Because I wanted to.

I love reading my old journals. I think my friends like reading them way more. It gives them a reason to laugh at me. This happens to me rather a lot. It is an unspoken rule that all present company must gang up on me regardless of any anger with anyone else. Yes, it is a sad life. But it is a life none the less.Another thing I find really interesting is how typically adolescent I was. I mean, I...
September 14th, 2011 at 06:48pm

The Truth About Growing Up

“When you grow up, you can be anything you want to be. You just have to work really hard.” “You can go to the best universities too, I know you can.”Sound familiar? It’s just a few of the things we hear parents continue to tell their offspring. It’s pretty common and from the first time the child begins to walk, the onslaught of expectations is wrought upon them.“You have the...
June 26th, 2010 at 07:25am


Hi everyone!I feel terrible because I left Mibba for a while cause I became busy with my studies and didn't have update time. Now I am back, and I am worried that I am losing my readers!! I wish people commented, it gives me relief. And the fact that my friend has been writing still, makes me so jealous.So, if you read my stuff please give me feedback! Also, if you haven't read my "He's Rich.. "...
June 18th, 2010 at 09:06am

Anyone else having finals? And some questions!

Hey guys, so I have a Physics final tomoro and a Chemistry final day after. I really shouldn't be on Mibba. But it is so addicting.Anyone else having finals this month? Good luck! Let me know down there what subjects you are appearing for and what your career interests are. :D I want to be a doctor XD.And while you are at it, respond to these please?:1) Mainstream or Alternative?2) What song are...
June 8th, 2010 at 12:43pm

The Big Love Question!

Hey Mibba.:)I haven't been on this site for the longest time, I feel so terribly guilty. I just got busy with school and exams and then updating my story was my lowest priority. HOWEVER. It shall be finished in the summer. End of June.Its called "He's Rich..." And I am quite proud of it. I'd love for you to check it out when you have the time, I put alot of work into my stories. Enough of the...
June 2nd, 2010 at 07:31pm

I can't seem to stop crying. I hate my life.

Dear Life,I hate you. I hate you so much i can't even explain it. Its like everything I do, even if its good, you turn upside down. I hate it when you turn on me. Here i am on some amazing vacation, and you stick me with the little kids. You make me feel so bad. I have noone my age. Noone. I have no one to talk to or to let loose to. All my friends, my surrogate family is back home, where I have...
June 28th, 2009 at 10:13pm

Dilemma- How secure is Facebook?

Hey,I know that many of you are all on Facebook, or Myspace. I myself are on facebook and I actively upload stuff, like my status or where I am or new pictures. Its just easy. Its fun too. I love it, I do.My parents hate it. They HATE it. They just ganged up on me with my uncles and aunts, about how terrible it is. How people I don't even know have access to my page. Which is so not true because...
June 28th, 2009 at 12:51am

Where do you buy your jeans? Please help.

I am visiting USA and I really want to buy some lovely jeans. White, dark denim skinnies? Or just good straight cut quality under 30$?I know I can completely check for it online, but I think natives like you guys have better Ideas and experience for good stuff regarding clothing. I would just like you to tell me the stores, i don't even mind departmental stores.I have a waist of 33" and I am...
June 25th, 2009 at 02:59am

I really don't want to go on this vacation...Freaking ARGH.

I'm gonna go abroad in the summer, just two days after my exam ends. Which MEANS i can't party with my friends. I'm gonna have to celebrate while shopping for the trip. God, i hate this.Reasons I don't want to go:1) My friends, who i love, will be able to party but i won't.2) My Family (who we are visiting) have kids, all that are between 10-1. I have noone my age.3) The clothes I want to take, my...
May 29th, 2009 at 06:23pm

Have you ever just turned around and realised you had everything you ever wanted...ALREADY?

Cause I realised yesterday night just how damn lucky I've been this year. My parents have become really cool overnight, letting me go where-ever I want. I've aced my classes, and been chosen by the school for a new course. Its pretty damn amazing.My friends have always been really really important to me and I rely on them alot. For rides, for gossip and just for general well-being. Its hard for me...
May 20th, 2009 at 02:55pm

Don't you hate it when everything you didn't want to happen...Happens? Is it just me or are old ladies at weddings very depressing?

