VampireKisses / Comments

  • ooo, ive missed our conversations.
    its a good thing you got internet back today, cos its my 16th birthday!
    yay me!
    um yeah, the whole telling my boyfriend thing aint gonna happen seeing as how we broke up and i seriously want to slap him right now...s
    but yeah i am going to just think about it for awhile before i tell eanyone, thank
    when i was little me and my friends all thought we were in a wolf pack and would chase the other kids around while growling at them....
    i love twin boys, but not in the really creepy way.
    i just like symatry.
    to tell you the truth i dont really want to have kids, cos the idea of something so tiny and fragile groeing inside of me really freaks me out.
    so at most i only want one of my own kids.
    but i know i want to adopt, but not babies, they get addopted too much.
    i want to adopt teenagers. im just cool like that...
    August 5th, 2008 at 06:47am
  • That kinda sucks, but hopefully you'll have good luck in your new house! Be sure to tape a clover on the window pane to ward off evil spirits.... unless you want them......

    I'm reading Dance with a Vampire now..... Sorry, it's random, but your username reminded me..... And if you have no idea what I'm talking about then just ignore this last part....
    July 28th, 2008 at 06:35pm
  • hey,
    just so you know, part 2 of lady killer has been put up.
    theres a link to it on my profile if you'd like to read.


    July 22nd, 2008 at 05:37pm
  • yeah that secod ghost would have scared me too.
    yeah and when i was little my best friend was a vegitarian so i wanted to be one but then i was like "but the chicken!" and gave up on that idea...
    also when i was little i wanted to be a wolf and would always act like one.
    then i thought i was a cat in a past life cos i act like a cat a lot.
    but i think i would want to be a chincilla cos they're nocternal and really fast and really good climbers.
    I'm starting to forget what I've asked you already.
    I don' think i asked this yet...
    What is your biggest fear?
    my biggest phobia is bieng on a boat, period.
    But lately ive been having all of these wierd feelings and i think i might be bi and my boyfriend has allready told me that after his last bi girlfriend he doesnt want to date bi people anymore so i'm scaed shit-less to tell him that...
    July 19th, 2008 at 09:37pm
  • Really? Are you moving to a different place or just moving to a different room like me?

