Mayonaise / Comments

  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    I had no school today (Thursday), so I can reply a day early :)
    Heyy, did you use half Canadian as an insult? -makes a fist- haha, joking :P Haha, I find Quebecers overall to be very, lets see, obnoxous. Not all of them, but most haha.

    Ohh, neat :) And I wouldn't know, I've never drank nor do I ever plan on it haha. Teenagers here think they are soooo cool if they drink before they are 19, they don't drink socially they get completely drunk, it doesn't interest me. What's the legal drinking age there? Have you drank before?

    My image-maker sees alot of bearded, red-headed men in kilts (sp?) playing bagpipes (I just now pictured Johnny Reid in a kilt playing the bagpipes, haha!). Alot of beautiful stone buildings/castles haha. Really pretty!

    Its cheesy there? What would normally be said there then?

    Thank you! -faceplam- You keep saying CHUBBY! Haha, it's c-u-b-b-y. We actually just got kicked out of it by one of the janitors because they kept finding things like chocolate bar wrappers and chip bags there, but we weren't even the ones doing it =( Pfft, when do I NOT kick ass.

    If you could get any tattoo, what would it be of (or do you already have any)?
    October 21st, 2011 at 12:42am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Yeah buddy! *high five* haha.

    Haha, okay, let us agree to disagree!

    You seems like you could talk about that stuff for hours =D haha.
    I was never very fond of Quebec to be honest. Quebec doesn't affect my province in any way, so we don't care much about them (as mean as it may sound haha). I went on a trip to Ottawa once, and holy cow them Quebecers drive crazy fast!

    Have you ever been to Ireland? For some odd reason, I've never imagined in my head Scottland to be a green place.. I know it is, but the image-maker in my head doesn't seem to think so! Yes, Italy would be lovely :)

    Welcome =D Nice, quiet walks always help me.
    I see him lots, but he doesn't talk to me much anymore, he seems to have latched onto some other girl who is atleast not creeped out by him.

    "Thanks a whole bunch for coming out" isn't normally spoken there? I just thought of it to be a normal, regular phrase. Not specific to a certain place haha.

    Hope you have a great week, remember to get lots of sleep!
    October 17th, 2011 at 01:36am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Yeah, big time ahah.
    It's a small town and village kind of place, far far far from Toronto! Theres a total of six towns and villages (and all the places in between) that the students at my school can be from, haha, and the school is still relatively small haha. Every where you look is fields! Haha. You strike me as the kind of person that lives in the city?

    Soggy cereal is like eating paste or wet paper! Bleck! At least, thats what I think haha.
    It would be of both :) Haha. But I think I'll leave the five paragraph essays for English class :P

    I've never heard someone give that answer before! What is it about their culture that interests you? Yes, come to Canada! Hmm, I wouldn't reccomend going to Quebec, haha.
    I've always wanted to go to Ireland, my cousin took a trip there, and oh my God it's so beautiful! And so green =) Or anyplace where they serve alot of pasta... I like pasta haha.

    To un-annoyify yourself, go for a nice long stroll by yourself (providing its a SUNNY day) and pay attention to the little things, and breathe in the nice fresh air :) I promise you will return home in a better mood =D
    My week (and school) was great, although I think I'm catching a damn cold
    October 16th, 2011 at 03:19am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    My computer forgives you, it sends lots of warm hugs your way :) Who could ever stay mad after a speech like that!

    Oh no, did I say chubby? I meant cubby, like a cubby hole..... but a big one that can fit people in it haha. "shooting the shit"means to "chill" or to "hang out" haha. We weren't actually SHOOTING some SHIT at school :P
    Haha, I wasn't very assertive, I used more of a quiet, high pitched voice haha.

    Well I'm glad no one got hurt in the scuffle! Ugh, I hate whe people fight, I get so nervous!

    No very far, I live in the closest community to the school, but students from other comunities can have up to an hours drive!

    Eww! Soggy cereal is the worst, I eat it with no milk. Hashbrowns are veeeery yummy! If I explain them you know I will probably end up writing you a five paragraph essay, so I recomend you Google them haha.

    Good choices! Well, I never follwed or was obsesed with any super hero or villian, so I'm not sure :(
    If you could travel any place in the world, where would you go?

