/ Comments

  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Spider bites or when its two on one side c: and shark bites are two sets of spider bites with two one side and two on the other too. Snake bites are badass :D

    I am so staying true to that. I don't even see the big whoop about pot. It's so stupid.

    Oh my gosh. Are you serious? I'm screwed then haha. But at least I'm prepared! ASL has taught me enough :D

    Mine isn't so easy. Like, you have to plan that shit to a serious major extent. it's like ocean's 13 when we plan to skip xD

    I like walking... sometimes. I would rather have someone drive me around for the rest of my life xD I'm so lazy. I need to fix this though haha.

    REALLY O_O?! That's awesome you're going for that! :D I wish I could do that, but I'm so bad at writing and keeping up with it xD

    Thanks ^^ I can't wait to go to college :D

    And really!? :D She told me you told her about it ^___^ I'm still trying to figure it out before I hand out my link and shizz. It's so confusing, but, I shall get it soon ^^
    April 24th, 2012 at 03:46am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Mine is this retarded middle sized lip so I have to either wear over-sized lip ring or a really tight one xD so, I wear the bigger one. But I usually wear a hoop :p hoops are great! I want to get spider bites and black hoops. :D I know someone with shark bites. It's crazy.

    My aunt tries to tell me how I'm going to do what she did and get hammered all the time xD I'm like no. no thank you. i would rather be at home sleeping xD

    It's going to sound weird, but I honestly would rather just do sign language than speak O_o I love it. But, I'm glad I'm able to speak and have my hearing because OH GOD MUSIC. SWEET SWEET MUSIC.

    Oh my gosh. I wish I could do that. But my school gets on your asses if you skipped a period or so. I do it sometimes with the last period, like I go there and get my attendence down and then ask to go to the bathroom or something and she completely forgets about me xD So I go to chiptole or something lol.

    I could never live in New York xD NEVER. I went to Washington DC a year ago and I was like FUCK THIS because I was walking everywhere and I'm not going to dance around this, but I'm pretty lazy and that was murder for me. I'd rather drive than walk everywhere xD

    I can't wait to make new friends, although a lot of the assholes of pickerington are going to my campus and I'm like GO AWAY. I don't think any of them are going for Criminal Jusitce though O_o I hope not lol. I can't wait :D

    BTW, what are you going for? I don't think I've ever asked D:

    I'm going to try to beware :D But I'm always walking through everything because it's not that hard for me. But watch college be such a hurdel for me. I will be so pissed. but thanks :D
    April 22nd, 2012 at 03:02am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Oh well thank you ^___^ I love it! I was like 8DDDDD when I found it haha.

    Okay :) It doesn't hurt but for a second, the worst part is the swelling and you might not even swell up O_o I didn't much.

    I don't like drinking xD I was at Danny's house and it was just me and him. He had the great idea of drinking and trying it out. It was awful. I was like no. more. and he was like YES. I worry about him xD

    I could never learn Spanish O_o ever. I failed out of it 8th grade and didn't attempt it 9th. It was awful for me xD I tried and tried, but I couldn't do it. All I remember how to say I am a bathing suit in spanish xD

    It was awful! The chick who did it is fucking retarded too. Are you serious O_O? that's crazy! I would be so pissed if they did that to us haha. I'd probably go anyways. We don't have the option of going places to eat, but me and my friends leave anyways xD

    Ohio is for the cows, the amish, cornfields, and anything else that makes you feel like your stuck in a place that is thousands of miles away from other people xD It's AWFUL. I hate getting lost because when you call AAA or something and they ask where you are, you're just like "Between the cornfields and this weird looking farm." and they're like, "LOL THATS ALL OF OHIO." xD

    I already know I'm going to fall off the face of the earth to 90% of my friends xD I'm like noooo. I know Danny, Colton and Becky are going to stay close friends. So I'm like yay :) Drama is shit. I hate it. I've just stopped being friends with people who bring drama. It's not worth it xD
    April 21st, 2012 at 04:05pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Lip rings are so worth it! I love mine... until I bite down on it on accident while I'm eating or talking xD I'm like WHHYYY?!?

