I love watching their french interviews :D
    July 15th, 2010 at 12:20am
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my Kaner one shot. I'm relieved you didn't find it too long.
    July 14th, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • Across 5 Oceans

    Across 5 Oceans (100)

    United States
    It does :( That's the thing about salary cap too which sux. I was just on edge since I heard rumours of Sharp being traded and I didn't want him gone either.
    It's still devasting but my bro watched the Dallas Stars growing up and I'm hoping they show some games on TV up. Mainly, being outside Chicago, it's just Hawks games that get shown.
    I still love Burish's comments about Pronger though...I seriously can't stand Pronger.
    July 14th, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • gummibears

    gummibears (100)

    United States
    I have a new story! Patrick Kane fanfiction called Commuting to My heart! let me know what you think. =]
    July 11th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    That's alright; I've not been home for the past few days so that kinda worked out haha

    Yeah I feel you on that =/ My dad just passed in December, and it's still weird thinking about it. Death creeps me out. It's kinda a silly thing to be afraid of cuz it'll happen to everyone eventually, but it scares me, a lot. But like I said...anytime you wanna talk about anything, I'm here :)

    Hahahah yess I love monkeys. My favorites are capuchins, squirrel monkeys, and gibbons. Gibbons are friggen adorable, because they're the only entirely monogamous ape on the planet. The court with one mate for their whole lives, and when that mate dies, I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly, they don't move on to a new one, and spend the rest of their lives alone. It's sad, but at the same's beautiful ^.^ Even for monkeys haha

    Friggen...yeah! It pisses me off to no end that ANYTHING that is healthier...for the planet and for humans and for EVERYTHING...issss sooooo expensiiiiive. Makes me so mad :( God forbid anyone eat anything unprocessed that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup. And friggen... Splenda and Sweet N Lo? That gross. Sucralose and Aspartame are SO bad for long-term health, and people would rather use that than sugar just to not have the calories from sugar. Jeeze, at least sugar comes from the friggen earth unlike Aspartame.

    Omg Amy Adams is totally cute. I have yet to watch Leap Year, but she's adorable in Julie and Julia haha AND Enchanted...omg that was the first movie I ever saw her in and it was just so adorable haha
    And I must say, Rupert is also fantastic for being a younger actor :)

    I definitely haven't heard of that movie. Not ever really been into anime or anything like that; not sure why. I think the closest I got was Digimon haha

    My favorite movie I'd have to say is a tie between Avatar and this Bollywood movie My Name Is Khan. The second one is about how Muslims are treated post-9/11 and stuff like that, and it was seriously so touching.

    I remember watching CatDog, Rocco's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, Rugrats, and basically all those Disney and Nickelodeon Cartoons of the early-mid 90s haha They were awesomeee

    In ten years? Well, DEFINITELY married. That's my goal. Married before 30, or at least by 30. I'd like to have had my first kid by then as well, but that's kinda on the the line, I suppose. I'd like to be settled living somewhere probably in a California suburb lol And I think if I really had to choose for a career I'd want to be working with audio editing and whatnot for movies. Not sure what part, but something definitely in there :)

    Gahhh I'm so tired I can't think of any questions right now, but I'll probably think of some on the 2 hour plane ride from NY back to Florida, so I'll shoot 'em at you when I get back to Florida tomorrow evening :)
    July 11th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Oh wow! 4 days?! that's crazy!
    You guys have to pick your majors right away?
    July 9th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    That's amazing!!
    Ur orientation was sooo much cooler that mine lol
    July 9th, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Ha ha that is awesome!!!
    July 9th, 2010 at 04:08pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Oh mannn, no I hadn't heard about Chelsea King, but I looked it up just now. I'm so sorry for your loss. That's just...terrible :( If you do want to talk about it or anything, feel free to shoot me a PM or somethin' on here.

