/ Comments

  • generated anomaly

    generated anomaly (100)

    United States
    Well, thank you :) The sequel's not actually finished though. I've just sort of gone on an unannounced hiatus. I'm probably going to end it eventually, but I decided that before I go any further with it, I'd like to know how I'm going to end it.
    January 17th, 2012 at 09:58pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    No, no problem really, I'm gonna do it C:
    January 17th, 2012 at 09:36pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    Ah, yes I've read it, I guess you're not satisfied with my shity comment on it :C I wouldn't be either :/ so, now I'm.getting my fat ass to comment on it properly C: wait for it C:
    January 17th, 2012 at 09:31pm
  • generated anomaly

    generated anomaly (100)

    United States
    Hey, I just wanted to thank you for that story comment that you left on Monsters. And hah, yes, I know that it's pretty messed up content. Unfortunately, the sequel isn't quite as good as the original (in my opinion) but I do have fun writing it regardless. It's nice to see that people are still reading me even when I haven't updated in forever.
    January 15th, 2012 at 10:16pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    i start back on tuesday. i have to be at the school where i'm student teaching at 7:45 AM!!!!!!!! uggggh i can't get back into that time, i don't wanna waaaaah lol :(

    oh i like that idea a whole lot better lol. umm is it bad that i don't remember what my theory was? oh wait, did i say that mikey'd dad made mikey kill his mom, or made him watch while daddy did it? i was definitely going out there especially since you said how fucked up it was...honestly, what's more fucked up than either of those two situations?

    if i'm wrong then you have a worse one in mind hahaha :p

    oh my god i know, i hate homework grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    oooh get it lil m ;) talk it up with him lol. that's cool, it sounds like you guys are into the same stuff which is awesome! let me know how it develops! and i hope you get into the creative writing program. my children's stories professor told me to email her if i wanted to consider doing an MFA...but i have no money lol

    lol yes it was indeed. hopefully i made it easy to read.

    well still, that was so random lol i don't know how you would but you did and i didn't so i win :p

    i wish i had known about bamboozle in 2007 cause that was the year to go. all the bands i love now played that year and i was like huh lol. it's funny and sad at the same time. well that rule needs to fuck itself. i want mcr to play! and since they robbed me of that chance last year they need to do it this year damnit!

    it's on my status on facebook. sorry, i'm feeling lazy lol

    lol more for me then. i wonder how many people are gonna see his set. i want to, and i have to make sure that taylor and dani will too. but if taylor's brother is still living in his apartment come may, we can walk to the only one of them needs to stay with me lol

    hahahaha ok broken up paragraph GO!

    lol let's agree to disagree with the topic of drive hahaha

    hahaha thanks. well i'm gonna go to bamboozle, then spend my summer working and then work some more. i have a plan cause i'm not sure if i actually wanna teach and i can be a one:one aide at the special services school or maybe even be a TA since i'll have my certificate, and then try waitressing. everyone in the cape ends up being a waiter/waitress at some point in their lives. it's a rule :p

    it's already $216 i think for all three days. which is stupid because i remember i got it for $99 last year on sale. i want it to go on sale :( but taylor says since it's in asbury that's the reason for the price hike. it's actually kinda gross lol

    holy shit only $35? that's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why didn't i really known these bands back then?

    yeah, i just remember the bill from this past summer and i was like eh. i really only think simple plan was the only band i knew and/or liked. but that's cool, i hope you can go!

    lol well you may have your TBS guy while i have shadz ;) i think it's a good deal lol

    January 14th, 2012 at 06:02am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    oh hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lol

    it's cool, no worries really :p it's break and we're enjoying it, although it's almost over :(

    well good, as i've been saying, i'm sure it'll be fine! i can't wait to find out what happens. i think you need to update once more before you start back with school ;) ugh speaking of which, i got an email yesterday giving me homework. i'm like what the fuck i'm still on break grrrrrrrrrrrrr i don't want homework!!!

    you're minoring in [i]math[/i]? gross!!! lol. so what's your major again?

    alright, i'll send you the frerard. you read the first chapter before but i fixed it hopefully so it's not as confusing. i'll send it after i'm done with this comment lol

    see i told you that you did! i'm good at remembering stuff and i definitely remember that lol. how could you forget something like that?

