16 days.

Hi there Angel.I doubt you can hear me.But I think I'll say it anyway.Love you.Miss you.Need you?Indefinately.I hope you're happy.No, honestly.Tell me you're happy.God knows I'm not.But I'm getting better.Promise.Double the word count, and it will still mean nothing.Double the feeling, and the words won't fit on the page.I lost my stutter, but gained a stammer.I lost you, and gained nothing.Take...
October 15th, 2008 at 10:45pm

17 days.

Have you ever felt alone?Not lonely, just alone?Well that's how I feel now.Do you think I can get over you by midnight on the 31st?I highly doubt it.God, I miss you so much.My safety blanket for six years.The reason I stopped, and the reason I started again.Tell me I'm not being stupid.That you felt the same once before.Do you think of me?At all?Not even a fleeting thought.Baby please, I think I'm...
October 15th, 2008 at 09:46pm