/ Comments

  • cemetery

    cemetery (100)

    Thank you so much for the comment on my story! ♥
    And I really like your profile layout!
    February 15th, 2012 at 04:13pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    lol it's because rock music is totally better! and it always will be :p

    my first roommate at college loved it, and she would watch it all the time hahaha. i would always come in at random parts and i hate not seeing movies from the beginning so i'd never stay to watch. i need to see it straight through.

    oh that's right, i remember that now. i'm excited to read that, but i'm glad you're going into research. i did that with the multiple personality disorder, or at least i tried hahah. i got the very basic information and i asked around. i remember the look the guy gave me at the public library when i took some books out. he was like ummmmm you're doing [i]what[/i]? lol and kara's part at the end is from like web md.

    wow, we never had to read our stories out loud in writing fiction...maybe because it wasn't creative writing? some stories were 15 pages! i don't mind long stories (or chapters) but when it's on something that i'm thinking wtf am i reading, it tends to be too much.

    well if you ever finish the halloween i'd love to read it ;)

    aweeeee thanks. lol did i tell you that my cooperating teacher's last name is lloyd? it's like fate :p but, again- don't wanna toot my horn, but i do feel like i get the narrator's voice, or at least try to. sometimes it's what i'd think i'd say in the situation but most of the time it's just the narrator speaking to me and i'm just writing down what he/she's saying. and i try making the characters multi-dimensional (sp?). they're no fun if they're flat lol


    February 14th, 2012 at 12:30am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    hahahaha yeah, i was never really into hip-hop or rap, still true to this day, i don't mind it but i won't actively listen to it on my own. can't help if it's playing at the bar though lol

    i've seen previews for it but never took the time out to watch it. i'll add it to my list. and this is the last season for house, so yeah it'll be all over :(

    aweeeeeeeeeee there's gonna be a seqeul to that right? didn't you say that, i forget. i still wanna find out what happens in that halloween you started. i got so into dude and then you pulled the plug grrrrrrrrrrrr :p

    lol thank you. not to toot my own horn or anything, but i don't think i'll ever be able to top sunshine. this one i'm writing now is alright, but i feel like everything i do now in terms of "bad guys" sounds too much like lloyd. they're all evil lol and i can't write them anyother way without it sounding like lloyd. so he's a blessing and a curse lol

    i'm glad cause it's really awesome! have some confidence! i would honestly tell you if i didn't like it ok, and i [i]love[/i] it!

    February 12th, 2012 at 08:48pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    ummm good god i was in elementary school in 2000, but it was like n*sync and brittany spears then. middle school kinda went all over the place, but that's when i first got into rock music lol, or should i say alternative? simple plan came out my 8th grade year so i was all about them lol. my gateway band. i can't really recall too much of what was popular, i just know what i liked and didn't pay too much attention to other people

    i haven't seen that movie, but the writer was from jersey, somewhere close by too lol. that's cool though. yeah i never saw the beginning of house either :p

    that's right, that was the one. well, i'm glad i'm able to make you feel different emotions with my stories :) makes me happy!

    yeah, somewhere in the beginning of writing sunshine i knew where they were all going to end up, but yeah like you said, it's that pesky middle that kinda had me like ugggggggggggh what do i do now? hahahha horrible and fun at the same time.

    i can't wait for you to write more chapters though, i'm in love with your story!

    February 12th, 2012 at 06:14pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    this one didn't sound that familiar...

    lol i've only ever seen her in the movie "the happening" but she was good in it. and yes himym is brilliant. i've never seen it from the beginning. i just started watching it randomly with my dad a while ago, at least a few years, but it's awesome.

    hahaha no you didn't. i'm surprised it still makes you cry, or did you not cry before. no, that was my bob one-shot that always makes you cry.

    i see what you mean. but i love it so don't change it too much ;)

    February 12th, 2012 at 04:19am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    oooooooooooooooooooh ok yes i know that song, i didn't know the singer though lol.

    i think she's in the show called "new girl" and i love how i met your mother!

    oh me too. it's insane how much i don't get the first few times, then i reread it and i'm like holy shit how did i miss [i]that[/i] lol. oh sunshine's in need of a good edit lol. like a lot hahaha. it needs to be tightened and stuff. and i almost did that when people commented, especially on in between chapters, but in the end i just wrote it how i planned it out. but thank you :)

    hahaahha can't wait to find how more of why ;)

    February 12th, 2012 at 02:15am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    lol should i?

    hahahaha it's alright. i'm sure at some point you'll be able to watch it. i'm sure you can watch them online if you ever have a free moment.

    okkkkkkkk i'm sorry, i'm a horrible reader :( but i'm just so excited to read each chapter that i read very quickly and i sometimes don't asorb everything. that's why i end up rereading books, so i can pick everything up that i missed.

    well of course i loved the chapter though hahahah. you did a great job with it. and that's what first drafts are for, they're supposed to be shitty. although, i'm sure i've told you this, but all of sunshine was pretty much first drafts. i edited some words and puncuation, but never anything major lol

    why fear? nothing harmful, i promise ;)

    February 11th, 2012 at 06:01pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    thanks :)

    i'm not sure i know who that is.

    i just read it and commented, and i loved it! i didn't think it was scattered, i thought it flowed well together. one of my favorite chapters so far :D

    February 11th, 2012 at 05:10am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    it is, but i just had my first observation today and i got two EE (exceeds expectations) so that made it worth it lol

    wow, are you allowed to be a teacher's aide already? what do they even do? one of the kids in AP the first day asked if i was a TA and i was like ummmm no a student teacher lol

    i guess it's good that i'm rubbing off on you? :p no, but that's cool. i'm seriously pumped to read your story. i want another update please :)