    i'll always love you bob bryar :)

    :( they [i]need[/i] to play seriously. i need to see them again. apparently the used are playing and someone wrote in about have mcr play there and the guy john d was like "well give three cheers" i can't remember the rest of how it even went but he definitely said three cheers. speaking of bamboozle, will you do me a huge favor? will you go on facebook and like the band science please :) we're trying to get them to bamboozle and my friend dani needs people to like their page so i said i'd try to get people to like their page. they're a jersey band so yeah. [/end begging] lol

    i wanna see bon jovi lol i like his music :)

    oh it's not drive, it's just cold reality. i'm gonna be able to do bamboozle because i'll be done with school (holy shit i'll have graduated college!!!!!!!) and it's early enough in the summer where nothing's really going on. however, warped is another issue. two girls who worked at the parlor last summer went but i looked up the bands and there wasn't that many that i liked. i think simple plan was there last summer. i hope they play bamboozle i wanna see them again :D but warped doesn't have that many bands that i wanna see and if i'm spending money i wanna see a lot...bamboozle's fucking expensive this year though. trying to get tickets as a b-day gift.

    oh, well i don't really listen to them but that does make sense. but have you seen matt sanders with his shirt off? if not, seriously go to google immediately and look it up! lol

    January 13th, 2012 at 09:31pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    No problem :)))
    December 31st, 2011 at 01:11pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    [i][I am hyper. In between recovering from the Bamboozle and helping you brainstorm a new story with my piggies and reading this update, I am very hyper.][/i]

    i knew i fucking read it before lol. it was on the 8th page of comments on may 4 hahahaha. see, you said it when you were talking about your ideas.

    i fucking win lol ;)

    December 28th, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    ok, you're talking to like one of the queens of fucked hahaha :p i'm sure it'll be awesome though ok? don't sweat about it, alright? IT. WILL. BE. AWESOME! ;)

    it's an ok yey, i needed that class to student teach so at least i didn't fail it...i only ever failed one class: geometry in high school :( i hate math so much haha

    it's more than cool!! but it's alright to be modest, so no worries :)

    i think i'm gonna work on my frerard, did i tell you about that one? but i'm still not one hundred percent positive...i love all my stories but i definitely have to pick one and focus on that..why is it so hard? wahhhhhh lol

    i will find lappie's been held hostage by my sister for the past two days, but i will find it, rest assured ;)

    me too, though his only job should be drumming for the best band in the whole word: my chemical romance!!!!!!!!! i miss him sooooo much. he'll always be my drummer!

    really? not even once? and mcr won't play unless they headline? that blows...

    i'm gonna see blink this time...i don't care if i have to walk back to taylor's place or whatever lol. i need to see them!

    oh my god, i'm a slave to summer. my days off i usually get called into work and i'll go in. i need to make money, especially this summer because i'll need to start saving to pay back student loans :(

    i did have a good one thank you. i hope you did too!

    December 28th, 2011 at 10:30pm
  • i_am_dead_on_arrival

    i_am_dead_on_arrival (100)

    United States
    Oh that made my day! Gerard and Frank will get together, and more of Patrick and his sexual ways!! Cannot wait :)

    Thanks again, I appreciate it.

    Oh and hope you had a merry Christmas
    December 26th, 2011 at 10:47pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    lol i know, i'm pretty good at guessing. but don't worry about the reactions! if i can do all that shit with lloyd and get away with it i'm sure you'll be able to do the same ;) no worries, and i'll love whatever you write :D

    i just checked today and only one's been added. i got a C in my seminar II class, which is the class i wrote the paper on the giver for...i think that paper saved me because all my other papers sucked balls haha

    well thank you :) but my stories never reached 10 stars that fast! that's just pure awesomeness!!! that's really something to be proud of lol.

    i know exactly what you mean. i'm trying to decide which story i [i]really[/i] wanna put my time into you know? i have like 5 stories at least waaaaaah which one do i choose?

