Hurricane Irene - August 26, 2011

Hello guys!So I’ve decided to post the biggest things/news/updates that are happening now all over the world. I know I am kind of new to this website but I hope my writing brings people together to discuss and form conversations.Lately, I’ve been receiving lots of updates about the hurricane that is approaching the east side of the US, and I’ve been wondering how you guys feel about this...
August 26th, 2011 at 03:56pm


Once you’re in, you can’t get out. I saw the flash of a knife cutting someone’s throat. Dying, he fell on the floor looking at me. I was very scared so I walked away. I knew I couldn’t lie to myself anymore – I had to get out of gangs. I didn’t want to kill people. Later, the next day, I made my decision to get out. However, they came after me to kill me because you can’t get out of...
August 25th, 2011 at 08:44pm