    Dude I'd LOVE to go to Madagascar. I took a class at Albany University on Primates and learned all about lemurs and all the critters that live there. They're SO cute. haha I love primates. a really weird extent. They're fascinating. I can spit out random facts about them, and do it kinda often if stuff gets brought up, and my friends look at me like "Wow. You're a freak, monkey girl." lol

    Haha a 3 tailed 5 legged cat, eh? Weirdo :P haha And I actually don't think that'd be weird at all, to kinda just go entirely off the grid. I don't think I could do it for a LONG time unless I just got used to it, but it'd definitely be something I'd wanna try for awhile. I think it'd be pretty cool.

    Hmmm.... my favorite childhood memory. I don't remember anything from before the age of 4, so that eliminates a little bit. I'd have to say definitely one of my favorites was going to the drive-in movies with my dad and sister and like... passing out before the first movie ended. Basically any childhood memory containing my dad are some of my favorites. I remember as a kid I used to go out and help him on the job, cuz he was a land surveyor for like...people who owned private pieces of land. And it'd be cold as shit and I'd go out there and help him lay land markers, and then sit in the car and eat lunches that we packed. Or when me him and my sister used to go to the Chinese restaurant in the town where I grew up, and I used to make the waiters laugh so hard cuz I made the pots of tea like... talk to them. I was a weird little child haha

    Goodness... one celebrity/musician/person I could meet if I ever had the chance? Well, I've already met Avenged Sevenfold, so that knocks them outta the list haha. OH GOD. I'd want to meet John Cusack. One of my favorite actors. He's so cuuute. I don't care if he's in his forties or whatever. I LOVE that guy hahaha

    I think what irritates me the most about society... well, there's a few things.
    1. I hate how wasteful we are, with basically every aspect of...anything. Here in Florida...uhhhh the state, or at least the city of Orlando? They haven't adopted that little thing called...RECYCLING? It PAINS me that I have to throw out aluminum cans and glass jars and plastic bottles and paper and the regular garbage. Cuz I've grown up my whole life recycling like CRAZY. My family is like... so hardcore with recycling they're like... one or two stops short of actually composting food and other crap. And living in a place that doesn't do it... really bothers me. It's to the point that in my apartment, there's a bin for recyclable stuff...that I put stuff in. And I the end it still all gets dumped in the same dumpster that gets thrown all together with regular at least makes me feel a LITTLE better about doing my part. Which leads to the next thing.
    2. I hate how non-green the planet is. Goes along with the wastefulness. I'm all for electric/ethanol-run cars. I'd have one myself if I had more money. Though if I move out to California or somewhere else where it's not friggen cold in the winter, I think I might get a car that has a diesel engine, and then go around to like... fast food places and take their like... grease and oil and shit? Cuz if you distill that stuff the right way, you can use it in diesel engines, and most places have to pay companies to take it off their hands, so if you offer to do it for free, you're doing them a favor haha I just think it'd be a neat thing to do. This whole.... world revolving around gasoline is just...not really a good idea anymore. As we can see with BP right now...haha I JUST WANT EVERYTHING TO GO GREEN ALREADY. Wind power, water power, solar's expensive now but it pays off in the long run. Get with the program, world!

    There was a third one but I can't remember it now :( Booo. I'll bring it up if I think about it haha for more questions for you haha

    WHO is your favorite actor/actress?
    What is your favorite movie?
    Random...have you ever gotten an injury resulting in stitches, and if so, what/how did it happen? haha
    July 6th, 2010 at 08:59am
  • schennsational;

    schennsational; (105)

    United States
    Oh me too, for sure. Hall is great and he might be the better player right now but just wait.. in a few years Tyler will be the one running the show. :)
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:51am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Ohhhh, I thought you lived in Greece haha.
    Grrr, every time I go to type out "Greece" I keep wanting to type "Greene"...cuz that's where I'm from. And yes!! Upstate NY haha. Syracuse is close... little under two hours. I'm south of it though. Outside of Binghamton. Lived in Albany for a year and a half for the beginning of college though lol

