Mayonaise / Comments

  • Dandy lion

    Dandy lion (100)

    United States
    September 4th, 2011 at 10:20pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Sorry I took so long (I think..), I was at a friends house :)
    Haha, well, my Mom smokes in the house, so it gets all over our clothes. I don't smell it (because I'm so used to it) but apparently other people can! I couldn't care less if I smelled like smoke or not, theres worse things out there I could be smelling like. Being tall and "lanky" isn't that bad :) Do people ever comment on your veins? You seem quite tall in your picture, but it's small so its hard to tell, how tall would you be?

    It's just the way I am! I think everything over, no matter how little it may be. Haha, do you "just live in the moment"?

    -Picks up a glass of water, chokes and spits it out- You ENJOYED Lord of the Flies? Oh my...!! What parts did you think were accurate? I for one think its a waste of time, inaccurate, boring and written poorly! But hey, if you liked it thats great :) In English last year, we read that book, and we had to do all these assignments on it, per chapter. And I'm telling you, I couldn't s-t-a-n-d the book. Half way through the semester, my mark was around 68% (because when I don't like the material being taught/just plain not interested in it, I hardly do work..) Then the last half of the semester we read A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I got my mark up to an 80%! Such a great play :)
    You just need to find books that will capture your attention and interests =D Oh goodness yes, I'd be lost without books, I go crazy without having one to read haha.
    September 4th, 2011 at 01:27am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Tricky linguistics! Haha.
    A guy who I used to talk to at the music store once had the slip up of ''It is always interesting in the C section''.
    He no longer works there, so I have no idea where he is, but I will always think fondly of him for that, haha.

    I want to be an illustrator/writer.
    Don't laugh... But I want to write and illustrate graphic novels.
    I also want to get into small time animation, as I have been working on a cartoon for a couple of years now, writing scripts, and drawing character sheets.
    I also would like to publish essays... And I have a dream of doing art show.

    I have been told many times not to waste my time on a go-nowhere career, but what is the point of life if you live like a piece of clay, always manipulated and shaped by others to satisfy them.
    I think that I would rather die to be honest, and I don't mean that dramatically, I mean it in a very sensible, albeit philosophical, way.

    You told me that you play bass, do you sing aswell?
    September 4th, 2011 at 01:14am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Our parents generation definitely fucked us up.
    They're the ones who publish these mindless droid bands, and these idiotic books, and this crappy TV; they come up with the new cell phones, and the new gaming systems, and then we are the consumers, and thusly the victims of it.

    It just bothers me, because back in the sixties the youth was demanding a revolution, and now we're saying ''Shut up, my show's about to come on!'', y'know?
    Like you said, we're getting too much, too fast, and none of us know what to do with it.
    But what's worse is that when you hear someone saying ''This is wrong, this has to change'', [i]they're not in our generation[/i]! Do you know how depressing that is?
    As a whole, I don't feel that this generation asks enough questions, I think we're complacent.

    I know!
    When I walk behind an elderly person it's the same damn thing!
    What am I going to do?! It's me we're talking about, I'm not a freakin' thug, y'know? I own a panda suit, how scary can I be?

    So, another random (esque, ish) question for you: What do you want to do for a living? What's your dream career?
    September 3rd, 2011 at 01:34am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh, I adore blue eyes! (Like you probably couldn't tell already..) Oh God, I feel your "constantly look stoned" problem haha. My pupils also are quite large, and my eyes are blood shot alot too! One day in my Visual Arts class I was talking to a guy, then he just stops and stares at me for about five seconds and blurts out "Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but... are you high? 'Cause your eyes are all blood shot and kinda shiny..." And you know what was even worse? The guy himself actually DOES drugs. The following day I asked my friend (who I've been friends with since Kindergarten) if she didn't know me at all, and just passed by me on the street, if I looked like I did drugs. Just guess what she says to me! "Hell yeah! Not only do you have the eyes, but your overall apperance makes you look like a druggie, and some actions you do are kinda stoner-ish... AND YOU SMELL LIKE CIGARETTE SMOKE ALL THE TIME!" Pfft, smellin' like cigarette smoke is different than smellin' like dope haha.

    Thats true :P haha, loads of fun! I just think things over and through more than most people do, so I'm afraid my decision now will screw me over in the future..?

    Oh, well whats the last book you've read then? I'm currently reading Kiss of Death, by Rachel Caine. It's the eighth book in her Morganville Vampire series. Please, for the love of God, don't make me explain the book, because as you can see I'm no good at summarizing -.-
    Do you read alot? :)

    Haha, I'll try not to :P I think this may be the longest yet perhaps? It's hard to tell in these little comment boxes!
    September 2nd, 2011 at 05:31am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I am bracing myself for the loud-mouth patriots, and what is sure to be a ''truly American'' unveiling of the ground zero memorial.

