Mayonaise / Comments

  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    The annoying party girls that sleep around around here usually just go for a natural tan, which they get by spending their summer in bikini, and posting numerous pictures on Facebook if it.
    Ehhhh, a natural tan is okay, but I'm still not crazy about them ahah.

    The igloo was rather shitty actually. Not quite...normal. Haha. Lopsided and bumpy.
    How is being creeped make you feel flattered and honored? Haha, I get weirded out and self conscious when my profile gets creeped! And why wouldn't I creep it, it's the standard procedure to creep a profile after you've added the person! Haha XD

    Haha, that's what you Scotsman think! :O

    Kato? That's not such a bad name! I know this one lady who named her cat "Pussy". Now, tell me if that names great...

    You seem like a person that likes to get things done, not a crazy work-a-holic kind though. And you're so insanely smart! I'm not sure why being smart makes me think you're an early riser, but it does.

    I've never been diagnosed with it, although I'd like to look into it. It could also just be my personality. It sucks during the school year though.
    Haha, no! If I get in bed before my body is tired, then it takes me twice as long to get to sleep. Unlike most people, I need noise to sleep. So I listen to music or open my windows to hear cars.
    As I write this, it's currently 12:30 am.

    Sir yes sir it sounds good! Maybe you should run it by the other members first, haha. I ask you though, what kind of music is it that your band plays?

    Oh my goodness! You'd have to know so many things to be on that show, I'm sure you could do it though. I think I'd be on the show "One vs. One Hundred", I haven't seen it on TV in forever though.

    If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
    July 5th, 2012 at 05:46am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Mostly just in my town, which has very few people, but it's not hard to find out who some one is though if you don't know them!

    Hmm, I've never actually smelled someone with a fake tan before... why would having a fake tan label a girl as "easy"?
    I really do fail to see what's so attractive about a tan, haha.

    *Sigh* Yes, I have indeed built an igloo before. I never stayed in them too long though, I'm always terrified it will collapse, which is always a possibility!
    I was about to ask you if you've ever worn a kilt, but to be honest I've creeped your profile and I've seen that picture of you in that kilt! Haha, sexy beast I'd say!

    What's your dogs name?
    What, what makes you think I named him? Actually, I had never seen him or met him before I named him. My cousins had bought him for me as a surprise and had to describe him to little 11 year old me over the phone. At the time, they said he looked like the bear from the "Snuggle" fabric softener stuff, so Snuggles became his name :)

    Yeah, I know what you mean now. If only I had a time machine!

    How long do you sleep in? You actually strike me as an early riser.
    I stay up because I simply can't sleep. My mind never stops thinking for a minute, so it's normal for me to be in bed for three hours before I finally doze off. My doctor put me on a sleeping medication before, but it really messed with me. I became a complete zombie, and a complete downer! I slept all night, but when I woke up I didn't feel any better.

    Haha! Yes, that's exactly what I mean! But maybe y'all should stick with just a song named "Kristina", I'm not sure if I'd like hearing my name everywhere, haha XD

    Welcome :) I thought it was just the cutest, and super funny when I first watched it, haha.

    If you could be on a TV game show, what one would it be?
    July 3rd, 2012 at 05:52am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Yes. Yes I would. It would take everything out of me to not laugh though.

    We don't get scouts, but we do get kids fundraising for school, or sports, but they are usually chocolate bars.

    Because. Well... because it just is! I don't really have an explanation for it...
    When you're younger you get candy from strangers all the time, on Halloween! I don't find taking candy from strangers that weird, because chances are if I didn't know them my mom or dad did. And that would determine if I ate it or not, ahah.

    Haha, Callum! How in this world would that make them bad? XD I will admit though, it DOES make them less cool.
    Yeahhh.... it's really more lame. It even has a horse on it.

    Yuck! I hate fake tans! Bleck! I really don't understand what's so attractive about tans. I take pride in not being able to tan, and blinding people with my blindingly white legs!

    Hm, yeah. THAT'S our winters. I'm not gunna lie, but they're actually really fun! Just looking at all the snow piled up is amazing. Shoveling it all though... ugh. Finding places to put it all can drive you insane!