    Ahaha yesss Jarred's a Texas boy. ACTUALLY he's from outside of San Antonio haha He says his entire family are hardcore rednecks and all the guys in his family but him and his brother wear cowboy hats on a regular basis. I laughed at that, cuz I'M country and we don't even do that :P But that's like... COUNTRY country I guess haha
    And yeah, once the time comes for me to make the Jarred/Alan decision, I definitely will go about it the RIGHT way haha And the Alan thing will only happen under certain conditions that, I feel, are entirely reasonable lol

    Hmmm... things I want to do before I die? Hmmm... well. 1. Go on tour. Not as an artist/band member or anything haha Just as a sound mixer/engineer. But I'd like to do at least one tour lol 2. Go to Australia. My best friend in the whole world lives there, and I promised haha 3. See every country in the world. Even the ones that one knows anything about or would ever think of going. Like...Bhutan...and Andorra. I wanna see it all. Except maybe Antarctica. I CAN'T do severe cold haha aaaand.... 4. Get at least ONE book published haha
    I guess I'll just leave it at four, cuz I could probably go on lol

    My favorite place in the US? Hmmmm. I'll limit it to places I've actually been, and it'll probably be the most interesting place I've ever been. And I'm really badddd at limiting favorites haha I mean... I've been to Washington D.C., and it's just so amazing, getting to see all those little pieces of history and monuments and all that cool stuff. And Mount Vernon where Washington Lived. Took a tour of that, it was also pretty kickass haha Hmm... Red Lake, NY. I used to go fishing there with my aunt, uncle, grandma, and cousin for a whole week. It's about 7 miles from the Canadian border, and it's SO far out in the middle of nowhere that there's no one else around except for whoever else might be on the lake fishing, and the only way to have electricity is the generator, which can only be on for a few hours haha No TV, no computer.... just us and the lake. And...probably I'd have to say... home? lol I never thought I'd say it, but now that I'm never here, whenever I come back it's just 'comfort blanket' haha

    As for my favorite place outside the US, I've only been to one other place outside the US, and it would easily kick the asses of any other favorites if I'd gone to anywhere in like... Europe or something. And that is... Egypt. I spent a little over a week there with a group of friends from school, and we saw a lot of Cairo/Giza...the Pyramids and the Sphinx, we went on a four day cruise down the Nile, saw a lot of the old temples and stuff, like Kom Ombo, Valley of the Kings, Luxor and Aswan... AND got to see Abu Simbel which is almost in the Sudan, it's so far south lol It's just like... SO amazing to SEE all of that stuff. Egyptian history has always been one of my favorites, so it has kinda bee the highlight of my life haha I learned so much stuff while I was there, and we didn't even GO to really be a learning experience... Just to see the sights and be tourists lol

    I'm gonna have to steal one of your questions, and ask the same: What is one or a few things you want to do before YOU die?
    What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
    What do you want to do as a career/what is your dream career?

    And yeah... my life totally is like a daytime soap opera. It's actually kinda really friggen annoying hahaha
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:44am
  • schennsational;

    schennsational; (105)

    United States
    Thanks for your comment on Tyler!
    I do too... I'll be very upset with PC, HCCJ & Cam if he's not on the roster.
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:44am
  • ashley kensington

    ashley kensington (150)

    Gah, I'm so sorry about not replying/updating.
    I've been away the past little while - going to the beach, going on vacation, working etc. - and I haven't had the time to update anything :(
    Hopefully I'll be able to update soon, but I don't know when I'll have enough time to ><
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:49pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Good lord, if that super super long comment is cut off anywhere for you (it ends with the three questions for you), just let me know. I copied and saved it in a doc just in case it cuts off, cuz I'm sure it will. I can see the whole thing, but I dunno if it'll be the same for you ahah
    So just let me know and I'll break it up for you to read lol
    July 4th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Spring green is fantastic, I agree ^.^ Makes me think of like... blades of grass haha And penguins are totes cute haha I love them also.