    When it happened, I remember sitting infront of the TV, and seeing these people jumping from these two huge burning buildings thinking ''This is real, this isn't Hollywood, these people are dying''
    So it impacted me pretty profoundly.
    I remember the moment when Peter Jennings confirmed that America had gone to war.
    I realised that bombs change the world before common sense, and rational compromise.
    So having what was left of my innocence stamped out by the event, and those that followed, I obviously feel very strongly about this, but I believe that America is an opportunist, and while the anniversary is supposed to be a day for reflection, mourning, and ideally progression; I know that it will become a stage for hopeful presidential candidates to feed us bullshit about how they're going to ''save'' America through ''moral reform'', tax breaks, and guns and one God for all.

    I wish that we could have learned from this, but it's ten years into a war that is as nonsensical as it is barbaric.
    Soldier suicide is at an all-time high, and our troops come back violent and death defying.
    I don't know... I just feel like the world is changing faster than we can describe, culturally, ethically, morally, new movements; everything is changing, and I feel like it's history wasted on a youth that doesn't listen; youth that would rather play video games than make a difference, youth that would rather whine about personal problems, than say ''This is what is happening, this is wrong, I'm not going to stand for this''
    We're called ''Generation Y'', and we're so pathetic that we're punned ''Generation Why? (why get go to college? why get a job? why make a difference?) it's probably one of the most disheartening aspects of the time.

    I'm not the only one who feels this way, I know that, but where the hell are we?
    September 2nd, 2011 at 03:03am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Intelligence is often seen as a stoner quality when your intellect tends to lean towards ''abstract'' thoughts and theories.
    Haha, I'm glad that you have grown a new found respect for me.

    So I have a question, since you're from the UK, and not tied down to America in any way.
    The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is coming up, what does that mean to you?
    I think that a lot of Americans neglect to realise that America is not the world, not everyone mourns our losses, not everyone cares if our team wins, not everyone has their eye on us.
    So I'm just curious what the 9/11 attacks mean to you over in the UK.
    September 2nd, 2011 at 12:04am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Thank you, and I do, but I just miss my blue eyes :)
    What colour are yours?
    Don't you dare give up hope, or I'll have to go over there and kick your behind, eh! Well... in grade 7 I played the trumpet in the school band, but I quit that same year, haha.
    I won't give up hope, it's just so hard to pick ONE thing to become -sigh-
    Haha, well I was questioning some of the classes I chose for this upcoming school year, and I was kind of panicing whether they were the right ones for me. My mom brought up Dental Assiatant. She got extreamly excited about it, because I want to be able to (if possible) stay in my province to go to school, and work. A Dental Assistant would be perfect, the college is only two hours away (considering I basically live in the middle of nowheres, a two hour drive is nothing, haha) in the same province. A Dental Assistant has great hours, and the pay is pretty good. I know it is something I would be good at, and I wouldn't get bored with it!
    On the other hand, being a counsellor wouldn't be that bad either, haha.

    Are you currently reading any books?

    Oh my my, I've dog gone written another novel for you :P
    September 1st, 2011 at 03:32am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I didn't think that you recommended those for the drug content, or that you're a junkie, so don't worry.

    My dreams are like acid trips, so I don't feel the need to do drugs, haha.
    People do drugs for a lot of reasons, some just want to make their world look different, I guess I spent too much time imagining things as a kid.
    Y'know, Stephen Fry said something about LSD, and how it made you notice the woodiness of wood, and wetness of water, and the solidity of the ground, and airiness of air, and it sounded wonderful, but I can realise all of that if I just let go and allow it, I don't need drugs to feel, y'know?
    Like one of my favorite (albeit very druggy sounding) thing to do, is to lay in the dark, and realise that since I can't see or feel where I start and end, I could theoretically be infinate.
    See, I don't need drugs, I'm already a stoner, haha.
    September 1st, 2011 at 12:41am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    You're right, Bill Hicks is incredible.
    I don't do drugs, I don't find them to be a necessary implement to be abducted by aliens so that they can tell me telepathically that death doesn't exist (couldn't resist), but that's my decision.
    Regardless of the astounding lack of drugs in my system I am constantly asked if I am on drugs. Go figure.

    I'm a Nihilist, I have already decided that existance is a simple state of being that is without real meaning; that morality is an opinion, that reality is relative, and death is inevitable and without meaning.

    I can relate to Hicks, I have just never been on drugs... What about you?
    August 31st, 2011 at 10:44pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I think my friend, that you are right.
    Entirely human.
    It's funny how we tend to think that to be great we have to transend humanity.
    Look at Beethoven or any of the classical composers; their music was entirely human, from conception to projection, yet we still call it 'divine', as if humanity can't be great.
    So yes, he is very human.

    Bill Hicks? I will check him out =]
    Anything of his in particular?
    August 31st, 2011 at 08:10pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    I think the Red Hatters are just crazy women who want to pretend that they have a cause.
    Very few people have a couse, y'know? Why pretend...