    you honestly don't remember? i'll find that comment in sunshine and send it to you. i can't believe you don't remember lol :p

    it was the roadshow from '10. i think he's the sound guy for LMFAO, who played in that set. i honestly thought i made him up at first lol i coudn't believe i saw him! his pictures on my facebook in the first part of my roadshow album

    i did, i think i am going i believe. i'm trying to see if i can get them for a birthday present or something. they should still be available, especially at those prices....hasn't blink headlined twice?

    i wanna see blink, i missed them at the honda civic tour because the girls i was with already saw them a bunch of times...i'm not missing them this time!

    i'll give them another chance. not positive when i'll be able to email the time is very busy right now lol

    no i haven't...and i don't think i will. that's too far into the summer and i usually work my life away. it would depend on what job i would have...

    it's cool no worries ahaha

    December 26th, 2011 at 07:09pm
  • i_am_dead_on_arrival

    i_am_dead_on_arrival (100)

    United States
    Merry Christmas! I'm glad to know that I am not the only one trying to read over a 100 chapters. Thats my goal for this winter break, besides trying to finish a power point presentation.

    Love your mibba page by the way, very cool :)

    Quick question though, do Frank and Gerard ever get officially together, I mean seriously they should already….safe to say thought that I am only on chapter 51 right now. And I hope Patrick has some more tongue action in it lol

    so yeah, thanks for finding me XD
    December 25th, 2011 at 04:47pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Dearest Star-Crossed Lover,

    Its just so weird! Being part of a twin and then the other one not being you full sibling O_O

    XD I just feel so old! Its like, my bones are brittle! Haha. I honestly cannot WAIT until college! FREEDOOOOM <3333

    Omg! Look at you! Being so smart and shit c: ! that would be the coolest job lil mikey! :D I would love just to sit there and read. Be the best job ever. OH! So I mentioned to my grandma who has a friend who is a morgueticion (which I’m considering to do and I have no idea how to spell it xD) and he accepts volunteers! I really want to do that! I think it would be like, the best thing ever O_O Am I weird? Wanting to work with dead bodies xD bahaha.

    But nerds are amazing! <3 and the mistake of my life, oh yes. I can be here all damn day ranting and raving about Justin. I’ve texted Kaylin about it before when I hit my all time low. It was like, freshmen year I cared about him, and he played me during the summer into 10th grade. Then finally, sophomore year we dated and it was just simple bliss in my opinion. The summer going into junior year, he cheated on me, only told me about one girl, and it turned out to be more than one. It was actually 3 ._. AND THEN, I was like its okay, I can do this. It can work, which was the dumbest thing I could’ve ever done, and then I just was in such an awful depression for a whole year, and then senior year, we broke up, and now he’s dating one of the other girls and im just like -_- wtf? But just BLEH. I’m glad hes gone, for good :D

    Haha! I’ve always wanted to watch it! I think it has a really cool story plot from what I’ve hear from people

    Oh man! That’s lame D: But, the awesome thing about this campus is that the dorms are pretty much like apartments! :D they have two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small kitchen all in one living space. I’m like holy shizz. Must. Move. In. haha

    Haha. The act SUCKED for me. I was like “wtf am I doing?” XD I guessed on the most part of it, I had no clue what there were talking about 90% of the time haha.




    PSS - Ray, just his face xD I cant get over it haha.

    PSSS - really? I didn’t think you were still writing! Yeah! I’m gonna go read those and then comment on them c:
    December 25th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Dearest Cutie Pie <3

    XD I think the one is mine, but not the other one! (which I’ve seen happen on there twice O_O)

    XD I miss the whole ‘being too young’ thing! Its crazy that I think that now because I feel like ‘I’m too old’ now! D: Its like, I cant be crazy and shit like I was freshmen year! So, I made friends with younger kids c: haha. But, they call my the cougar xD

    HAHA. I know right! But the guy is just amazing XD And her home life, is just woah. She got kicked out and everything last year, but I don’t know, I suppose her decision :D

    Lmao thanks! What you going for? :p

    Haha! I feel like I’ve just mostly spent my whole high school career worrying about the mistake of my life, so I’m stoked to start college with a new, clean slate c:

    I want to! I think this guy named Brandon has is on DVD, so I’m gonna go raid his house >:D

