ellesaiment / Comments

  • my immortal

    my immortal (100)

    Hey, dearie. Visit this blog a friend of mine just started.


    November 10th, 2010 at 12:57pm
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Yup, you can! That's where I watched Goal 2 and Goal 3 :D
    OMG! Yes I have seen that video. I was like "WOAH! WOAH! Hold up. Come on now, that's not fair." Any girl would take him back...maybe.

    Yeah, you're right, but I just feel bad because I was sticking to my schedule and ugh. I just got so overwhelmed with work that it was a no-go. OMG. THERE IS!? I did not know that. Thank you for telling me. I've been having a hard time keeping up with the games because they're always during school and ugh! ROTFL! He just like slapped the guy. SO FUNNY! I thought it actually deserved a yellow card. Not a red card. LOL. I did not hear about his yellow card. What happened?

    LOLOLOL. The best automatic red card I ever laughed at was during the world cup the one Kaka got because he like slapped the guy and omfg. it was so funny! My mom, sister and I were all like [b]:O[/b]. My mom is a brasil fan so she was shocked. I swear, Kaka didn't give an efff when he got the red card because it looked like he was laughing.
    September 29th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Don't even worry about it. lol.

    Oh, wow. That's just sad. I'll most likely read it on my own time sooner or later because of my curiosity.

    LOL. omg, I swear some of the football stars have like small parts in singing or acting. Fernando Torres made a cameo in a Spanish movie, and then like half of Real Madrid also made a cameo appearance in the movie Goal 2: Living The Dream. LOL. Iker has like three lines in the movie. It's so funny. I really do love the first two movies, but the third one sucked!

    At least you updated. I have yet to update 'Entropia' and it's killing me. The first half is written out and everything, but I need to finish the second half and it's too much. I have a lot going on now; tons of homework, confirmation, etc. I have a lot on my plater right now and I could cry.
    September 28th, 2010 at 07:06am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    OH, LOL. I see. They're really good friends. It amazes me :D
    I know how you feel. School gets in the way of games and pisses me off because I want to watch them and when I do get to watch them, I really can't because of homewrk.

    Yeah, same here. I want to hep them when I get older.

    Omg! That's really sad and aww, I feel so bad now. Damn, that's really terrible. When did that happen?

    Don't worry, it'll come to you. It just takes time to complete a chapter.

    I don't think I'll be able to update my stories this friday because I'm barely done and homework has been getting in the way and ugh. It makes me unhappy. I might update Saturday.
    September 23rd, 2010 at 04:51am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    I don't see anything different......sort of. I mean, his eyes sort of looks wollen but that's it. WOW, LAME. Why would anyone freak out over that. Pique is a man.

    Nah. Don't think that. I mean, you never know. That's what I think.

    Now I feel bad for people like that. I get really sad and ugh. I feel horrible because at first I judge them but then I just want to start crying and yeah :(

    It'll come to you, and bah. I need to watch some english football. I want to see how manchester U and liverpool play, so I'll need to keep my eyes peeled for some games.

    woot. Barcelona won today! I couldn't look away from my tv XD
    September 19th, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    I never knew that! that's so cool. I looked up Woolton, and it's such a nice place.
    wonder how much the houses go for ?
    September 19th, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    your welcome :)

    for me, fan-fiction is harder for me to write, because i feel like i have to portray him/her in a way that seems realistic, and there's always with trying to make
    the original character like able
    September 19th, 2010 at 05:37pm
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    you should deffs get the update up so I can read it!! I love that story to death :)
    September 19th, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    your profile layout is amazing :)

    I'm pretty good, I'm trying to update one of my stories, but i cannot seem to
    write anything :/ what are you up to?
    September 19th, 2010 at 04:58pm
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but... I LOVE YOUR LAYOUT
    /random comment
    September 18th, 2010 at 11:51pm
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    That is so my dream. Marry a football player. I call dibs on Bojan! HAVE CUTE BABIES! XD lol. jk. I'm not that creepy.

    Oh, god choice. always have plans like that. cheap, but good school. Best thing you can do, really.

    No. I have not! :O
    send those pictures over. I want to see! XD

    .......I hate feet, too. I hate disgusting, dirty feet with sandals. UGH! makes me want to throw up and..no., just no. For me, it's like a fear. I only wear sandals when I go swimming.

    i shall, i shall. Tomorrow is friday and I'm dedicating my time to read, update, and write.
    September 17th, 2010 at 05:58am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Yeah, he is! he makes the cutest herp derp faces ever and I approve and eccept him the way he is. ROTFL XD
    Oh, awesome! haha. we have a lot on common. XD I know a god hanful of people who also want to do that, or go to community college for two years and then transfer. Community college is actually one of my choices and then transfer, or go to state college and then transfer. Languages are just beautiful and amazing when someone is speaking a different language. I love it even though I don't understand it.

    ROTFL. Well, some people are self- conscious about their feet. lol. I tend to stare off sometimes, but like at a wall, because I don't want my classmates to think that I'm looking at them.

    But it sounds so sad, but I'm sure it'll have a happy ending? XD
    I like happy endings !

    I hate schedule changes because it makes me nervous and ugh. I get really anxious, and ugh, just not good. I just finished like 3 hours of pre-calc and ugh. I hate it! DX
    September 16th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ROTFL! LOL. Same here! Actually, I can spot because of his face; that stupid look he has on 24/7..I'm saying this in a nice way. LOL!
    OH, THAT IS SO AWESOME! I was born January 6 :)
    Oh, same here. I'm doing that once i'm in my second of third year of college, I have some schools on mind that have programs and I'm thinking about going to the university of barcelona, or a university in Portugal, but first I have to learn some portuguese. I plan on dropping French after high school, and begin learning portuguese and catalan :D

    People don't seem to understand that some are just really shy, you know? I'm really shy but I guess I come off as a bitch who doesn't like anyone at times which is not true unless I get a stare that's not nice. lol.

