
Everyone lies...Its human nature. But there is a differnce between a little white lie and a huge lie.People lie about thier lifes just to seem cool. They feel that if they lie and say something everyone will be;ieve them and they will be liked for the lie of just a few simple words. Then people learn its fake and alot of people get hurt and that person just moves on like nothing happend.Then there...
August 31st, 2009 at 06:24pm

What will it take?

What will it take for you to care? Should I get cancer? Should I get in a car crash? Should I delete everything and have you wonder where I am? Should I just say foret it this is how you are you just don't care? You just lie cause I'm not good enough to talk to so I'll pretend I'm asleep and go rant on myspace about how I need a friend yet I know someone who's willing to talk but she's not good...
August 14th, 2009 at 02:56pm

Rest In Peace Jovan Christopher AKA "paco"

sThis is a post no one will read and no one will care but it needs to be wrote.Yesterday I lost one of the most important person ever. His name is Jovan but most people knew him as Paco. He was 18 years old and held my hole heart. He was the one I thaught of right before I fell asleep and then my first thaught when I woke up. We dated for 10 months, and I really think he is the one. Yesterday he...
July 11th, 2009 at 12:02pm

People in the world..

Honistly people in this world are fucked up so bad. What ever happend to when you could walk ina room and be fine. Walk around say hi to everyone and everyone even if you were at war with eachother you were all nice. What the fuck ever happend to that?What happend to being who you are? Speaking your mind? Haveing your own thaughts? Not being fucking mindless zombis wearing fucking bright ass...
May 26th, 2009 at 12:59am

skater prep love

"He was a punk, she did balletWhat more can I say?"-Avril LavigneAfter hearing that song so mandy years not to long ago, I thaught 'wow, how cool would that be to fall inlove with a skater boy.' I never imagend it would really happen though.We met like anyone else does, threw a friend, and when i first met him all i wanted to do was talk and talk. Soon it was just pure pure bliss. my need to talk...
February 8th, 2009 at 11:17pm

visable VS invisable witch one to chosse?

Sometimes, I feel visable. sounds crazy, we're all visable right? Not always.Sometimes people see us and they really care about us. We're visable,People care, they get under your skin and they confort you. The see whats wrongand they fix it. You talk to that person and you know everything abou them, its likeYou and them ae the only ones who are live.Then, like most of the timeI we spent on this...
January 31st, 2009 at 06:16pm