    I don't think I would ever go partying xD I just see myself sitting at home all the time watching horror movies, screaming and shit xD

    Yeah, it is haha. But it's ssooooo much better than learning Spanish, French or German in my opinon haha.

    I know, it's so lame to ban texting but bear with me O_o someone on the buses were sexting their boyfriend on another bus and caught her on the camera sending nudes and took a picture of her breast on the bus O_o I was like WTF WHO WOULD DO THAT? xD

    Really O_O? I've been begging my parents to teach me how to drive because I just got a car recently and I don't even have my temps yet xD I'm going to get my license after I'm 18 so I don't have to take drivers ed, but hey! at least I got a car :D

    I'm going to be really sad about leaving high school D: yeah there is assholes and stuff there, but it's such a great school and I'm going to be balling my eyes out xD
    April 21st, 2012 at 03:07pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    lol shut up you know what i meant :p

    i have a tumblr but never go on it...i'm not sure why i made one i don't think i use it correctly hahahah

    ooooh ok well it's at the old one, but yes go check and let me know ;)

    taylor definitely told me about it, but she never gave me the link. she gave me anatomy of the fall instead, which she also loves lol did you ever read that one? haven't gotten a chance yet. as of this friday i'll only have 2 weeks left of student teaching!! kinda bittersweet, i'll the miss the kids but i'm definitely glad to be done with school in general

    April 18th, 2012 at 11:09pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Haha oh gosh, possessed? My mom told me what I could get because we originally went to go get my industrial done and they said I probably shouldn't and I milked her for my lip ring xD

    Aw, thank you :D haha, do you do a lot of partying? I honestly don't see myself doing any of that kind of stuff O_o I mean, yes, I will go to stuff like Axis with my bestie, Danny, and going to the gar clubs and such (Axis is a gay club in Columbus XD). I bet it is O_O Me and my friend would pay about 2,500 for a couple of apartments we were looking at and thats for each of us. So, it would be around 5,000 each and some places pay all utilities, so I hope it works out :D

    Its an ASL test on the parts of the ear and types of hearing loss and all that junk D: It's useless shit we don't need to know. Like the fucking glossing ASL stuff people SOMETIMES, and I literally mean, SOMETIMES do. Shes like, “No one uses it, so were going to learn it anyways ^_^” it's the way how you show how to sign a sign. Its stupid as fuck and I hate it with a burning passion xD

    I remember when I was in 8th grade and texting was banned from using it on the bus (I know, so stupid), my bus driver would make us get on the intercom thing and read our text messages aloud if we were caught O_o it was so stupid.

    I feel you xD I do not want to get my license, I don't want it at all. I got in a seriously bad accident with my mom when I was younger and its made me like O_O about cars haha. Have you seen Knocked Up? XD I know, completely off the wall, but in the movie Seth Rogan's character supposedly gets ran over by a mail truck xD It made me think of you lol

    I can't wait to be a freshmen again, just gonna throw that out there. I'm super excited :D
    April 18th, 2012 at 04:46am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    The cleaning it isn't all that bad O_o at first, it's a bit sore to clean it, then it's just fine :3 and oh well, forget your mom :D xD I take mine out around family who don't really accept it lol.

    It is, but I think I can do it :D I don't want to live on campus, at all. I was like FUCK THAT. Too many freaking crazy people live in those dorms. I've heard about kidnappings, rape and shit going on, and I was like noppppe nope nope nope. haha. I'm no where near grown up xD I still yell shit to people walking on the side walk, me and my friends moon people, I still think the word 'duty' is hilarious and I still laugh at the word boobs! haha. I didn't get a whole bunch of support from my parents, they weren't too happy with it though. But I think you can do it if you really tried :) I'm using money that I'm getting from the government to pay it off and I'm going to get student loans and junk as well. So yeah :D yaaayy. I don't have a job right now though (I quit McDonalds a while ago! haha) and I just need to get a new one, so I will be set :)

