Pick up all your tears
amy: I am seventeen (going on eighteen). I've learned that life throws you battles but it's never a question of whether or not you can handle them; it's the question of whether or not you choose to deal with them and fight. It's not about how you fall but about how you stand back up, and always stand back up. Even when you think life's a mess; stand up, hold your head high and keep walking forward because it will be all right. "A trying time is no time to try quitting." I have a complicated life but that's just how it is. I am probably the biggest nerd you'll ever meet& I love it. It's who I am and I'm not ashamed to be myself. I overthink every little thing. I hate making decisions. Color Crayons make me happy. I like to stay at home and bake or watch TV. I do not party, I do not drink, I do not do anything just to fit in. I believe in waiting until marriage to have sex. My friends mean the absolute world to me and I'll do anything and everything for them. Without them I would be nothing . I can be overprotective of the people I care about but I mean well. I've never had a best friend until the past couple years. There are days when I just want to lay in bed and do nothing and there are others where I'm dying to go out and do something exciting. I can be social, I can be reserved. I suck at small talk, so what? I'd rather know you than know about the things around you. I've never dated or been in a relationship of that kind. I'm still waiting for my prince charming but I believe that he's out there somewhere. Yes, I'm that girl who believes in chivalry, happy endings, best friends, and that true love waits.

Throw them in your backseat
December 5, 2009
Thinking about updating one of the stories I've been writing that's yet to be posted and texting my best buddo.

Music: Who I Am by Nick Jonas and the Administration

Leave without a second glance

Somehow I'm to blame
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For this never-ending racetrack you call life