    Stephen Fry is incredible, I hate to say 'words can't describe', but to be honest I would be digging into my vocabulary to try to illustrate his excellence.
    Which makes me sound so fawning, but as embaressing as it sounds, I'm being honest, Fry is fantastic...
    August 31st, 2011 at 04:35am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Hmm, I'm not sure, but it seems like quite an interesting place to visit!
    Haha, I always get the comment of people calling my eyes weird, or strange! And thanks, I love how they ARE unique, but at the same time, I want my blue eyes back!
    Oh, thats very good! I think it would make a good quote to put on a picture edit =D
    You should never give up hope! What instrument do you play? Or do you sing? As long as you do something you love!
    Well Mr. Judge, my good self once thought she would like to be a counselor, then a photographer, then she moved on to a librarian, then a social worker. Finally, after spending some time thinking, she believes she will be a Dental Assistant! Yeah, you heard me, DENTAL ASSISTANT!
    August 31st, 2011 at 01:27am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Don't worry about it! Haha, tricky tricky, Mr. Judge :P
    Hm, really? I guess it all depends where exactly your Canadian relative was from in Canada. I always kinda wanted to go to Scotland, and I'll get there someday! Mind you it won't be anytime in the near future! haha
    You could always say something poetic about the day, in general :) And yes, early, about sunrise, until around 10 am-ish haha :P And night, love the night =D
    Well, blue has always been one of my favourite colours. Until around the age of 13, my eyes were extreamly blue! I wore alot of blue clothes, to make my eyes stand out. But then slowly my eyes started changing colour, now they're more of a green. But stangely, my eyes have a dark blue ring around them, then closer to the pupil is green OR blue (one eyes is more green, while the other is closer to blue), then just around the pupil is a very light LIGHT brown.
    -takes a deep breath- So now, my eyes "pop" when I wear green. So, I like green and blue :) Sorry for the long explanation, but you asked =P haha.

    What career are you striving for?

    -Oh my gosh I wrote you a freakin' novel! Sorry!
    August 31st, 2011 at 12:29am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Mad Hatter? Hmm, well we have the Red Hatters, which is a group of crazy old ladies who parade around in red hats, and purple scarves.
    I'm sure they have a 'purpose', but I have yet to uncover it.

    The lighter? I guess that makes sense... Think of all of the lives a lighter has saved (not to mention the callouses from the stick method)
    Ha, yes leave it to Stephen Fry to put the Ipad in there =]
    August 30th, 2011 at 10:13pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Dude. Don't judge me! I'll wear flip-flops if I wanna :P
    Sky blue is a beautiful colour! I wish the sky was blue at the moment, it's all cloudy and rainy from silly old Hurricane Irene -.- Do you get much bad weather in Scotland?
    I like the sky best bright and early in the morning, or at night covered in stars =D Do you have a favourite time of day?
    Oh yeah, my favourite colours are blue and green :)
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    Yes, I have a neighbor who is convinced that the Devil has taken the town for his battle grounds.
    I would like to laugh, but honestly declarations like that just make me angry for utterly nonsensical it is; as if we can blame every human fault on some external force, as if we ourselves are incapable of being bad.

    Haha, yes! Libraries!
    Can you imagine how amazing the world could be if everyone were a bookworm?
    Frillions of new ideas meshing together in everyone's mind, having actual [i]concepts[/i] enter society, so that maybe when we hit a rough patch the people will know what humility is, and that sacrifice is sometimes [i]necessary[/i].
    August 28th, 2011 at 08:22pm
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    I still feel kinda stupid for making so many of them haha XD
    My back is so sore from being on my feet all day while shopping! It didn't help that my flip-flops wern't the best shoes to wear haha. Not to mention all the time sitting on uncomfortable car seats (Haha, nearest mall is an hours drive from where I live *sigh* )
    ...What's your favourite colour? :P
    August 28th, 2011 at 03:49am
  • Rave on Spaceboy

    Rave on Spaceboy (350)

    United States
    At this point we have even the cops telling us to keep to ourselves.
    It's a really bad meth neighborhood, they just busted a meth house on the next street that had live explosives.

    Regardless of the safety factor though, there just isn't anything to do here. I read, and I write, and I paint, and ink, and whatever else I can blushingly call 'art', and that has been enough for the length of my adolescences.
    Although I must admit, I have grown restless within the last couple years, and curse the fact that I can't just take a walk [i]alone[/i].
    I just want to think away from the routine and familiarity of my house, and family.
    I love my room, but so often it feels like a cell.
    August 28th, 2011 at 01:53am
  • ShesGotStylex

    ShesGotStylex (100)

    Oh my, sorry for all the typos! I didn't look it over before I sent it, oops!
    August 27th, 2011 at 01:34am