What I Might do.!

Latelyi havent had the inspration to write anything. in fact The Dark Of the moon is the first thing ive written in about twomonths... i'm having a lot of family trouble and i'm trying not to let it show in my writings which is why i'm not writing even when i do have inspiration so if anyone would like to sumbit a cahpter almost as if it'sa contest message me at Angelicaangelrrose@gmail.com who's...
January 5th, 2012 at 04:09pm

Siiting at school Taking spanish on the computer. (haha yeah im not paying attention at all)

so im sitting here think of how i have afew more stories and comptilating putting them up on the internet, but im not sure there completley diffrent from my strange life(the story on here) ones a horror story, ones a fantasy about werewolfs, and ones about a chick who escapes an experiment camp where she been experimented on. if you read this and want me to post the first chapters of each of the...
August 31st, 2011 at 08:18pm