    Hmm, I'll have to look them up to check the difference! And yeah! Lots of it.

    How was your week?
    October 15th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    I'm not sure, but you better say you're sorry right now Callum, go on -nudges you towards my computer-

    Haha, I typed it into the address bar... XD I thought for sure it would be blocked, my school blocks everything -.- Haha, no no no, I'll try!

    Well me and my friends were just shooting the shit in a little cubby the hall during lunch, when these two guy walk by us, one pushes the other and then (no surprise) they start cursing each other down. They were blocking our way out of the cubby so we couldn't get out. Haha, I finally said "please, DON'T fight" And one of them actually used their brain and listened to me and walked away. The second one gave me a dirty look. Thats the closest I've ever come to fighting haha. I hope you have never been in any fights...? Plenty more have talked about fighting, mostly over stupid stuff.

    They aren't too nice at the same time I'll tell you that! Especially whe you are waiting for your school bus to pick you up haha!

    Hmm, some good choices you have there :)

    Cereal? Really? It's weird thinking that we would have different cereal, and we probably do. Shreddies eh? Some people like them, while others can't stand them, I personally haven't tried them but they seem good. Pancakes, yumm! Can't go wrong with them!
    I'm not much of a cereal person, well to be honest "breakfast food" is nonexistant at my house haha. So I would go for the classic sausages and hashbrowns, mmm!

    Hm, thats a VERY tough question to answer. I think I'll go for mind reading, because I'm very self consious about what people think about me, so it would get rid of alot of stress to know what they really thought about me. Then again, the power to heal would be much more useful not only to me, but to thoes aound me. What about you?

    Well of course your not! I'm still talking to you aren't I? :)

    What do you mean it all depends on which one you hear?
    Damn. Your point was proven well! Haha
    October 10th, 2011 at 05:24am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Sorry, I tried to reply last night but my computer decided to go "not responding" every five minutes while I tried to type you a message, haha, so I gave up.

    Good news! I descovered that Mibba isn't blocked at my school, so now I can ATTEMPT to reply in the mornings if I have time =) My week was good, although school was a wee bit boring :/ No, there were no more fights, but there was lots of talk about having some! People just need to take a deep breath and think before they start running their mouths! Ugh, gladiator elephant attacks, I hate when thoes happen! The weather over here like, broke for a few days haha. It would start with rain, then hail, then snow, and go back to rain all in ten minutes! It's back to nice, good Fall -ahem- Autumn weather =)

    Hmm, thats a tough question to answer! Can I pick two songs? I would like "Moves like Jagger", because it's currently stuck in my head, and also "Tipsy" by Brokencyde because it makes me want to move. What would YOU like to dance to for 5 hours? If you could eat one thing for breakfast, everyday for a year, what would you eat?

    I know right! I have no clue, but it must be changed!

    Ohh, thats neat :)
    Sweet maple syrup eh? Haha, I'm not sure. When ever someone takes an interest in me that I have no interest in whatsoever, it mega-creeps me out :/

    =D Haha, thanks!

    I probably do, but I don't hear it! I always thought the stereotypical "Canadian accent" was friendly, but makes us sound stupid haha. The Scottish accent on the other hand sounds wise, and tough.

    Thats true, it's nice to be comfy, but it's the time it takes to put on all those comfy layers that drives me up the wall haha. You find red noses nice looking? I guess they could have a cuteness about them haha. Christmas is a wonderful time of year :)

    Will do!
    October 8th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Because you are silly!

    Well considering I have to wait 100 (yeah, 100!) minutes for my current potion to brew, very boring. I haven't gotten a chance to duel yet, because they are still working on it, so I'm not sure how it works yet. Yeah, you can add friends, but there is no messaging system yet :/

    "Sound"? It sounds like a good thing, but what exactly does it mean? I've just recently learned why all these guys who... are not my cup of tea... always seem to gain a crush on me. People are usually mean towards them, and I hate being mean to people no matter if I like or dislike them, so I'm nice. I think they may confuse my niceness for something else!

    If I was to answer that, Callum... umm...Callum (I'll think of something!) "cool" is giving in, and being what others want - in a negative way! You know what? That quote will probably stick in my head for a long time =) Alot of people should believe it, too!