    Haha, I was thinking a wimp, but ya know GENIUS works too (:

    I have no clue what a Staffie is. I must Google it. I have a dog as well, a part toy poodle part shitzu named Snuggles. He doesn't not like to snuggle. Ironic or what?

    Gkdfhaweib. Oh you.
    Haha, how does that work, getting used to something by neglecting it?
    In a perfect world there would be no timeline <3

    I hardly ever sleep. But when I do, I DO!
    24 hours is all? Oh my, you must be a sleeping pro then! I do 24 hours all the time, no word of a lie either :O
    But but but, I'm so tired of all this Canadian stuff. I need something new and fresh! I think yours would be delish!
    Ha. maybe we can just drop this topic before it gets worse...

    Pfft. Wit a name like dat, you ain't 'ner gunna get no fans! I'd be flattered though! XD
    Aww :( And no, it doesn't help. I'm sure it sounds great :)

    With all your weird shit that you've found online, I'm sure you must have seen this before. But if not, here's Simon's Cat. :)
    June 28th, 2012 at 06:21pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Well, when you say it like that it sounds stupid!
    I'd be more likely to just open the door and not say a darn word to them, just to make them feel uncomfortable.

    I've never actually had scouts come to my door to sell cookies, are they any good?

    Haha, it wasn't a typo?

    Sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Judge, ahah. We say Mounties sometimes, but not so much in my area because they don't own horses here. Actually, right now I'm wearing a RCMP musical ride t-shirt that says "Say neigh to drugs".

    Oh my goodness! That's horrible weather, people must be pretty pale there?
    Why tell you, when I can show you ---> I really hope thats the right link!

    I'm not sure I know what you mean. Like, messy hair kind of thing, or becoming paranoid over the sounds you hear outside? I always make sure I'm in the middle of the tent, that way if a coyote or something comes I won't be attacked first and therefore it gives me time to think of what I should do, haha.

    Haha, I've been known to ask too many questions! But here's one for you, do you have any pets?

    Oh Callum, you make me laugh! I didn't even realize she was wearing a dress XD I don't find there is very much colour to the new Mibba, I hate when websites change to look "modern", they just end up looking boring.
    I curse myself for ever thinking I could get used to timeline -_- I agree, I don't even understand what to two collums are for, they seem to contain the same stuff? Ugh.
    Yeah, the Facebook layout you have! And by golly I swear I'll find a way to get it back, I will I will!

    Oh trust me, you can, I lived off of energy drinks. When I came home, that night I slept for 12 hours, and holy shit did I ever pay for it Monday! My head pounded and my back made it impossible to walk upright. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
    You know what, I just might be! Bahahah, I vant to suck your blooood :P I'll be nice though, and wait for you to give permission first. I'm a nice vampire.

    I was literally about to tell you that I'll say a prayer for you in hopes that you get some warm sunshine over there. Haha, even I think that's a bit weird.

    What's your bands name? And that sucks that he's away alot, at least you're still working when he's away. I don't suppose you'd give me an inside peak as to what your writing, :P ahah.
    June 27th, 2012 at 04:41am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh don't worry about it, I was busy with exams anyways!

    Thats very true indeed. I don't overly like this person, so it made me just that more annoyed lol.

    They are a pain in the ass. It's not their beliefs or anything that gets me angry, its that they always send the younger member along with the old and "cute" ones to your door, making it that much harder to either ignore them or to politely send them away. I think they should find better ways to spread and talk about it than that.

    The only "ting" eh? :P Ahah.
    The Premier is the head of government of a Province/Territory, what are they called over there?

    Gosh darn Callum! Sorry to disappoint you, but we also don't have polar bears as pets, eat maple syrup all the time or live in igloos. What do you want me to do about it, eh?! If I had the money I would buy lots and lots of snow makers and set them up all around Canada just so we can keep the stereotype alive.
    What is it like over there, do your winters get very cold?
    Haha, don't be so sure about that! The weather forecast for the next week is (literally) all rain, everyday. Has it gotten sunny yet?