    I'm an awful test taker. I'm currently writing up a small piece a paper while I'm writing this to fold and bring it with me for my American Sign Language hearing and parts of the ear test tomorrow xD I get to go in the hallway since I missed it last week and I was like YESSSS. and LOL thats me! I always do that! I love when the teachers leave the room, I lean over and I'm like, "what's a?" XD

    Oh my gosh O_O I hope you don't have effects of it right now D: I'm glad it seems like you're okay? And NOO. you don't talk about yourself too much xD haha. I'm glad you're alright! I hope you got a shit ton of money, I would've sued the fuck out of them XD

    Aw, well thank you my dear! ^_^ and yes! we will be Frikey >:D I don't know what I'm gonna make mine D:

    No problem :D I'm sure you did well! Usually when you're like OH GOD I DID SO BADDDD. you did amazing xD haha.
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:44pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    hahahaha still haven't heard of it :p

    no i get what you mean. i'm just not sure about it all. it would be nice to reach new audiences and i guess it's good to know that there are other messed up fucks like me :p

    speaking of which did you get my email?

    and that would be great. i'd love to hear how it goes.

    i'm pretty sure taylor told me about that story and she might have given me the link

    April 17th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    It doesnt hurt at all :D until you accidently bite on the ring or something while eating or talking xD It was SO HARD to get used to! and I would be their stepmom anyday. Anyday haha.

    Haha I know! I went on a visit and they were like "YOU HAVEN'T APPLIED YET O_O WHYYYYYYY?!?" and they gave me a huge break! haha. And no, I'm going to attempt to work a bit and live in an apartment with my friend. Her parents are giving us sooo much crap of theirs so they can buy new stuff xD I was like HEEYYY haha.

    I'm not too honest to cheat, I always do it xD I'm so bad when it comes to actually taking a test or anything, so I just cheat haha. Well, good luck and I hope you do well! :D

    HAHA that's awesome! But you got hit by a car O_O holy shit! D: That's terrible! are you okay? I got in my first car accident this year and I about died from the thrill of an accident and I was there. But thats nothing compared to getting hit O_O I'm sorry! D:

    Thanks :D I can't wait to make it, I think I'll make one today, I'm not too sure yet. But when I do, I will leave you a link to be like "this is my skank! :D" haha.

    thank you :D I can't wait and good luck with your exam! :D
    April 16th, 2012 at 08:52pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Oh, you hush now c: You're making me blush! haha. When I got my lip pierced, I got it on Frankie's side. I guess I'm still obsessed with that gorgeous man. <3

    Haha! I wont :3 I think I'm just gonna stick with OSU :) they have a great 4-year program for what I want to do, so it's going to work out there :D I was nervous as shit when I did that. I was over the moon when I got accepted. Sad enough, not only was it the only school I applied to, but I applied past the dead line xD I was like lol wut.

    I hope it goes well! And some advice... learn to cheat haha. I cheat ALL the time. It's so bad. It's probably the only way I have a decent GPA and decent grades xD

    I've learned to love them since my sisters and myself are ALWAYS there and it's bad that the nurses all know who we are when we run into each other in the stores xD

    I'm gonna do it this week! :D and I think the worst thing is probably going to either be English with Lord of the Flies (and I just can watch the movie! haha) or maybe my 3D art class. I had a bowl (NOT A BONG BOWL xD) I was making and its been sitting out for DAYS in a sculpt, so its probably dry as hell and unfixable :( oh well lol.

    oh, you are so welcome c: and I'm still here if you need it <3 and thanks :D I can't wait. I'm going to attempt, ATTEMPT to move out into an apartment.. so hopefully that works out and I'm sure it is :D I can't wait!
    April 16th, 2012 at 04:36am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Thank you :D I took it on my lovely ipod and I about shat myself when I got a decent photo xD haha. I love Mikey's picture <3

    Thank you!!! :D The greatest part is that it's the ONLY school I applied for! haha, probably not the smartest thing, but HEY OH! I got accepted-oh! haha.