    Downloads have always been too tempting for me.... I'll bring up one band on the iStore and before I know it I have like hundreds of dollars worth of songs..... Checking out is much cheaper! :)
    July 18th, 2008 at 04:59pm
  • it attually is a god question...
    yeah i love writting too but i think its all crap and mostly its fan fiction but my friend kristina said that one of my harry potter stories (back during harry's parents days and it has a vamire) and one of y originals (based around me and my friends and some others in an asylum) were both really good and funny.
    hayden wants to be an author too, he's a really good writter. so are you.
    yes i do believe in ghosts and i have seen one before but it wa really wierd.
    i was ten and on my way to summer cam and the bus drove by some forests and some creepy lady (think tia dalma from pirates of the carrabian) was standing infront o them just chanting in some language with a really creepy voice. i was like she was screaming but still sounded like a whisper.
    and it happened before pirates of the carrabean even came out so i know it wasn't coming from that.
    Are you a vegitarian by any random chance?
    i am not but the only meat i do eat is chicken and tacos, cos i would die wthout them...
    and i type a lot too
    July 17th, 2008 at 11:57am
  • lol yeah...
    i attually found ur question hilarious idk why tho... just "do you read?"
    it might just e the fact that ive been up for almost 24 hours tho...
    yeah i love stephenie meyer and i read a lot its just that thats the only author that i have ever read more than one book by...
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    I want to own a coffee shop which one of my best friends kristina said she would co-own with me.
    July 17th, 2008 at 11:26am
  • lol, im gonna have fun on youtube later...
    its 5:10 in the morning here theres like a 4 hour time difference between u but im not sure whos a head of who.
    yeah i own all of the movies except benny and june.
    when i was on vacation our tv broke and got stuck on boomerang and it was having a marathon of all of scooby doo so i gos to see all the shows and the movies, i lov shaggy.
    My favorite candy is monds cos i like dark chocolate and dont like almonds...
    What is your favorite beverage?
    mine is coffee, all th way...
    i wish i had some now, but if i go out to get some then my mommy will know that im still up and will get pissed...
    July 17th, 2008 at 11:12am
  • holy fuck, that is one girly dude.
    yeah im decently close to my sister but shes in the army and got transfered to kentuck (i live in new jersey) so i dont talk to her a lot.
    my top three movie would have to be
    1.Sweeney Todd the deamon barber of fleet street
    2.Pirates of the carrabean (all three and i cant spell)
    3.Benny and Joon
    all jonny depp and one tim burton, lol
    Who is your favorite childhood cartoon character?
    mine is tigger, cos hes cool like that...
    July 17th, 2008 at 10:49am
  • thats a dude?
    my favorite band is my chemical romance, im kinda an obsessed fangirl...
    Do you have any sibblings?
    I have a sister, a brother in law, two step sisters and a step brother.
    July 17th, 2008 at 10:06am
  • my mom loves bones and the fewtimes ive seen it i liked it.
    i feel really stupid saying this but i have never even heard of jrock or jpop, so i supoose that answers that.
    Do you have any pets?
    I have a chinchilla, two cats, three dogs, a hamster, and a fish and my sister has three cats.
    July 17th, 2008 at 08:38am
  • i would have to say that jonny depp has won my heart, but i also love mandy patankin (if you've ever seen the princesse bride he played inigo montoya or he played th main guy on criminal minds)
    yeah i play this game with everybody i meet on miba,is fun.
    What is your favorie non anime show?
    mine is either viva la bam or greek
    July 17th, 2008 at 06:40am
  • yeah i was tempted to watch full meal panic after ifinish ed full metal alchemist but then was distacte by something shiny....
    most of my friends love bleach but i just can't get into it...
    andi have never attually met anybody who has attually seen black cat...
    i have seen the nme a few times but thats it.
    time for the random question game...
    we go back and forth asking questions but you also he t answer your own questions.
    So what is your favorie color?
    mine are black and red
    July 17th, 2008 at 04:48am
  • yeah when i fist started watching deth note my one frind kept tyin tell me everyone who died just ofeak me out, but i didnt hich pssed him off,so finially im just like "dude, its DEATH note, that pretty much means tha people are going to die"
    but yeah, my top 5 aimes are :
    ouran high school host club
    death note
    full metal alchemist
    and naruto

    what about you?
    July 16th, 2008 at 08:42pm
  • Yeah, I know how that is....

    Plus I've been really busy moving into my basement and whatnot..... And getting new old music at the library where I work..... Mum gets made at me cause I bring home like five CDs every time I work....
    July 8th, 2008 at 04:45pm
  • yeah, i'm a yaoi girl.
    but thats not the only reason i like the twins.
    light is cool when he shows his evil side, but he is the reason that L dies.
    ...i really hope you hve gotten tha far in he series.
    other wise,
    but yeah i jut finished the series like two nights ago and the ending is sooo cool.
    matsuda got me to hte him slightly less.
    i hate him, a lot....
    July 8th, 2008 at 06:45am
  • Thanks....

    Haha, I have about three hundred halfway done.... my motivation is seriously lacking....
    July 6th, 2008 at 10:42pm
  • I must say I love your profile and agree with almost everything on there..... although I don't really watch TV except for Reaper....

    Anyway, I'm really here cause I just want to thank you for your comment on my short story..... I know I'm a little late but..... I was reading (and working, cause I had to go or else I'd be fired....).... I'm sure you understand.... Anyway, thanks again!
    July 4th, 2008 at 06:52pm
  • my favorite hosts are the twins but hunny is a close second.
    and i love L to no end.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:42am
  • NP :)
    July 1st, 2008 at 04:56pm