    That's AWESOME that your family is Greek! Mine's all boring, and no one that I know of still lives where we came from (which is boring ol' Great Britain haha). English/Scottish/Irish and about nothin' else. Like the smallest little fraction of Native American but nothing that really..makes me look anything but British haha Though it's KINDA cool that my maternal grandmother's father was actually born in England and was there when he was learning to talk, so by the time he moved to America he had the accent and everything, and I guess had the English accent til he died, which is kinda cool (to me at least lol. Never met him though).
    That's awesome that you can speak Greek though. I only ever took Spanish and German in a school setting, and I know way more Spanish than German, but even then, not much other than English haha

    Yeaaaaaaaaah. My situation with boys right now is very strange. So yeah there's this kid that I'm seeing currently...sorta...that's Jarred. That might be coming to a close...very soon if not already. BUT. I've been living down in Florida since mid-late August for school obviously, and when I was first here, I was seeing this OTHER guy named Alan, and we were doing that whole thing for like 2-3 months until... he fucked shit up and we had a kinda... baddd falling out. Like we were friends for a little while after the initial thing and then he was like... saying he missed me (while he was with someone else so I was like wtf...) and finding other ways to just... insert himself into my life and it got frustrating to the point where I flipped the fuck out, made some threats in public, almost got kicked outta school cuz he reported it, and THAT'S how I met Jarred, cuz I got moved into a different group for class for the next month.
    And now that it's been 6-7 months since Alan and I initially ended stuff, HE pops up outta nowhere and is like "I wanna have like an actual sit-down talk with you." And we like... had only been even communicating with each other for like...the day before that so I was like WTF. And he legit came over to my place and sincerely apologized for all the bullshit that went on that was his fault, and the way he was talking about stuff and acting, I can pretty much tell that he's realized how good shit was between us and how much of an idiot he was for screwing stuff up. I guess he said it was 'too much too fast for him and it freaked him out', and that's why he started working it toward a steady demise. And ever since he came and apologized, we've been talking online like....every day for hours at a time, and the way we're interacting with each other and referring to stuff...especially on HIS like things are gonna go back to how they were when they were good (if they do, I've got some rules for him and if he doesn't like it, then I guess he's gonna have to live without
    I dunno, it's just really weird. He's obviously not really as happy as he seemed to be with the girl he's been with for like six months now (they're not 'dating' though so w/e), because if he was then he wouldn't have started wanting to talk to me out of nowhere and wouldn't be giving a flying fuck about me. I mean. I threatened to more or less kill him. In the middle of class. In a rather large loud outburst. He should think I'm a psychotic bitch and not want anything to do with me. But...isn't?
    SO I DUNNO. it's a very strange situation, but I really like him >.< Stuff with Alan always felt different than they do/did with Jarred. I mean...after being away from Alan for five months, and having him come back into my life the way he did...being around him and talking to him makes me feel the most normal I've felt since... October? Part of it, I think, is the fact that I'm pretty sure he's the first/only guy I've loved? Not been IN love with, but just...loved. Past the point of "hey I like you." haha
    BLAH. Boys...grrr. lol
    As for what I look for in a relationship...I'm not very sure. I mean...obviously honesty, trust, can't have anything without those. If a man can't be honest and respect a woman like he should, he's not worth her time. Someone who won't be flaky, cuz that shit's stupid. Someone who's...exciting, and into stuff that maybe I'd never heard of/done or hadn't really had much opinion on...they always make me open my eyes to new stuff which I like. But as far as like... having a 'type' that I always go after...I don't really have one, I've come to find out. The three guys in my life that I've ever actually LIKED (or more than liked), have all been different, racially, personality-wise, and everything else. The first guy was from a different school, is full Chilean but raised in America (was adopted), super sensitive to an almost poetic nature, very much into music and writing and playing the guitar. The second, which is/was Alan...he's half black, half white, but mostly just looks like a very light-skinned black guy (his skin tone is gorgeous lol). N he's very..eclectic? Very odd, in weird ways, which is maybe why I got on so well with him? Cuz I'm just as equally strange. He's very out there, and he can be pretty sensitive at times, and is SO good for cuddling with. And he's into the whole... makin 'phat beats' stuff, does it a lot in his spare time, and is pretty damn good at it. And then there's Jarred...your typical blond hair blue-eyed boy from Texas. Without the accent haha. N he's all into like...hardcore screamo and skateboarding and guitar and is a huge stoner, but he's pretty interesting.
    So they're all different, and I've stopped trying to like... make a definitive one 'type' of guys for me to go after haha I don't like limiting myself, cuz something will always surprise me where I'm not necessarily looking.