    Haha, I've never thought of an actual brain farting when I heard the term, but I sure will now! XD

    I bet if I heard you speek, I would probably think you do :P Haha, really? Fall is whats said here, but Autumn just sounds more, I don't know, BEAST!
    No, not really. My mom smokes inside, and she is also claustrophobic, so the windows stay open most of the time haha.
    You like being all wrapped up in layers of clothing? I hate winter for that reason! But then again, it is a nice time of year with Christmas... and skating XD

    Aw, thanks :) You too! You better work hard at college, and not hardly work haha. No need to be embarassed!
    October 3rd, 2011 at 03:40am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Because I find that Hufflepuff describes me to a "t". I've also taken some quizes online to see what one I would fall under, and it's usually Hufflepuff :) Yes, I do believe you are a Ravenclaw guy! You seem extreamly smart. I've finished the first book, but they haven't "released" the second book yet, so now I'm just left to brew potions (which I'm terrible at, I always run out of time! I might make a suggestion to either give more time, or drop the time limit) and I could duel with other students, but they are making adjustments to that part of the site... So theres not much right now.

    Haha, I fall under weird/unpopular =D Most of my friends are thought of as average, but since I have other friends that are "greasy" and druggies, it knocks me down to weird and unpopular. I think its the stupidest thing to be judged by who your friends are, and what you look like, I can't wait till the day that these don't matter. Oh I tottaly agree! Haha, I've often had people ( who are completely popular, and have billions of "friends") tell me that they wish them and their friends were as close as me and my friends! If only they realised the reason why were so close is we don't let the little things get in the way, we don't judge each other by what we wear or own! Pfft, no one needs "cool". If people don't like you, then find ones who do =D

    Haha, have you never heard "brain fart" before? I prefer candid pictures, then planned ones too. Haha, and thanks.

    O.o It took me a few tries to understand what you were saying! The weather here is exactly the same! It's become really cold too. Theres so many windows open in my house, and even though I have a sweater on, my fingers are stiff to move (if only you could have seen all the typos I made XD ) Oh but I love Fall weather! Cold, but not too cold, sweater weather, and the smell! Fall is my favourite season, what's yours?
    October 2nd, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    I just got books for school, and I also bought a pet owl :) I was given my wand ( I can't remember what kind exactly, and I'd check but the site is down...again) Haha, I was sorted into the house of Hufflepuff! I knew even before the test there was no doubt I would be in Hufflepuff haha And no, no firebolt, I'm a first year, so we don't get brooms :( It goes through each book chapter by chapter.

    Yeah I guess, most likely! Yeah, theres always some sort of stupid drama crap happening, and some people just think they own the place just because they have more money! It's quite easy to clasify people at school, they either fall into bitchy prep, nice prep, druggies, average, weird/unpopular, and finally greasy (self explanitory) haha. Sadly "bitchy prep" are close to being a majority at my school... yay.

    And yes, I'm 95% sure it would be worse. She deserves everything the court hands her, and there is no way in hell she will get away with being innocent!

    Thats good, as long as people didn't just leave her there and laugh =D

    I'm not ugly or anything, it's just when it comes to smiling for pictures, I'm bad at it! haha. Its not natural, I tried to think of something funny, but my mind had a "brain fart" and could think of nothing haha. Were you ever a fan of picture day?

    How's da weather over der eh?

    Sorr I haven't replied sooner, I've been on Pottermore almost allllllll day, haha my new obsession <3
    October 2nd, 2011 at 01:46am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, I honestly have no clue, I just said it a few times, and I guess they picked it up =D

    Well, so far all I have done is buy some supplies, it like goes through the books in an interactive way, but there is just so many people entering it that its working slow :( I've given up for tonight haha

    Yeah, she will be fine, but what I don't understand is that with the big crowd why someone didn't haul the other girl off and break the fight up! I mean come on, there's some pretty big guys at school watching that could have done it! I'm not sure why, or how it started, I just know one of them was talking shit about the other :/ people never learn to stay away from drama! I seen a little of the last part, there was a big crowd and because I'm so short I couldn't see much... I did (unfortunately) see her after a teacher ended it, with her mouth full of blood (I could have gaged!) and her face was like double in size, it was horrible! Haha, it is for the most part, but kinda live in bitch-central, its over run with them! It bothered me when I found out the girl being charged was only 17, because she will be going to youth court! If only she was a year older, she would be tried as an adult!

