Mayonaise / Comments

  • Thank you =) Don't worry about it.
    Haha, be that way then. I bet alot of the people that hate them have never actually read them.
    Yes, I hated Harry Potter -.- :(
    Shes like, way different in the book. Shes shy, sweet and delicate. Kristen Stewart is none of thoes things, haha.

    Hmph! No.
    Yes yes, I suppose you are right. Snow has it's pros and cons.

    Haha, I've never heard of it.
    Yeah, I noticed that when I looked her up on Google.
    Well when I was really young he seemed much more cute! Haha XD Not so much anymore, but he's not ugly.

    No, its not a good thing that they went to Mexico! Even when they only go from the hotel to the beach and back, things still happen!

    If you were able to invent something, anything at all, even if it's not possible, what would you invent?
    January 8th, 2012 at 08:59pm
    'Cause I hated (yeah thats right, HATED) Harry Potter before I even read the books. I thought it was the weirdest thing on earth, and I didn't understand why people would like it. Then I checked out the first book at the library, and I fell in love.
    It's axactly her problem! No emotion! I also find she is too "rough" to play Bella.

    Hmm, fine. Lets go with thick. Hmph, haha.
    Well, when you explain snow that way, one would be impressed!

    If I am remembering right, you told me to watch Elf. Its fine, haha.

    You can't upload one from your computer?
    I've never heard of her until now! I Googled her though, and she's pretty for sure.
    Mine would have to be A.J Trauth. I'm not sure why though, there's nothing really spectacular about him, haha.

    Me too.
    Yeah, Mexico. I honestly have no clue why they would want to go there, it's not exactly the safest spot to be.

    Your welcome! Happy New Year! =)
    December 29th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • Have you read the book or watched the movies? The movies deff. are not as good the books. I was looking forward to the movies so much, and then BAM! Up pops Kristen Stewart as Bella! In my opinion, she can not act... at all!
    I don't know, it's just the most randomest thing to steal. Haha, I was NOT a happy camper. Yeah, lets go with that reason =P Haha, thanks.

    I know right! Yes it was very... thick? I've never heard of someone calling snow "thick" before. Would it be the same as calling it heavy? I agree. Like, I may hate snow, but even I like to see outside all white, and not patchy.

    Okay okay okay.... no need to yell mister! I'll go watch it online after since I don't own it, haha.

    Aw, poop. Haha, no worries. But you must post pictures on here when you complete them!
    I really have no clue what it is played like, or how it looks. But I hope it would go like "I think it was Snape, in the Great Hall using the killing curse" or something of that sorts. If I ever get the chance to play it, I'll most likely scream like a little nine year old girl meeting her celebrity crush, haha! And, on that note, who was your first celebrity crush? If you don't mind me asking :)
    Well, this is going to be a long one. It all started with all the snow! Then I come home to find out that the lady that was going to "adopt" us from church, isn't able to this year, her mother was in the hospital. Every year at Christmas we put our name in at church (and it is all done anonomusly) and we get a box of food, and then some one will "adopt" us and buy some gifts. We wish we could do something for her, but we don't know who she is :( And then everyone is sick, people are dieing (my mothers friends got in a car accident) , my brother and his family are going to Mexico (of alll places!) for Christmas. There was a shooting in Alberta that killed some young people from my province. Everyone needs a little miracle right about now.

    I hope your Christmas season is going better than all of this! =)
    December 22nd, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • It might be strange, but it teaches a good message.

    Yes yes I know, it's a bit odd having both Harry Potter AND Twilight! -.- haha. I love Harry Potter, I only like Twilight ( Team Edward all the way :P ).
    I guess one could say that I'm into photography. Last year in Graphic Arts a couple of other students and I learned and got to take home these cameras (omg I'm drawing a complete blank on their names... the ones that use film!) to take some pictures. We then got to work in the schools dark room to develope our own pictures! But of course before I got to start mine, someone stole my film with all my pictures on it :( I never got to develope them and see how they turned out... but I did get to go with my friends and learn, so it's all good =)
    A little, I guess aha.