    Oh boy oh boy, I think it might be a bad sign if you can't remember if you've been camping or not :P
    Is there something about it that bothers you? I've slept in tents and campers, but I've never legit gone on a full "camping trip".
    I can't even remember why we're talking about camping, haha.

    I'm not sure I like it very much, I'm not a big fan of it's "modern" look. And that girl up in the left corner, whats the point in it? Bahh! As a Taurus, I'm not a big fan of change unless it needs to be done, I liked Mibba the other way much better.
    And oh god, Facebook! I hate timeline! I don't think I can get rid of it either! I want the last profile layout back, grr.

    Well, during your absence I was utterly bored (with exams put aside) and my summer so far has been quite uneventful up until this weekend. I wasn't expecting to go to either friend's houses. No word of a lie, I haven't slept a wink of sleep since Thursday night, so I'm really looking forward to returning to my own bed tonight. How is your summer going? I want to ask you about that music thing, and how it's going... but I can't find the word for it.... ahah, my brain is going so fuzzy!
    June 25th, 2012 at 04:49am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh my goodness, I don't even want to think about a world like that! It would be horrible :O

    I know right? One time I had someone tell me that Holy water wasn't real, and that it has no purpose because you don't drink it. I'm pretty sure it's real, I bless myself every Sunday with it, but I didn't even bother explaining what it was to them. The only religion I find annoying is the Jehovah Witness, they always come to your house and knock! I don't know a lot about it so I can't say much, but they aren't going to get me to change religions.

    I hope everything went well at your meeting! I wish you luck and hopefully some day I will be buying your music :) Haha.
    Haha, your welcome, and thanks again!

    I just find it a bit odd to call your mother "Mum" haha. We spell colour with a u too, your English oddness has rubbed off on us! XD
    Thank you, I hope so too!

    American health care is probably the biggest reason why I wouldn't want to live there. The problem here is that we have no doctors. I live in the "county" part of my province, and even though we have two hospitals here, the Premier believes it is acceptable for our dialysis patients to travel a 60 minute drive just for treatment. They NEED it to live, like, what will happen in winter when the roads aren't safe? Die?

    Hail? My goodness, that is a drastic change from sunny. Poor Mother Nature always gets such a bad reputation, haha.
    Haha, we don't have snow all year round my dear! We do have hot summers :) The past two years we have been lucky to even have a white Christmas! The climate is changing though, our winter storms used to have snow piled up to the telephone wires! haha XD

    Have you ever gone camping?
    How do you feel about the new Mibba?
    May 26th, 2012 at 04:01pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    I'm not as bad as some people, but it does suck, yes. Haha, people are always like "are you sick?" or they move away from you, and you have to keep saying it's only allergies!

    Quite unrealistic indeed! Thats true, and we have to remember that things were different back then, but still... haha. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was 13, and the guy who played Romeo, my goodness! Way too mature for her I'd say, haha.

    We basically just talked the whole time, because we had so many people missing, and our leaders were busy over the week so they didn't have time to plan any games for us haha. Tonight there is a guest speaker coming to our church, so we're going, along with the surrounding parish's groups as well. And tomorrow is the "Cemetary Clean-up" to rake and tidy things up before the grass is mowed, so we are also going to help out there :) We talk about the coming weeks Reading, and at the end we pass around a candle and each take turns saying who/what we pray for. We also do fun things like movie nights and what not :)
    Alot of people think it's weird going to Youth Group, or attending mass every Sunday. One time I told someone that I believe in God and that I go to church every Sunday, and you know what they said? "I just lost a whole lot of respect for you when you said that" I hate when people bash religion, like it's something to fear OR when they try telling me that God doesn't exist. I don't force my beliefs on you, but if you ask I will answer, you know?

    A musical endeavour, like?