Hey all! How is everyone? Good? Yay!My finals are going on which is really annoying cause unlike everyone else in school i am physically and mentally incapable of staying up late at night. Coke, Coffee simply doesn't work for me. I think sleep and me should get married, we can't live without each other. Yet, if any of you has any remedy to stay awake, i shall be eternally grateful!I went to a...
April 18th, 2009 at 03:47pm

If you feel strongly about CUTTING and DEPRESSION and the mental state of Mibbians, PLEASE READ THIS.

Carrying on from a previous journal, I would just like to take this moment to talk about the feedback I got from you guys, especially Audrey T and Jinxeh. I completely agree with you, so that is a good start no?When I write a journal on Mibba, I love it when people read it, cause I love feedback. So, i try to make the title as eye-catching and interesting as possible. Which sometimes means that I...
April 4th, 2009 at 04:05pm

Furry Stickers and Musings of whether Mibbians are actually this much depressed... Read yo!

I found my old sticker book!! Remember when stickers were so cool? Everyone I knew had them and we traded from pokemon to animals and just cute flowers. I don't know about you guys but the highlight was finding these amazing furry Winne the Pooh furry stickers! Insanity cause I sound so excited, but come on, stickers were cool!In other, not so childish news, I had a really good day yesterday. I...
April 2nd, 2009 at 06:28pm

I am going to rant about sex. Feel Free to join in.

Hello lovely mibbians! Its been a while since I actually sat down and wrote a journal.Today in language something really hit me. My friend X and girl friend Y were discussing making out and sex. They both were totally for it. Obviously I immediately referred to all the journals and articles I found posted on the topic.I am not overtly religious or anything but I will say this. (Let it be known...
March 24th, 2009 at 08:11am

I like clean-shaven guys. Is that too choosy?

Hullo Mibbians! Long time, no journal!Heh Heh. So my bestie Ally told me to write a new journal, cause apparently they are such fun to read. I personally think I ramble too much. Anyhoo, you be the judge of all that!Back to the 'topic'. I actually think bearded guys are yucky. I do. I'm sorry guys but its the god-awful truth. Boys try and flaunt their maturity by having retarded facial hair. I...
March 10th, 2009 at 04:24pm

My Top 8Songs Of The Week :]

I am quite literally addicted to my iPod, so its unusual that i haven't posted stuff like this before.So here they are, in no particular order.1) You Found Me- The FrayThis is my curl up in bed song. I love it so much.2) Poker Face- Lady GagaKick-ass upbeat song that screams revenge. :D Shockingly my guy friends LOVE it.3) Money Honey- Lady GagaMoney isn't everything. But this song is fun fun...
February 15th, 2009 at 11:24am

Excuse Me, But where are the ORIGINAL stories on Mibba?

Righty-ho.Don't get me wrong but I joined Mibba primarily to be able to post my stories for readers to comment and give me feedback on so I could improve myself.(Switched from Quizilla just by the way.)Now I am an avid reader and I like reading GOOD stories. You know? Except everytime i visit the Stories page all I see are:- Twilight FanficsI don't like twilight, and fan fictions are even more...
December 27th, 2008 at 04:10pm

Can somebody please help me with my profile layout?

Hey you guys:Here are some issues i really need help in:a) I dont want my sections to JUST say Stories etc: How do i change that?b) How do i view my friends ON my profile?c) How do you upload pictures etc onto a story: banners?I don't actually know how to do this and stuff. So I'm asking for guidance! :)Also, you know ranks? Well most people are on "Writer's Block". What does it take to upgrade...
December 25th, 2008 at 12:44pm

Breaking Friends And Making New Ones: H-elp

Alright-y.First off I want to compliment Aria, for being "too nice". :) She is absolutely amazing. Like you know she tells you shit like it is. Doesn't gloss over anything. Which is a very nice quality. I love it of her. Thanks Aria.You will never belive what she did. She told me Katie, isn't worth me. Now if you all are wondering who Katie is... just read my other journals baby. Right so.I had my...
December 21st, 2008 at 08:38am


Yay I'm sixteen now. WOOT WOOT!Ah im so happy.I had this small tea party thing with my family who gave me brilliant gifts and then... this huge 2nd birthday with friends.Well it was not my birthday they were celebrating but my good friends. We have the same birthday! How COOL is that?Well im celebrating mine TODAY! I'm excited cause i have this gorjuss dress thing to wear. AH i'm excited.EEK! :DOh...
December 17th, 2008 at 08:53am