    Haha, listen to this! I woke up yesterday morning to a beautiful pink and blue sky, there was hardly wind as I waited for the bus, and was barely cold. Then, by lunch time as I looked outside it was all white! And not the pretty white, this white was a "Oh my God, I'm scared to drive home I can barely see the roads!". Then by that following midnight it started to pour rain. Bippity boppity boo nothing but wet green grass this morning, haha.

    Of course! Elf! How could I let this Christmas go by without watching that movie!

    Lego Harry Potter! Oh danm! If you get it you better share it with me, eh! I had my eye on a Harry Potter Clue game.
    And also, I need a new hair straightener (Which I know I got, because I was with my mom so I could pick the one I wanted). But basically everything to go well, and everyone to have a happy day. Things haven't quite gone good for anyone lately.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:53am
  • Haha, thats cool, what is it about?

    I have three big posters (Paramore, Harry Potter and Twilight), then I have a few rendom ones from magazines (Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, and just random pictures I like) and then I have a whole pile of little ones I just printed off online haha.
    Sex Pistols, always a good choice. Big fan?

    I used to be, I haven't actually listened to them in a while. But since you asked that question I'm in the mood for a little Paramore, haha.

    Well from what you've heard it sounds to be pretty neat!

    Haha, you're ahead of us! We just finished decorating today! I have yet to get into the Christmas mood, it doean't feel like it at all yet. Then again, it could just be the lack of snow, it just might be a green Christmas! I'm not a fan of snow, but it's nice to have it all while and fluffy outside on Christmas.

    What is the number one thing you're wishing for this Christmas?
    December 11th, 2011 at 01:14am
  • Sorry, I can't say I've even ever heard of it before. Why do you ask? :)

    Not really, they try to be but things just come out awkward, none of us are alike haha.

    -gasp- fjdaghiruthdfiuabekj! Ewwwy, lol.
    No really, they would. They are mean in a nice, joking way. Straight up honest, yo.
    Thats true haha. The real ones of course! Yummy! Then again, smelling like real strawberries would make me crave them all the time, it's hard to find good ones, lol.

    My room is back to normal, the walls are a tad bit bare though, I haven't really gotten around to putting up all my posters yet. I only have a single Paramore one up. Do you have many posters up on your walls? I just recently bought an air freshener that should make my room smell like a "Hawaiian breeze" haha. I have yet to determine if I like it or not.
    Oh gosh thousands!

    Your hunch was right! I like the song, but everytime I try to listen to it (on youtube) the video would freeze 3/4 of the way matter what video it was! Ugh! I haven't gotten a good understanding of what the song means/is about, but I'll have to listen to the lyrics more though.

    Are you ready for Christmas?
    December 4th, 2011 at 12:50am
  • oh decent love exams (sarcasm) and nothing just chillin around town and stuff the usual :)
    November 29th, 2011 at 07:50am
  • The fundraiser went very well! My feet were sore though from all the running around filling everyone's glass of water, a busy bee indeed!

    Your welcome. Seeing family is always nice, is yours close?

    Hmmf! -crosses arms- I guess you've got me there, haha! Yay =)

    Haha, if you say so! There's uglyer things out there, haha.

    Purple "people eaters" don't get eaten silly, THEY eat people =P So I don't think you would get eaten. Haha, I joke... you don't eat people.
    Haha, that is very true! would they just put up with the stink or flat out tell you "Go take a shower before you burn our noses off!" I know my friends would do the second thing... but in a less nice way haha.
    I would pick to smell like vanilla or strawberries, mmm! Then again, every deodorant or body spray I own is of thoes two sents, haha =)

    Thank you, and I did! I finally was able to move back into my room. We also had an activity week at school to raise money for a girl (who should be at our school) who got in a car accident last year, and now she's in a wheel chair with brain damage. Everyone is trying to raise money for her family so they can build a new home thats accessable for her. It was a province wide week, and our school alone raised almost 3,000 dollars (which is alot considering only about 800 people are in my school). So yeah, this week was a very happy, up-beat week =)
    November 26th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • meh not to much just been every were and no were you know lol how have you been?
    November 23rd, 2011 at 06:52am
  • So sorry for taking forever to reply, but I was at a friend's house all weekend, then about an hour and a half ago got back from waiting tables at a church supper fundraiser. How was your weekend? Hopefully relaxing.