    Haha, it's not quite like Romeo and Juliet :P But yes, it's quite good :)
    Haha, oh my! His wife for a hat! That would be quite the interesting book to read indeed!
    Well, one only needs to check out what little you do have on here to see that you're quite talented! :)

    Haha, mum! Yet another word we don't say here often. Mum mum mum. Haha, I'm not making fun of you I'm making fun of the word :)
    She's doing about the same. Although her last doctor visit he suggested she speak to a mental health professional... he thinks it's all "in her head"! Can you believe that! And talk to them she did, all they had to do was look at her records and they immediately said it wasn't just "in her head". Health care is going down hill, fast, in our area. Everything is being closed, or relocated an HOUR away, even though we have two hospitals.

    Haha, it sounds like PEI over there, "just wait ten minutes and the weather will change" sort of deal.
    Quite nice here, everything is growing, and everything is green!

    Hope all is well with you Callum. Have a nice week :)
    May 13th, 2012 at 05:11am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, you're not the only one!

    I've been good, but with the season finally changed over to Spring, and having all this new grass and such grow I'm very sniffly and sneezy XD
    How have you been?

    School is school I suppose. I'm doing quite well in all my classes. We just finished Romeo and Juliet in English class, and I have to say I'm not a fan! Now, I know what you're going to say, and it's not that I don't understand it, it's that it's just so... unrealistic! Like come one, it happens over a time frame of 3 days for crying out loud haha. I have an easier time believing a mid summers night dream than romeo and juliet :O haha.

    I've not been up to much, I basically do the same things everyday, haha SUCH a fun life I'm tellin' ya! I do have Youth Group tonight, so I hope something fun happens there.
    What about you? Anything interesting?

    Actually, yes I have. I'm in the middle of a book called "This Dark Endavour". It's about two twin brothers, and as one of them becomes ill, the other sets out to make an Elixir of Life to cure his broother. But their father has banned anyone from making such things. Oh, and him and his twin are also in love with the same girl.
    What about yourself, much time for reading?
    I'd like to read more of your writing on here :)

    I hope you are doing good too, and that you don't have the darn sniffles like me, haha.

    How's the weather over there?
    April 29th, 2012 at 10:14pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Okay, so this was my message that disappeared. Haha, it's so out-dated now!

    I stand by my Ketchup, haha XD

    Yes, I do, they seem catchy. I have you to thank for leading me to them, thank you!

    Yeah it does actually :/ Oh well though, gotta get through them to find the good ones!
    Aw, I'm sorry to hear that :(
    "You can't be single with puns like that" LOL

    Well, I actually forget what we were talking about since it's been so long.... but yes, I suppose it does make sense :P

    I'm not watch any of the movies until I read the books, which might take me a while due to my long list of book series already started haha. I'm not sure if I'll like them though, to be honest. I'm not sure what it is about them that slightly turns me off, but it does! What about you?

    Haha, I actually got it off a magnet on our fridge XD
    That is such a true quote, it's one that everyone needs to hear! Hmm... "If one continues to live in the past, one can never bloom like a flower, shine like the sun, or grow strong like a tree."

    I truly am sorry for taking so long to reply, I feel so bad! My internet wasn't working quite right and I just never got around to fixing it, haha. I hope you forgive me!

    Oh, I almost forgot, Happy belated Easter :)
    April 21st, 2012 at 09:20pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Yeah, I did reply to you! But I think the server or something crashed and some stuff was lost :( I was hoping you knew that I replied haha.

    Thank you, I hope your having a good day too! :) I'll reply this weekend, and hopefully it's not lost again :P
    April 18th, 2012 at 01:37pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Three tomatoes are walking down the street -- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and squishes him... and says, "Ketchup!"

    Haha, so mean but funny! Ketchup is not sauce like, it's... ketchup like.
    We have Heinz too... hmm, I'm going to have to write them nasty letters until they start calling it Ketchup over there!

    Well Callum, I have to say, I think you've started me on a new obsession to Limp Bizkit =D ahah.

    Thanks, and I do :) For some reason because I have a few friends that are "sluts" and are easy, guys seem to think I am too?! Callum, please tell me you're NOT single, you can't be with lines like that! :)

    I'm not sure why I'm so scared of it, but I'd rather die from a bullet, or having my head cut off. Not being able to breathe would be pure torture!
    I don't get what you mean?