    Oh, that sounds really sad D:
    I have to read it this weekend. I want to dedicate my time over the weekend to read some fics on here because there are some really good ones.

    Ugh. I'm like in my third week of school and i hate it. So much homework and not enough time. I'm still doing homework. wtf.
    September 15th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    OMFG. Pique is so tall, it's just like "Oh my! @__@" It would be so easy for him to pick up a short girls up and throw her over his shoulder. LOL. errg. I hate the age difference. I mean, Bojan is 20 and I'm 16 almost 17 in January, so it's not that bad but still. He's all the way in Spain and I'm all the way in California. LAME!

    ROTFL. LMFAO! XD LOL! Everyone has an inner bitch that whips out at times. Almost every girl for sure has one.LOL. I know I can be a bitch to people and I come off as a bitch when I first meet someone because I'm really quiet and ignore them and if they give me a mean look, then I automatically hate you.

    Writing a totally different Fernando story is hard since he does have a family, you know? So having a good plot line is hard unless you want to exclude his family and make him single. Don't worry. It'll come to you and you'll be wanting to write.

    I know I totally want to write a another chapter for my Bojan story but I have to finish homework right now. I got a lot today. I could cry.
    September 15th, 2010 at 06:04am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Gosh, that would make me so happy. I just want to see them cry tears of joy and ugh! D;

    I wouldn't mind marrying a football players. It would make my life. I have my eyes on Bojan. :D

    Omg. I hate saying no people when it comes to copying me. I'm a push-over and people tend to just step on me like I don't exist at times. I just have a soft-spot for people because I don't want them to hate me and ugh. I need to work on that,

    Yeah, but they're going to get in the way of my writing time and bah, I might not be able to update. And homework, well, once lacrosse starts, I don't go to bed until like 2 in the morning. Omg. Awesome! I'm getting confirmed this May along with my bff :D I love my youth group/confirmation class. We're catholic homies.
    September 15th, 2010 at 05:40am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    OMG. Yes they are! I'm proud of them. They're time came.

    AWW, OMG! Those pictures are just too cute and aww, I feel like crying now. Those two families are my favorite families. They're so well-put together and just very family oriented. Bah<3

    ROTFL! LOL! So lucky! I don't think any of my teacher had cable to watch the game. lol, and they probably wouldn't let us watch if they did because of people taking up the whole period to do their test and then they would think that we're cheating. XD

    I was rather lazy last year and got side-tracked and my grades suffered for the first semester; I got a C in trig and a C in chem, but I buckled down second semester and pulled off all A's and a B in trig. I'm scared for this year because it's really important and I have like so much this year; CSF, Lacrosse, homework, confirmation, SAT, etc. ugh. I'm going to be stressed.
    September 14th, 2010 at 07:16am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ROTFL! Omg. I would love to see Pique's herp derp. That face makes me lol hardcore along with fernando's bitch-face. Man, those spaniards know how to create a trademark face. XD

    Omg! I remember the first day, too. Mexico vs South Africa, right? Man, I was in class, last day of school and I was finishing up my math final and just itching to get home and watch it. People were already wearing jersey's and I was like "ughhh! D:" I miss it so much.

    You'll get over the laziness, I didn't expect to have a job this summer, but I did and I became a hard working person but my job ends in like two weeks, which means I might need to find another job for the school year.

    Just ask your dad first, and then your mom. Like, try really hard to persuade them; say it means a lot to you.
    September 14th, 2010 at 02:54am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ROTFL! Cristiano really is a character. When I saw him play in san francisco, and he fell down and then I was like "Is he pouting!? He's pouting, huh!?" and the my sister was like "Yeah, he's pouting and shaking his head." XD

    I love seeing people wear jerseys. It makes me really happy.
    Ah, I see. Who d you like better? lol. I wouldn't be able to decide, so I would just get a jersey with no number or last name which is what I did for my Portugal jersey. Hopefully you'll get your jersey soon :D

    I remember when I asked for my jersey. It was at the dinner table and my parents agreed to it and they bought it for me. I was going to pay back the $100 because of my job over the summer (lifeguard at a water park), but they forgot about it.
    September 13th, 2010 at 04:35am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ROTFL! OMG. I love mocking him, it's so funny. Like, when he plays, he tends to fall a lot and then he just sits there shaking his head, or when he doesn't score, he puts his hands on his hips and just frowns. LOL. now that's just funny.. People find it sad that I know the star spangled banner and not Mexico's national anthem. Like a week ago, I was wearing my Portugal jersey (yes, I'm a portugal fan) and so when I walked into my U.S. history class I see some of my classmates also wearing jerseys; one spain jersey, one mexico jersey, one Real Madrid jersey, one Man U. jersey, and we're just eyeing each other, waiting for someone to talk and then I'm like "Hi!" and then we start talking football.

    Maybe you can call him up and see if his offer is still available.
    September 13th, 2010 at 04:01am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ROTFL! I've seen that interview. It's hilarious because he looks unsure and lacking major confidence. I kind of wish he'd stay like that and then maybe the fame wouldn't have gone to his head.
    LOL. Swearing or saying mean phrases in Spanish is just too hilarious.

    Oh, give it a shot. You never know what the answer will be if you don't ask. You should persuade him into taking you.
    September 12th, 2010 at 08:45pm