    Yeah, some of the stuff out there is pretty crazy, but I guess to them it's not crazy, it's normal.

    Thank-you for forgiving me, heres some ice cream -passes you some ice cream- ....everything is better with ice cream, even ice cream! =)

    Is there alot of peacock attacks there? I've never seen one, or heard of them attacking... I always just thought they were pretty! Haha, XD

    I think your right...? Ohh, thats a very good choice!
    If you could smell like one thing for the rest of your life (whether it be a food, cologne etc.) what would you, Callum, want to smell like?

    If I don't get a chance to reply again, hope you have a great week! =D
    November 21st, 2011 at 01:50am
  • heyy whats up?
    November 16th, 2011 at 01:42am
  • interesting. It's all windy and hot over here v.v it's a pain in the butt
    November 13th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • It interests me too, and I have to admit I believe it more than I should.
    Lucky! I know right? But no, I sadly haven't seen either =(

    I never thought of that, haha! But could I pretty please look like a girl, and not a guy from Avatar :P

    You better not turn into a cannibal! You think I'm racist because of that little song? Hmmff! I'm sorry if I've never personally met the one eyed, one horned, flying purple "people eater" for him to confirm if the cannibal rumors about him are true or not. I'll try to be less judgemental towards purple beings from now on. =)

    Never! Because you're right, they ARE as scary as shit! Their eyes freak me out, haha.

    Hmm, that's a tough question! Maybe a giraffe, that way I could see everything from a different view being high up. Or possibly a panda, their cute and seen pretty chill all the time. What about you, what animal would you be?
    November 11th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • that's good and yus I knew hehe :3
    and things are pretty good for meh! x3 how're things over there?
    November 11th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • Thats cool, the celebration part... not the almost-getting-blown-up part haha.

    No, I can't say it is =( The Mibba comment section blue is a bit too dull. Sorry, I've never been good at describing things.

    True true!

    There's no certain parts that I'm interested in, there is many different parts that catch my eye. But what about you? Ever seen a "shooting star", or the Northern Lights?

    Haha, I think the unicorn carrying it all may suffer from lazyness, it's taking him an awful long time to come! Slow and steady win the race I guess, haha.

    Yes... experienced, haha.
    Oh goodness yes, it's enough to drive me crazy!

    Your welcome :)
    Mom doesn't go to them for some reason :/

    Oh no, it was mine, I wasn't specific enough! :)
    Oooo, purple would be very rad indeed! All you need is some wings, a horn and an eye patch and you could be a "one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater!" Although I would hope you wouldn't eat people =(

    Yes a bird, chirp chirp!
    A penguin would be so cute, sliding round on your belly all day in a polar paradise! :)
    I was thinking a humming bird. They're so beautiful, and fast little things too!
    November 10th, 2011 at 07:32pm
  • x3 I'm wonderful! How about you?? hehe :3
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:50am
  • Thank you :) Hmm, I've never heard of Bonfire night! Would it be stupid of me to ask what it is? Or it it obvious, as in people get together and have bonfires? Haha =D

    Yes, slowly. Theres a disagreement between what kind of floor is to be put down in the living room between my mom and out landlord :/ But oh well, as long as we get a nice, new floor I don't care what kind it is haha, as long as we get one!
    My room is going to be painted blue :) The only way I discribe it is it is not a light blue, but it's more of a navy blue but more blue and less dark... hope you can understand it, I slightly confused myself haha!