    Basically, it's about these to men, one who was very unpopular in school and the othere was very popular. after school they both go to become police and become friends. They are VERY immature so they are sent back to high school undercover to catch a drug supplier. Its really a funny movie, seeing as now the popular boy falls in with the nerds and the unpopular boy falls in with the popular croud!
    My friends and I were actually going to see Project X, but they wouldn't allow us in as we're not 18 :/ 21 Jump Street is deffinetly worth it :D

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
    March 25th, 2012 at 08:41pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    :O You don't say Ketchup there?! Oh my... What brand is your "tomato sauce"?

    She takes after he father mostly, she has broad shoulders haha. Shes very hard to describe unless you've met her haha.
    Well, I hope to never have to show it to you. I have no idea what "Limp Bizkit" is... XD

    Not on me of course! But on people that tend to be more.. um..., well WHORES, yeah they do haha.
    D'aww, thats just too cute! haha, I wouldn't mind hearing ones like that more often.

    Yeah, I know what you mean :/ Haha, I'm just a really loyal fan XD .... and I love Nathan <3 tehe

    No, I don't think I ever would. I don't like boats/ships much, which is odd considering I'm surrounded by water, haha. I'm quite scared of water, one of my biggest fears is drowning!

    I went to the movies yesterday with some friends and watched "21 Jump Street". It's quite a funny movie!
    I hope your week is going good :)
    March 21st, 2012 at 08:30pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Omg, it's so weird! I have a feeling that if I ever went to Scotland I would embarrass myself a few times by using the word pants! Haha. Yes, definetly! When I first found out I couldn't help but laugh, haha XD

    She just doesn't have very female features, and she has very short hair!
    Haha, I have a very bad temper, many people don't realize. I'm just very good at holding it in in public(:

    Oh goodness, you wouldn't even believe it! I've heard quite a few of them, its not even funny, haha XD Usually alot of the straight forward ones like "wanna have sex?" or "feel like lowering your standards?" are used alot. Haha, at least they get to the point! XD

    Very strange indeed! haha, but I like it! I've never heard of any of them. I'll have to check them out :) Hmm, I like DesandNate, Deefizzy/Damonfizzy, Rocco the Great, and HaiLedaBear :)

    Would you ever like to go on a cruise?
    March 10th, 2012 at 04:28am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh my goodness I know right! Haha.
    Fortnight is avery strange term for two weeks :S Wait, let me get this straight, to you "pants" mean underwear? Haha, oh my!

    It's been going on for too long, it's stressful.
    No, not really. You'd never know it if you see her, although she does get mistaken for a man sometimes... Not really, I'm more likely to snap at her, then to someone whom I'm not realted to. You know like, she sees the worst part of me more then people who don't live/grew up with me.

    Thank you :) But unfortunately no, haha.
    Haha, not really!? Haha, I never thought about it before deeply, but yes, I do see where you would get it! I think they are filming a fifth one, its might already be up, I'm not sure.

    So, I searched it like you said, and I have to say I really have to concentrate to make out what he's saying. No joke, haha! I find the words aren't pronounced fully...?

    Do you have any favourite youtubers?

    have a good week! :)
    February 27th, 2012 at 02:51am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, yes really! Don't make fun :P
    I agree! I'm being careful not to choose a career that requires me to have grade 12 math, because all I need to graduate is grade 11 math, haha.

    Aw, poor muffin! He will just have to deal :P

    Haha, it's a funny word! Trousers! Saying trousers instead of pants seems much more... intellectual. I think I'll have to pass that up, I'd most likely get made fun of XD

    I honestly have no clue what fortnight means :$ I've heard it in books and stuff, but I never knew how long it was. Lol, could you tell me? :) Haha, does "my wee pair of trousers" mean "my small pair of pants"? But no, we don't say that word either! Unless of course we do it with an accent like Irish or Scottish :P OMG! I've also heard the word "bloke" many times in Harry Potter, but what exactly is the meaning of it? They use it so freely, but other places I've heard it, they say it in a really mean mannor?