    Oh my God! I hope you/someone helped her! Poor thing :( But yes, a little funny XD My week was pretty good, I was oddly hyper for most of the week. And blekkk, we had school pictures also :/ I don't take good pics lol
    October 1st, 2011 at 01:39am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, I'm no wiser! Haha, I have some of my friends saying "beast" now :)

    I just got my email from Pottermore, allowing me to enter the sight :) At the moment I'm buying all my supplies haha.

    Haha, I've never heard of any of thoes sites :P I also go on sites like amirite, gamesgames (to play the multiplayer games), music-map, and now Pottermore =D

    I still feel bad making you wait so long :(

    Oh my goodness, you'll never guess what happened at my school on Wednesday! It was at the end of the day, and everyong was filing out to the buses when suddenly these two girls start fighting! The one who started the fight kneed the other girl in the face, smashes her face against the pavement and kicked her repeatedly while she was on the ground! She lost two teeth, got a broken nose and her face was like swollen, badly, and shes in the hospital! The other girl is being charged with assult =S Its only September, and so far there have been atleast 4 fights at school *sigh* people here have like, gone crazy! Hmm, anything interesting happen in your week?
    October 1st, 2011 at 12:16am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh God I hope so too! Well yes, I indeed am haha. Country doesn't suck either!

    My my, you have been to quite afew concerts! The only ones I've listened to are Escape the Fate and Paramore, although I have heard the name Eric Clapton before.

    Haha, made my day when you said "wee"! Haha, I used to think Harry Potter was so stupid, and I couldn't understand why someone would be interested in it. Then one day I picked up the first book out of boredom and fell in love =D Step Brothers is deffinetly a funny movie! Hmm, never heard of the rest before though!

    Oh no no no! I have other things to do online, like Facebook and watch certain youtubers/tv shows online! Do you have any favourite youtubers you like to watch? And of course, checking my inbox for my Pottermore Welcome email *sigh* Then a few other little sites :) I just hate to keep you waiting for so long!
    September 25th, 2011 at 09:33pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    It's good that you appreciate the simple things :) In junior high, my school bus ride home was 45 minutes, and I always looked forward to it just so I could sit there, listen to music and look out the window haha. It's kind of hard to do now that I'm in high school because my ride is about 5-10 minutes :(

    No, he can't at ALL! It's frustrating. Haha, I'll have to try that! I hate being mean to people in any way possible though, so it will be extra hard for me haha.

    I've seen Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley in concert, along with George Canyon, Tanya Tucker, Jo Hikk, Tara Oram and others that I've temp. forgotten their name haha. Yeah, they are all country! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Never Shout Never and Three Days Grace... just sayin' :P I have a mega crush on Christofer Ingle =D <3 What concerts have you been to/ like to go to?

    Oh gosh I love horror movies haha Not a fan of blood and gore I'm guessing? The last movie I seen was Our Idiot Brother, which was pretty funny, but not as funny as I had expected it to be. But still good! My favourite films eh? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and the Half Blood Prince, and the Deathly Hallows part 2, Titanic, and finally the Haunting in Conneticut! In case you haven't noticed I'm a Harry Potter nerd, and I'm not afraid to show it! What are your favourites?

    Sorry I'm not able to reply during Monday to Thursday very much, my mother won't allow me online on school nights (my grades became really bad in grade 8, and she flipped BIG time haha) but I'll randomly sneek on :P So don't think I'm just too busy to reply to you Mr. Judge.
    September 25th, 2011 at 02:15am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, we have our moments :P Yeah, Soccer does tend to be a big thing over there I find!

    Well, not in my province because they aren't really needed, but they do have trains in other parts of Canada. You must live far out from the city to have to use the train to get there! Then again, you have lots of them, so it's more of an everyday experience there..?

    Creepy fat beard man keeps talking to me. Like, you know how sometimes you end a conversation by giving a response, then turning your head or turning around to do something else? Well, this fellow here keeps talking, and talking.... and talking. Even when I'm trying to talk to other people! I hate it when people KNOW you're listening to someone else talk, and you make it quite obvious ( like truning toward them, looking at them) and they start talking to you out of the blue! Ugh, it's like he is unable to tell that I don't want to talk to him, I'm making it as noticable as I can without being mean.