    February 10th, 2012 at 09:47pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    you're welcome duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :p

    oh ok, i thought so but i wasn't positive. my brainwaves are becoming fried just deal with it lol ;)

    oh frank, you'll just wanna get in on that shit, he secretly wants to lol

    you're starting to sound like me. none of my characters are ever happy for too long. it kinda (for me at least) makes it too boring

    February 10th, 2012 at 01:22am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    :( hmmmmmm does it have to do with what i missed?

    ew ew ew ew ew ew ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :p you haven't started back yet? that's weird. we (rowan) started the 17th but we're finished may 4 (may the 4th be with you LOL- again nerdom :p) when do you finish? and that's good to get into different groups, make more friends that way and hopefully some will be in your classes. speaking of which, what classes are you taking this semester?

    woooooooooow! that's a lot! well, that sucks that they a) never showed up and b) never sent you anything. what band was it? i'm not sure if i knew them or not.


    yeah, looking back on it, it was so over the top in the beginning of high school for me, but by like senior year it was all about facebook.

    ummm i kinda have no idea what you're talking about sorry

    January 23rd, 2012 at 11:26pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    so i must have completely missed that somehow. sorry :(

    yayness for nerdom lol. that's ok, not everyone loves shakespeare

    ugh that blows. and i have to wait for a chapter to find out why? you better hurry up and post then! ;) cause i wanna read one anyway :D

    nice, at least you got some kind of action lol. but if you ever find yourself reading it, don't read the last chapter cause it's not finished yet. i'll send it over whenever it's completed

    well that's good that they carry over right? how many do you have?

    oh geez myspace, that's going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

    i know, but i'd rather it be someone that i know than someone fucking random you know?

    January 23rd, 2012 at 10:17pm
  • space is for stars.

    space is for stars. (100)

    You're welcome. =)
    and good thing you told me you updated. I realized I forgot to subscribe. :/
    but now i subscribed. :)
    January 23rd, 2012 at 06:28am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    thanks :)

    hahaha sweet, but i'm probably not right, but i'll just keep guessing until then. i noticed that you wrote that someone guessed at mikey's "step-mom"...did i miss something? like seriously, cause i don't remember anyone saying anything about a step-mom...

    what can i say, i <3 shakespeare :p i'm such a nerd, i actually wanna get all his plays in a nice bound set. i had to borrow my friend's collected works when i had shakespeare I and II, but i'd like to read all of them. i only have two tragedies left, we read all the rest!

    disturbingly busy huh? classes piling on already? the two i have are :( it's like ummmm hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii if you want me to concentrate on doing lesson plans and shit why are you giving me all this work?

    awe that's sweet lol. i'll let you know if and when i write more to it. so page seven, what is that like the second chapter?

    oh well you'll just have to keep me updated on that since you're all about them ;)

    i'll be so upset for you :(

    what's her name? i don't know any girl's names with linc.

    i don't mind the chili peppers but i would for it to be mcr

    January 22nd, 2012 at 11:49pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    no it is, it was an overall good first week. my teacher's superb, just pure awesomeness lol. and yes, i'll keep you updated! hopefully i'll be able to come on here, but i'm thinking not that much except weekends, perhaps monday and thursday?

    oooooooooooooh well if i am right you'll just have to post it in your AN for me ;)

    i don't know which one is worse :p well, that's pretty awesome that he looks like mikey, you two are meant to be lil m hahah

    oh alright, i just wanted to make sure it came through all right. but yeah that's cool, take your time. not sure when i'll get back to writing it now with all the shit that's gonna start piling up. although, i almost did write out a chapter outline in school yesterday, but i decided to look up shakespeare webquests instead

    oh really? i don't read the forums so i had no idea that jack's mannequin would be playing. allison and i stayed for a couple songs, cause i do like him, but we wanted to get back to school cause i had finals to finish lol. but very special guest huh? it didn't say that last year? i don't remember

    i'd feel so bad if that happened to you dude

    no i had no idea that linc's a little girl...i'm not sure what to say to that actually lol

    oh well ok. it was just an idea, maybe the next one will be more juicy lol ;) i'm saying that now and when you write it i'll be like oh damn lil m hahaha. i'm fine with it being longer :D

    January 21st, 2012 at 10:42pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    my first week is complete, i'm fucking dead on my feet and so tired like i could literally pass out right now. my teacher's awesome though, love her so much. the kids are all pretty good so we'll see how it goes. they're all taking midterms next week. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah lol

    hahaha fine but 30 chapters, really? i'll have forgotten by then, which is probably your plan :p

    oh noes, that could definitely be a problem. but yeah please keep me posted!!

    did you get the email ok? do i need to resend it? and that's cool, glad it's better hahaha.

    well now you've informed me that they could play. i hope they're linc's special guest this year. it was such a let down last year hahahaha

    $35 mad cheap, glad you could do it!

    and this is where i must stop because now i feel sick :( sorry, i just need sleep.

    love you though!

    January 21st, 2012 at 02:11am
  • brandedforeveralone

    brandedforeveralone (100)

    United States
    XD & thanks! :3
    January 18th, 2012 at 08:18am
  • brandedforeveralone

    brandedforeveralone (100)

    United States
    XD no, that's not weird. i rarely ever cry over a fic, so you should feel acclomplished. :)
    January 18th, 2012 at 01:10am
  • brandedforeveralone

    brandedforeveralone (100)

    United States
    1) yeah, it actually did make me cry.
    2) i think they will. when i subscribe to a story & the author posts the sequel, i get a notification. so hopefully they will. :) & there is nothing wrong with asking questions. :)
    January 18th, 2012 at 12:50am
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    M'happy to hear C: and it was really no problemo at all as always C:
    January 17th, 2012 at 10:09pm