    Pluto not being a planet doesn't really get me worked up or anything. It's still a planet in my mind =D You?

    The stars I want as a tattoo? They atart off big at my wrist, then gradually get smaller going up my arm. I've tried looking for an image online, but I can't find one that looks like that anywhere, so I can't send you a link to get a better idea of what it looks like :(

    It's hard to describe my mother to people that haven't met her. Shes, well, I don't think I can say this in a nice way... old. Haha, yes I know everyone says that about their parents, but my moms older than most of my friend's grandparents! Haha, she tends to be old fashioned.

    Oh goodness yes, I love it! Theres no words to describe how much I love it Callum!

    Studying never hurts. And I wish you luck on your assessments =D You'll do great! My week has been pretty good, I only had two days of school this week, two days off because of parent-teacher interviews, then Friday off for Rememberance Day. My five day weekend will be full of lots of sleeping in thats for sure!

    Oh dear, I think we both may have understood my question a little differently, haha. I meant colours like red, blue, orange. Haha, odd colours to have skin be. I never even thought of the way you took it, but I do agree with you! I was thinking I would be yellow, so then I would look like a "Simpsons" character XD

    If you could be a bird, what kind of bird would you choose to be?
    November 9th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • hi there :3
    November 9th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • Callum! I forgot to wish you a Happy Halloween! ....Happy Halloween =D

    There is a brightside to it though, I'll be getting my walls repainted, and I'll be getting new floor too.

    Orange juice is the bomb, bro! I fail to see how someone would like it less than apple juice.

    Haha, sorry :P I just thought I'd ask, haha! Not my family, my friend's family does. i'm not too sure why they do, they just do ahah. They are quite the odd family, but odd in a fun way.

    Agreed. I actually cringe when I see people that have not only a full sleve, but their full upper body covered in tattoos! It's just too much I find, and it doesn't look all that good.
    When you hear it, you'll know it will be what you want.
    I know right! I don't want to be one of thoes people that get a tattoo, and then a little down the road regret getting it. The stars that I want to get on my wrist is something I've been wanting for God knows how many years now! I love stars, and well, space in general. I even sometimes draw them on my wrist dreaming about when I can finally get them haha.
    My mom believes that "A teenage girl should not focus on boys, dying her hair (althoug I just recently dyed mine a dark brown with blue in the bottom layer of my bangs), tattoos or peircings! She should concentrate on school!" Ugh.

    How has your week been? See anymore old ladies fall flat on their faces? If you had the ability to change your skin colour, what colour would you change it to?
    November 6th, 2011 at 07:05pm
  • Oh don't worry about it! I myself feel bad for my late response too, things have been quite crazy at my house. A pipe in my wall burst and soaked half my room, along with the spare room too :(
    Thanks :) I thought it was in need of being changed.
    Thats exactly what I was thinking!
    I know right! I mean come onnnn, there's nothing special about a bee's knee. Tch!

    Tisk tisk! If you could see me I'd be wagging my finger at you -waggs finger-, haha. And ew! I don't care much for apple juice either, I'm more of an orange juice kind of girl.

    Haha, I know it's not true. Have you played the bagpipes? When my friend's family gets together in the summer, they have cds of people playing the bagpipes, and they play it loud... and early! Haha.

    -.-" Yes, it DID clearly work haha XD

    I'd never have the courage to get a full sleeve tattoo! Do you have any quotes in mind? Tweety Pie..? But yeah, I know what you mean. Well, for the longest time I've wanted a group of stars on my right wrist. I'd also like to get the Deathly Hallows symbol on my foot (I hear tattoos on the foot hurt alot, uh-oh!), and on my other foot I'd like the peace sign haha. I have to wait till I move out of the house to get one though haha.

    I'm so sorry for taking so long :( I didn't have very much time to write this so it might seem half-assed. I have so many things I would have liked to tell you, but I just don't have the time right now :( Hope you didn't think I had forgotten about you!
    October 31st, 2011 at 01:57am