I want my readers back MIBBA!

Nice, just when I wrote a few pieces than can't be recovered the guys at mibba decide to do maintenance and puff suddenly my best works are gone along with my readers! This entry will be short, but I am really pissed off! It was the first time one of my entries got FIVE readers! I was happy, it was the first time in my life that I've got that many readers and you, MIBBA, you took that happiness...
April 26th, 2012 at 04:37am

Cereal Wars (Obviously Made up)

“The Cereal War” a public term used to name the completion of all cereal brands in the market, such competition has captured all of the media attention to the point that the most important news agencies created an independent division specialized in the study of the cereal market. According to CBC News, even though competition is tough, only two brands stand apart from the rest, not only...
March 20th, 2012 at 04:49pm

The Remarkable Chocolate Bar Essay (MADE UP)

In a world where people are often pushed to the point of getting a quick snack to go, companies have developed products in order to get their share of the market. It is here where the public faces the challenge of which brand to choose leading probably to a very convenient product in terms of taste and portability or the pain and suffering of having chosen the wrong brand. As the reader may have...
March 20th, 2012 at 04:47pm