I'm a little door mat, sit and stay..Let people use me ev'ry single day...

I'm really really really bored.Just thought I'd like to let the public know.I had staff classes today at karate.I only hit my brother in the gut..About..5 times..Three of which were slightly on purpose.I might have mono.Doesn't that suck?It's because of all the sore throats and such that I've been having. I had to fill..like..5 tubes of blood yesterday especially after my shot.Have I ever told...
May 4th, 2008 at 03:15am

Reincarnation is my only hope. >.<'

Okaaay.MCAS(MassachusettsComprehensionAssessmentSomething)Has been going on all week and I recently had a cardiologist appointment. I'm supposed to take Lipitor everyday because of my high cholesterol.What if it gives my kids birth defects? There's so little data that there's no telling what could happen!I'm only 13!TT.TTAnd..yet....Nobody seems to care.<.<'I recently almost got beat up by...
April 5th, 2008 at 12:46am


Oh crap! Well..I said that my hair looked like a mullet yesterday,right? Well..this morning in the shower I tried to "fix" it by cutting most of the back off..The FRONT looks cute, but that back.well..I tried shaving the back kinda with a razor blade (surprisingly I didn't hurt/cut myself) and then I put my hair in a head band...AND THEN!I kept asking my brother how bad it looked...He wasn't that...
February 21st, 2008 at 04:40pm


Haha. My friend said that to me.I don't really like Valentine's day..It really is SINGLE AWARENESS DAY.I never really get Valentines because not a lot of people like me enough to even make me some...Waaaah...But you guys like me, don't you?(Of course you don't! :P)Oh well.I'll celebrate my lonelyness anyways...I'm too young for a boyfriend anyways...But still...There's this REALLY CUTE new guy at...
February 14th, 2008 at 10:09pm

Reality is a BITCH!

I have this weird theory that all my friends have NO LIVES and they sit by the phone and wait for me to call them...Sadly mistaken, I am bored to tears because my best friend is at a FLEA MARKET. I find it kinda sad that I've been replaced by a Flea Market.But I just went to the library so I got some good books I guess, and I have some (mostly healthy) popcorn and some soda at my side, and it's...
February 9th, 2008 at 09:59pm