    I'm sorry it's a bit stressful and hell yeah! you're almost there! :D I'm here if you wanna talk c:

    I'm so sorry you feel that bad O_o that sucks man. I hope you feel better! It does sound a lot alike whooping cough because that's exactly what happened to me and still is. If it doesn't change within the next week or so, I highly suggest going to the doctor O_o

    I think I'll make one within the next couple of days. I'm sure I'm going to get raped with make-up work. I hope I don't. I pray I don't xD I will just jump off a bridge if I do.

    I can't wait! I'm so close I can taste the sweaty-ness of summer. haha. Oh no, I'm sorry about the drama D: Drama sucks ass. I hope it doesn't follow me to college. I have enough being brought to me as is lol. I usually stop talking to the drama bitches xD
    April 16th, 2012 at 02:35am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    What's ao3? Never heard of it before

    I don't know if I'd move sites...not sure if my stories would make it you know? I just know that the material is pretty popular here but maybe I'd do live journal but I'm not sure how to post like that on there plus I don't remember my password

    And yeah all my stuff would have to be edited and I don't know when I'd find the time to do that right now

    April 16th, 2012 at 01:40am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Yes! I'm going to The Ohio State University! :D I got my offical acceptance letter the other day :) I was super excited!

    How is school for you? Going well?

    Oh my, you have whooping cough!?! Holy shit. I feel so bad for you. It is going to get worse, I promise you haha. I just became able to eat again after the past two weeks with help of medication! It sucked because after everything I ate came back looking like awful chinese food haha. I hope you feel better! I highly suggest getting a heating pad or something because you will cough your stomach and chest to shit and it hurts, badly.

    I've never made one O_o people always tell me to do it, but I worry I would become a 90 year old woman and not know how to work it haha.

    That's good you've been okay! Sorry you're sick and I hope you feel better. If you need anyone, I'm here for you :D I've been alright, just college stuff and some friend stuff going on haha. And YES! I'm so excited to graduate and move on! I got less than 29 school days left until my last day! I can't wait :D
    April 16th, 2012 at 12:27am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    haha well! I've been busy! I've been getting ready for college and then BAM. I get whooping cough xD I was like NOOOOOOOOOoooOOO D: haha. I don't have one, sadly :( I should make one, though. but how have you been!? I miss you guys! D:
    April 15th, 2012 at 11:49pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    I miss you! D:
    April 15th, 2012 at 11:22pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    wow so all our comments got deleted from the stupid crash they had...awesome

    April 15th, 2012 at 09:27pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    Aww C': I'm happy C: it's a fair trade btw :D
    No problem C:
    April 3rd, 2012 at 10:50pm
  • Silly_Little_18

    Silly_Little_18 (100)

    United States
    Love your story! Amazing. But are you doing a fic for Pierce The Veil? Is that why Vic's picture was there? Not that I'm complaining. <3
    April 3rd, 2012 at 10:32pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    OMFG I TOTALLY wasn't re reading When We Collide and when I got to 28th chapter I saw that there's 29th! I love you, I love you! xxxxx
    April 3rd, 2012 at 08:56pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    Okay C: you'll take a good care of them XD but you know, send me photos of them sometimes :D I'll miss them :D
    Haha I don't think it's so cool LOL C: Uhm, there are universities C: what I like about them is the fact you don't have to attend classes every day, just pass exams two times a year and that's it C: actually it's similar, without some degrees in whatever you studied it's hard to get a job, I don't know anyone who's dropping out this year C: college must be so cool :'c I'm sure it is C:
    LOL thanks C: yeah, I think I could agree on that, maybe it's because of routines and days are always so similar and blur into one big day... LOL hmm in winter you don't get as much social occasions and such, while in spring you have idk, some parties or meetings or whatever and maybe that's why C:
    March 29th, 2012 at 06:24am