    It would be nice if the stupid doctors could figure out what EXACTLY is wrong with her, so they can fix it.
    Well, she has some sort of mental problem, like she's childish sometimes, and doesn't grow up. She gets on my nerves very quickly. It's strange though, because with other things she's the most brightest person ever. Please don't say she's just "immature", she's mentally challenged. We butt heads alot because as I'm getting older, I don't see her childishness as being funny anymore, it's either her way or the high way, and to be honest she's very mean :/
    Lol, is the words " butt heads" funny Callum? :P

    Thank you :) Oh, and Happy belated Valentine's Day! If you happened to spend it with someone special, you better have spoiled them, or else :P haha.

    Haha, oops! I forgot to mention all the language in thoes videos you watched :P Hope you didn't mind!
    Lol, you would be surprised how much I do :P But yes much less drunk and aggressive for sure :P Guys tend to talk more like that then women, but we still do.
    I don't see how they sound Irish at all.... I'm serious.
    No no no, my friend isn't called storm silly, a storm is a storm! I meant a small storm was coming and I would have had to stay at my friend's house again :P But it started later then we had thought.
    February 20th, 2012 at 05:18am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Okay, soo...
    I'm at my friends house and I would reply to your last comment, but I don't like using these little boxes to type in so I keep my messages in another program... and it's like half typed out already at home.
    And I don't want you to think I forgot about you so you should look up the "Prince Edward Island Encyclopedia" on Youtube. They only have about 4 videos but I think you would get a laugh from it haha, seeing as it's where I'm from, haha :P
    Anywho, I hope you had a great week, and I'll do my best to reply Sunday (if I'm not storm stayed here haha).
    February 17th, 2012 at 10:55pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Geez, I think it's been two weeks? Hmph, two weeks too long I say!
    How have you been?
    I've passed my classes that I had this semester, even though I only managed to pull off a 37% on my math exam, haha!

    Haha, probably still say no. That was a long time ago!

    I'm pretty sure I would just use it to think things through, I wouldn't want to mess with things too much.
    LOL trousers! No one says that around here =) Hearing (or seeing I should say) you say that made my day! But no, I don't think I would... haha :P

    Yeah :/ as it turns out, it's not her back, it's her kidney, but they don't know exactly whats wrong with it yet. She's still slowly getting better. Bahaha! Good to see my sister he says! She is.... hmm, a special kind of person. She only lives like a one minute drive from my house, so I see her quite often. We bump heads... alot. Haha. I wouldn't be able to look after mom if she wasn't here though.

    Hope you have a great week! =D
    February 5th, 2012 at 09:46pm
  • urz truly razberry

    urz truly razberry (100)

    United States
    heeloo long time no tALK
    February 2nd, 2012 at 07:10pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Yes really! She buggs me so much. I have no clue! Maybe they aren't real fans of the series, haha.

    No need to apologise, but she really is pretty!
    O.o D'aww hell nawh! Haha, big fat N-O! Haha, I liked his hair better longer.

    Nope. I wish I did though, but I had a hard enough time picking up French in grades 3-9 haha, it was only basic things though so it was an easy class. Do you speak other languages? I'm sure I must have asked you a question similar to this before, but I forget.

    Thats very true. Would you let others see your thoughts and dreams? It's hard to control what exactly goes through your mind, so I would find it too personal to share... or does that make me seem weird? Haha.
    I would have to invent a pause button on life. That way you would be able to stop and think things through and not be forced to make on the spot decisions. Haha, I'm a big thinker.

    I'm so sorry fo not replying sooner! It's just my mom hurt her back really bad, and she needs people to, well, do everything for her. When I came home from school, I found her in bed unable to move and I had to call an ambulance, now a week later she's able to walk with a walker or someones help. I'm also getting less computer time as my sister is home with us now too, haha. I have exams this week also starting on Friday, then again on Monday and Tuesday, so I probably won't be on this following weekend.

    Hope you have a great week, filled with warm smiles! =)
    January 22nd, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Callum! I am so sorry I haven't been on lately =( Things are busy, and I have exams are coming up. I just thought I should let cha know that I didn't forget about you haha! I'll hopefully have a full reply for you this weekend I hope =)
    January 21st, 2012 at 02:43am