    Oh yeah, I know plenty of people who have a campus apartment O_o my friend Mario’s brother Tony has one and its pretty badass. Minus the fact its just creepy being there XD I didn’t like the night I was there one bit. I was like, “Hm, Mario, lets go xD”

    AND I KNOOOOW! I’m so fucking lucky! I only have to pay 25% of everything, so its really like paying for half a year of tution if you count up everything :D so luckkkkyyyy haha. And plus! it’s a state college, I’m not really going to be turned down from there xD I know this one stupid as hell kid that got accepted there and he had a 13 on his ACT xD


    Kanye West

    PS - I’m super excited about going in them! We’ve never been inside them because shes had them blocked off, so were going to go adventuring in there for the first time in 40-something years :D

    PSS - Franks smile is like :D? and Ray, oh god, rays face. I could NOT get over that expression! I still cant! That face xD just oh my gawd. Ray! XD
    December 24th, 2011 at 04:20am
  • murderdolls_queen

    murderdolls_queen (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    are you sure it's not Matt, because I checked a lot of articles before I posted that o.o
    December 22nd, 2011 at 08:19am
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    don't give me that much credit hahaha. i've been good at guesses before but i'm not always right. but when i'm right i'm right lol ;)

    i have too but this teacher is like "fuck no" hahahah. she didn't actually say that but that was her meaning. and of course my one grade is still up there, no others have been added. january 3, that's when they're all gonna wait until grrrrrrr

    oh good! and i bet it was

    the girl i asked? she's the author of prisoner. no, i've never felt famous in the fanfic world. my numbers aren't that great, sunshine was my big hit lol. her numbers are earth-shattering lol.

    i really loved it and i wanna see where it goes! but life comes first and anything dealing with school while you're in it :( but you'll get back to them eventually ;)

    it was just an idea. lol yeah, piggies, when i started writing the fracky, you said your piggies were your ideas. it's in one of the comments on sunshine. you could go back and look lol :p

    me too, since i came in on black parade. he was just perfectttttttt, i'm so upset he's gone. when i saw him at bamboozle road show '10, i wanted to call out to him "why did you leave?! can't you go back?!" i did take a lot of pictures of him though. i remember seeing him walk across the stage and then thinking i imagined him because he didn't come back out for like at least 30 minutes. i was like 0.0 did i really just see bob bryar?

    you could still make me a banner! :) i'm not sure which story i'd have you make it for. i'm going up to see taylor and dani on friday and at some point we're gonna discuss stories. i need to pick one and focus on it. i have at least 4 now...

    the song was alright, i'm so-so about it. i'd probably have to give it another listen.

    that's awesome about touching jared. yeah, when i left the honda show after mcr, the girls already saw blink and didn't wanna stay, i had to literally push through blink fans, i was like "hiiiiiiiiiiii i'm leaving let me through!"

    do you want me to?

    December 21st, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Dear Gorgeous,

    Maury! I swear its not my baby!

    Haha, that’s right! I was in 8th grade! D: Man, I don’t like this whole growing up thing! Its crazy now to see a lot of people I know getting married and having babies. One of my two best friends here in Ohio is getting married in a week! And shes still in high school O_O and yeah, theres no baby in the fraction so xD its weird though, shes almost 19 and he just turned 31 o_o one year younger than my mom xD

    Oh my! I love it! I watch Criminal Minds and other CSI-like shows all the freaking time xD I’m addicted <3 if I could, I would make paranormal investigation my career, but I don’t think that would settle well with the folks xD

    Ah! I cant wait to be in a dorm now c: Mine is a party school too, and its like, a lot of the seniors that graduated last year from my school go there, so its going to be like restarting high school all over again xD I cant wait.

    LMAO! Doctor who, I’ve never watched it surprisingly O_o I’ve heard its awesome, though.

    It sounds like it would be totally worth it, but I think I’m going to stick with a dorm for right now O_o because my parents both work at the OSU Hospital, so I get 75 percent off of dorm, tution, and the food plan. So, its gonna be pretty bitchin’ xD


    Your Sexy Beast

    PS - That sounds like a lot of fun :D were going to my aunts house on Christmas day to raid her old underground railroad tunnels and get what we can xD Shes remodling the basement where its at.