    Busy but good is the way to be!

    Haha, as could I! =D I've heard all but the Givers one. I'll have to check them out after :) Well, I could also go one for ever about music, so I'll just tell you to read my about me part on my profile, I'm pretty sure I listed all my favourites there =)

    What's the last movie that you watched? Was it good?
    September 19th, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, sorry for all of the slang :P Hmm, I don't play hockey, but I watch it! When it's Stanley Cup or the winter Olympics time, its all that is on tv! Canadians don't eally care, about the winter Olympics, as long as we get gold in hockey, its all that maters! = Do watch any sports?

    Youy get on a train EVERYDAY? Oh my goodness, does Scotland just have alot of them, or are cars just non-existant over there? Wow, I must sound stupid for asking that haha XD

    Well geez, I'm nothing compaired to you! You're spectacular!

    Haha :P It was beast! My classes aren't as bad as I thought they would be, but it would still be nice to have more of my best friends in them! Hows your week been?

    Do you have any favourite bands/musicians? =D
    September 18th, 2011 at 07:05am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Haha, I think I just might start saying "beast" I like it :) Well, I didn't really know what slang I might speek, so I googled it XD Alot of them are just stupid, and never used, but here are some that ARE used:
    Loonie/toonie - one dollar/two dollar. Double-double - we say this when ordering coffee (two creams and two sugars) I didn't know people don't really say it much ouside of Canada until now haha! Tim's or Timmy's - Tim Horton's, a doughnut and coffee shop named after a famous hockey player (Of course haha!) We gotta have our Tim's! It's the best :) Poutine - From Quebec, its fries covered in gravy and cheese curds, very yummy! How's She Bootin'er? or How's she goin'? - This is used around my area of Canada, meaning how is it going? A common response to this would be "The (da) very best!" haha. Some local dialect is very sarcastic. Like "That was handsome" meaning it was either really funny, or not a pretty sight or really bad haha. Also "Well sir" is said before (or in response) to alot of stuff. This is sad, but this could be a normal conversation I hear "Well sir, I came around the corner, speedin', lost control of her an' flipped the damnthing! She looked handsome after the crash too,I'm tellin' yas!" "Well sir!" "Yeah, but der ain't nothin' buta few scratches on me eh" We sound like such hicks some times! haha XD

    Haha, I really went into a deep explanation of the slang... oops! Sorry.

    Nope never once on a train haha. Ohh, it sounds like such a nice ride! There used to be trains in my province, but they got rid of them, I don't know why though. Now where the tracks were there is walking trails.

    Your welcome :) Because you are silly!
    September 17th, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    No, in all actuality I don't talk very much at all.
    Not about things that I actually think about, just the mindless nonsense that fills our everyday communication.
    September 15th, 2011 at 02:31am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I checked, and you were right, the message didn't send.
    September 14th, 2011 at 10:51pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I think I probably have close to twenty notebooks (many of them three subject, college rule) of my answer to my inability to express myself.
    They are not ''diaries'' just so you know... They're ''ponder logs'' haha.

    But see, you got me talking, which is practically an impossibility, so congratulations =]

    Thanks for the song, it actually helped...
    The singer sort of reminds me of Bert McCracken of The Used, a bit.
    September 14th, 2011 at 10:45pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    You're a good guy, Callum =]
    If ever you need someone to talk to (like a talking diary, haha) I'll do my best.

    I'm okay.
    I got turned around this year, and although I could complain, I don't owe anyone anything.
    I get messed up from time to time, but y'know how there are happy, bubbly people who are full of life, and spontanaity? Everything has to even out, there will always be an opposite, and it's okay to be that person.
    Society shoves happiness down our throats, and gives us these materialistic means of reaching it, it demonizes solitude, and anything melancholy, and advertises another pill to cure you, and it's bullshit.
    It's okay to be sad; some of the greatest pieces of literature exist because of a sad, gilted, discontent, or otherwise messed up author.

    I wish more people would recognise that it isn't wrong, what is wrong is forcing others to feel like you do, and I know that, so I do smile, I smile a lot, but I just don't feel it.

    I think you may know what I mean?
    September 14th, 2011 at 09:34pm