    My favorite season is tricky to answer haha
    My favorite season while living in NY is Summer. It smells awesome, it always fluctuates between being like 70s and being 90s, so it doesn't just blast you with heat for months on end, and the breezes always feel so gooood.
    My favorite season while living in Florida, is spring. Because it's like summer in NY haha Just doesn't smell as good. Maybe cuz in NY I live in the country and in FL I live in the city... maybe lol
    My favorite book...hmmm. Well, it's a four-way tie. Tuesdays With Morrie, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, For One More Day, and Have a Little Faith. They're all by Mitch Albom, and like...all of them have really touched me since I started reading his stuff. He's an amazing writer, and though his books aren't very long, there's just....something about them. Stuff like Tuesdays with Morrie and Have a Little Faith, they're all based around true events from sitting down with the people he's written about and doing interviews. They're just very interesting, and kinda revolve around like... life values and stuff like that.
    And as for my favorite A7X song... that's also tricky haha. I'd say top three are Until the End, Second Heartbeat, anddddddd... Afterlife. If I had to choose three haha
    I'm SO pumped for their new album to come out. It won't be the same ever without Jimmy, is how it is =/ three questionssss...

    What was it like living in Greece?
    What is your favorite hobby/thing to do?
    What's your favorite song of ALL time? Any band or artist haha
    July 4th, 2010 at 06:59pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    I'm Chelle.

    And thanks. I work hard on it. Feel free to leave a comment. I love hearing from people. It makes worth it.

    So what are you up to?
    July 4th, 2010 at 04:01am
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the add!!
    July 3rd, 2010 at 10:36am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    lol my life's pretty interesting, I guess. Just there's soooooo much friggen drama and I feel like it's only building up right now haha Not always in a good way either >.< Cuz if it does keep getting more dramatic, then I kinda have to make a decision that I don't really want to make pertaining between two different guys. So I'm like grrrrrrr!!!! About that. Basically if the one has more to offer than the other, which is going nowhere, then I know where I'ma be heading, but... who knows.
    This is probably really vague and you've got no idea what I'm talking about but yeah haha

    Dude I always loved science too! There was a point in time where I was gonna get into like... medical/science researching and stuff. But that didn't happen. Though I guess you could kinda say that there's science in what I do musically haha Otherwise they wouldn't call us 'engineers' :P

    Avenged Sevenfold is my favorite band, but I will more or less listen to like... anything? haha I try to not limit myself cuz there's always something in a genre that might not be my favorite that always ends up surprising me a little bit I guess. And it's always interesting when something does that. I enjoy it lol

    Hmmm. twenty-one questions? I'm sooo terrible at thinking of questions! haha So I guess I'll throw out a couple random ones?

    What is your favorite color? What is your favorite animal? Do you have any siblings?

    So I guess there's a few to start; I'll think of some more interesting ones eventually haha
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    omg yeah I loved him in Harry Potter!
    July 1st, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • invisibledreams

    invisibledreams (300)

    Yeah that story was so freaking long!!! And hew characters is so stupid in so many ways.
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:26pm