    PSS - I know right xD I just cant get over Ray’s face the whole time though. But picture if you were any of their kids, how cool would it be to see your Dad on there
    December 21st, 2011 at 07:26pm
  • WaayTooObsessed

    WaayTooObsessed (100)

    United States
    :( well i tried hahahahaahah. don't tell me anything! i wanna see if i can find it out on my own!

    well this professor was [i]really[/i] good at catching my bullshit so i knew i couldn't do that with her. so this paper is the real me at hard work soooo we'll see what happens. i don't think any of my grades are in except for one because i turned it in early. i got an A :) but yeah, my teachers grades aren't due until january 3rd i think they said. i'm like, you're really gonna wait that long? grrrrrrrrrrrr

    that does sound epic! a four foot snowball? i hope you took pictures, that sounds like a record hahaha.

    driving can suck sometimes. i took a detour in nyc this past summer and almost cried. i was on the phone with my dad and screaming about how i thought taxis were going to smash into my car. never been that worried in a long time when it came to driving.

    it's so fucking good. she just gets it dude, seriously gets it.

    awe i'm glad mine's included on that list lol. idk if she ever finished reading mine. she commented a few times randomly. but yeah, her story is just like omg. i was talking to another girl on here and i asked if she read it and she was like "you mean [i]the[/i] gerard's game, of course i fucking read it" hahahah

    oh see that makes more sense then lol. well i hope you can get to it. love is hard, is that your halloween one that you abandoned? i wanna see where that's going...oh no wait, love is hard is the lust is easy sequel...i'm blaming my memory loss on how tired i am haha :p

    you are welcome to reread it, i have a bunch of times hahah. i would like to try fixing it up because i think it'd make a great original story too. it's just so dark and twisted but i don't know if it would actually sell in the "real" world...i'm not sure if it's too fucked up you know? but i'll let you know, your "piggies" remember? that was the word right?

    yeah yeah i know which one you mean! that boy is beautiful lol. they all are :) bob was definitely my favorite drummer, i feel like he just fit the puzzle the best.

    told youuuuuuu ;) heeeey now that's not fair!! :( just because i'm good at answering them! what do you mean you can't give me anything if i win? i'll check out the song tomorrow, i'm gonna go to bed legit very soon. but that's awesome! i was right underneath jared leto when i saw him in AC last september by the end of the show. that was pretty cool. and then for the honda civic tour gerard was in front of me the entire time cause i was front and center barricade!

    i can email you the it's alive album if you want. or you can just check them out on fb or youtube. great band, it's one of my most favorite albums on my iTunes. i've listened to it 44 times hahaha

    December 21st, 2011 at 06:24am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Dearest Skankmuffins,

    Yes baby mama! Haha.

    Yes! Oh my, so much is happening at the moments! Like its crazy how much I feel like we’ve grown up from Junior High when we first met!

    Yeah! :D I cant wait! And I’m really hoping that Criminal Justice works out for me :) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to work with the blood and bodies and yeah c: like a morgue would do ^^

    Aw! That’s awesome you are going to college! Are you chilling in a dorm? I’m hoping to dorm with my friend Jasmine! I cant waaaaaaait :D The area that OSU is located that I want to go to is surprisingly small because everyone wants to go to campus and we don’t wanna go there, and the dorms are flipping huge. Like, they are the size of a medium sized apartment! Even the student count is very small, my high school has about 3,000 kids, and this campus has about the same amount O_o its awesome I think.


    Your Frankie <3 ~

    PS - what are you doing for Christmas? :D

    PSS - did you see MCR on Yo Gabba Gabba? XD
    December 21st, 2011 at 02:09am
  • Kateland c:

    Kateland c: (100)

    United States
    Dearest Baby Mama,

    Its okay! Haha. I’ve been M.I.A. a lot too. I’m trying to get my life in order c: and then my computer decides to shit out, BUT! My mommy just fixed it so yaaay c:

    I’m applying to Ohio State University for Criminal Justice :D

    That amazing! I bet college is awesome! Are you going to the one college up in Ohio like you wanted to? Ya know, with all of us lovers :)

    You’re so welcome! :D and yeah! Keep me updated girlfriend!

    I love you more!

    Frankieeee C:
    December 21st, 2011 at 01:51am